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Social and Political Sciences, Philosophy, and Anthropology

Past events

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24 March 202515:30

EGENIS seminar: "Building Corrective Citizenship in Corporate Pig Farms: Biosecurity, Precarity and Labour's Health in Post-African Swine Fever China", Dr Kin Wing (Ray) Chan (The Royal Agricultural University)

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17 March 202515:30

EGENIS seminar: "When Having a Skill is Having Understanding: A Pragmatist Account of the Epistemology of Scientific Imagination" Dr Michael Stuart (University of York)

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12 March 202510:45

CRPR Seminar - Carol Morris & Catherine Price - UK farmer framings of biochar

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12 March 202510:45

CRPR Seminar

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10 March 202515:30

EGENIS seminar: "Dissipative structures gone rogue" with Dr Clair Quentin (University of Kent)

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3 March 202515:30

EGENIS Panel Discussion: "The Self in the Context of Medicalization" with Dr Hannah Farrimond and Prof Joel Krueger (University of Exeter)

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24 February 202515:30

EGENIS seminar: "Mind Matters: A Sociology of Dementia Diagnosis" Dr Alexandra Hillman (University of Exeter)

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19 February 202515:30

Philosopher Seminar Spring 2024: "Racialization: Causal and Metaphysical " Kal Kalewold (Philosophy Lecturer, University of Leeds)

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19 February 202510:45

CRPR Seminar - Elise Wach - Just Common Ground?

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17 February 202515:30

EGENIS seminar: "Transformations in Regulation", Emeritus Professor Christopher Hodges (University of Oxford)

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10 February 202515:30

EGENIS seminar: "The Futility of AI Ethics" Dr Tyler Brunet (University of Exeter)

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3 February 202515:30

EGENIS seminar: "Haunted by dreams of a Tuscan castle, or conferences as sites of governance" Dr Robert Smith (University of Edinburgh)

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29 January 202510:45

CRPR Seminar - Andy Gray, Farm Wilder - Food and Farming; how did we get here and where are we going?

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20 January 202515:30

EGENIS seminar: "Comparing multiple inaccessible systems through biological modeling: The case of cellular anthropology", Dr Yoshinari Yoshida (University of Exeter)

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11 December 202410:45

Tim Brooks

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9 December 202415:30

Panel Discussion Event: Breaking Dualisms Across Egenis

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2 December 202415:30

EGENIS seminar: "Doing Cell Biology: the value of process thinking " Prof James Wakefield (University of Exeter)

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25 November 202415:30

POSTPONED. EGENIS seminar: Dr Robert Smith (University of Edinburgh)

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20 November 202410:45

CRPR Seminar - Dr Elise Wach, Research Advisor, Institute of Development Studies

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20 November 202410:45

Elise Wach

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18 November 202415:30

EGENIS seminar: "From welfare to tenant state? State-tech relations in an age of AI" Prof Lina Dencik (Goldsmiths, University of London)

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11 November 202415:30

EGENIS seminar: "We, the Data: Human Rights in the Digital Age" Prof Wendy Wong (University of British Columbia)

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4 November 202415:30

EGENIS seminar: "Re-centring disease control: How the FDA animal rule is remaking the more-than-human geographies of drug discovery and development " Prof Gail Davies (University of Exeter)

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30 October 202410:45

CRPR Seminar

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30 October 202410:45

CRPR Seminar - Francesca Vaghi – University of Glasgow

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21 October 202415:30

EGENIS seminar: "Towards a participatory ethics of sentience" Dr Laura Candiotto (University of Pardubice)

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9 October 202410:45

CRPR Seminar - Robin Ravilious

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7 October 202415:30

EGENIS seminar: "Striving for Presence on a Hospital Ward: Phenomenology & Re-Embodiment for a Nurse-Operated Telepresence Robot" Prof Luna Dolezal (University of Exeter)

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4 October 202414:00

Workshop: Phenomenology: Past Insights and Modern Applications

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30 September 202415:30

EGENIS seminar: "Medical reasons to promote epistemically just interactions in healthcare" Prof Lisa Bortolotti (University of Birmingham)

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23 September 202415:30

EGENIS seminar: "Themes from Inference and Representation", Prof Mauricio Suarez (Complutense University of Madrid)

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11 September 202419:00

Building resilient rural communities: is there a looming rural mental health crisis?

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12 - 13 August 20249:30

Workshop "Philosophy of the Paleosciences"

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10 June 202415:30

EGENIS seminar: "Rethinking Epidemic Narratives: Combining Historical and Ecological Methods in the Anthropocene", Dr Emily Webster (Durham University)

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3 June 202415:30

CANCELLED. EGENIS seminar "What Makes an Experiment Beautiful?", Dr Milena Ivanova (University of Cambridge)

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3 - 4 June 2024TBC

Introduction to R-Studio

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22 May 202410:45

Jonathan Baker, Defra

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20 May 202415:30

EGENIS seminar: "When Infant Mortality Was Born: Dutch Preventive Child Health Care without the State, 1890-1930", Martijn van der Meer & Noortje Jacobs (Erasmus MC)

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15 May 202413:00

Understanding social group memberships from short texts

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13 May 202415:30

CANCELLED - EGENIS seminar: "Themes from Inference and Representation" Prof Mauricio Suarez (Complutense University of Madrid)

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13 - 14 May 20249:00

Embodiment, Experience, Enculturation: A joint Philosophy conference between the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and the University of Exeter

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8 May 202410:45

Becky Willson, Farm Carbon Toolkit

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8 May 20249:30

The Elections Centre: Spotlight on the local elections 2024

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29 April 202415:30

EGENIS seminar: "Tactical reporting, actionability and uncertainty in the genomic clinic ", Prof Adam Hedgecoe (Cardiff University)

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24 - 25 April 2024TBC

Web-scraping with Python and Introduction to text data with Python

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22 - 23 April 2024TBC

Introduction to Python and Python for Data Analysis

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17 - 19 April 20249:15

Understanding Life in a Changing Planet: 20+2 Years of Egenis, the Centre for the Study of the Life Sciences

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16 April 202417:00

Exeter Science and Technology Studies (STS) Network Social

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27 March 202415:30

CES seminar: Danielle Hipkins

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25 March 202415:30

EGENIS seminar: "Are biopsychological theories addiction biased, prejudicial and harmful to drug users? Yes", Dr Lee Hogarth (University of Exeter)

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21 March 202413:00

Practicing listening and responding through the body w/choreographer Jane Mason

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20 March 202415:30

CES seminar: Sanja Vico

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19 March 202413:00

Workshop: “Mind and science in the early modern world”

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18 March 202415:30

EGENIS seminar: "Plants as instruments of knowledge in early modern natural philosophy", Dr Oana Matei (Vasile Goldis Western University of Arad)

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13 March 202415:30

CES seminar: James Mark

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13 March 202413:45

The enclosure of knowledge: Books, power and agrarian capitalism in Britain 1660-1800

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11 March 202415:30

Egenis/IDSAI seminar: "Machine Learning in science: Dimension of understanding", Dr Emily Sullivan (Eindhoven University of Technology)

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6 March 202415:30

CES seminar: Lise Herman

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4 March 202415:30

EGENIS seminar: "Policymaking in a Catastrophe: A Precautionary Approach?" with Dr Lucie White (Utrecht University)

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28 February 202415:30

CES seminar: Harry West

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26 February 202415:30

EGENIS seminar: "Open to Whom? And for What?: Emerging issues in open movements, digital heritage collections and the life sciences", Dr Andrea Wallace (University of Exeter

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21 February 202415:30

CES seminar: Dario Castiglione

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21 February 202410:45

Between Scales, Subjectivities and Species: Towards a political ecological theory of futurity in agri-food systems

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19 February 202415:30

EGENIS/GSI seminar: "Un/doing Time in the Anthropocene", Fiona Schrading (Art Academy Düsseldorf)

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12 February 202415:30

EGENIS seminar: "The Facts Speak for Themselves: Climate Science as Contested Knowledge" Dr Susannah Crockford (University of Exeter)

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7 February 202415:30

CES seminar: Mike Melidis

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5 February 202415:30

CANCELLED - EGENIS seminar: "Post-ASF Chinese Corporate Pig Farms: Pathogenic Risk, Microbiome and Toxicity of Labour Health " Dr Kin Wing (Ray) Chan (University of Exeter)

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31 January 202413:15

CES seminar: Isabelle Rueda

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31 January 202410:45

Katharina Graf - University of Frankfurt

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29 January 202415:30

EGENIS seminar: "Testosterone Epistemologies: In search of epistemic systems through knowledge practices" Dr Sophie Juliane Veigl (University of Vienna)

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24 January 202415:30

CES seminar: Joasia Luzak

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24 January 202415:00

Exeter Q-Step Relaunch and Networking Event

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22 January 202415:30

EGENIS seminar: "Knowing Citizen Science. Social epistemologies (and epistemic practices) in a national Citizen Science competition in Germany", Dr Julie Sascia Mewes (Museum für Naturkunde Berlin)

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17 January 202415:30

CES seminar: Sally Faulkner

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15 January 202415:30

Egenis/IDSAI seminar: “Data Science and Statistics for the Public Good? A Discussion with the Office for Statistics Regulation”, Edward Humpherson and Prof Sabina Leonelli

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8 January 202415:30

EGENIS seminar: POSTPONED "Mopping up the mainstream: on the turfing of clinical genomics", Prof Adam Hedgecoe (Cardiff University)

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13 December 202315:30

CES Webinar: Florian Stoeckel

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13 December 202310:45

Harry G West

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4 December 202315:30

EGENIS book launch/seminar: "A History of Genomics Across Species, Communities and Projects’", Dr Miguel García-Sancho (University of Edinburgh) & Dr James Lowe (University of Exeter)

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29 November 202314:00

CES Webinar: Irene Fernandez-Molina

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29 November 202313:00

Utilising Textual Data in Crime Analysis: Insights from the Sex Market and Public Reactions to Crime on Twitter

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27 November 202315:30

EGENIS seminar: "The Role of Automated Review within the Paradigm of Inclusive Science", Dr Vlasta Sikimić (University of Tübingen)

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22 November 202315:30

CES Webinar: Alice Moseley

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22 November 202310:45

Rosie McVey

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20 November 202315:30

EGENIS seminar: "Forests as Technologies", Prof Jennifer Gabrys (University of Cambridge)

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14 November 202313:30

CES Webinar: David Monciardini

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13 November 202315:30

EGENNIS seminar: "Interdisciplinarity, co-production and responsible innovation: from tick box to critical friendship", Dr Eleanor Hadley Kershaw (University of Exeter)

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8 November 202310:00

Maps in Stata

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7 November 202313:30

CES Webinar: Alison Harcourt

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6 - 7 November 20239:00

Joint workshop “Philosophy of AI and Digital Infrastructures”

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1 November 202315:30

CES Webinar: Sandra Kröger

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1 November 202310:45

Allan Butler

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30 October 202315:30

CANCELLED. EGENIS seminar: "What Makes an Experiment Beautiful? ", Dr Milena Ivanova (University of Cambridge)

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25 October 202315:30

CES Webinar: Mihail Danov

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22 October 202320:00


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22 October 202317:00


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20 October 20238:30

Workshop: Interdisciplinary perspectives on Cultures of Changes around Non-Animal Methods (NAMS) in the Biomedical Sciences

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19 October 202315:30

EGENIS seminar: The ‘First Line of Evidence’: Case Reports in Emergency Situations. Prof Rachel Ankeny (University of Adelaide)

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17 October 202318:00


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16 October 202315:30

EGENIS seminar: "Lambs to the scanner: high-throughput phenotyping in post-Brexit British livestock farming", Dr Hugh Williamson (University of Exeter)

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14 October 202313:30


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11 October 202310:45

Rebecca Laughton

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10 October 202318:00


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2 October 202315:30

EGENIS seminar: "The New N=1 Problem", Dr Carlos Mariscal (University of Navada, Reno)

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18 September 202315:30

EGENIS seminar: "Radioisotopes, electrophoresis, and the Third World: a global look into biomedicine", Prof Edna Suárez-Diaz (Universidad Autónoma de México)

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2 August 202312:00


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1 August 202312:00


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29 July 202312:00


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25 July 202318:00


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14 July 202311:00

Science in Public Early Career Workshop

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11 July 202318:45


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29 - 30 June 2023TBC

NCRM Mixed Methods Workshop

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26 - 27 June 20239:00

Workshop: Reconciling New Mechanism and Processualism

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23 June 202315:15

Egenis book launch: Drawing Processes of Life, Molecules, Cells , Organisms. Gemma Anderson and John Dupre (University of Exeter)

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19 June 202315:30

EGENIS seminar: "Cloud Coyotes in Los Angeles", Prof Christopher Kelty (University of California, Los Angeles)

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19 June 202311:00

Egenis: Second discussion session on American Metabolism with Hannah Landecker (UCLA)

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16 June 202315:00

Egenis: First discussion session on American Metabolism with author Hannah Landecker (UCLA)

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14 June 202310:30

Kreseda Smith - Agricultural Crime as an additional Stressor for Farmer Mental Health and Wellbeing

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12 June 202315:30

Egenis Book launch: Mind as Metaphor, by Adam Toon—with a response by Professor Daniel D. Hutto (University of Wollongong)

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8 - 9 June 202312:00

Workshop - Past Material, Past Minds: Philosophy, Cognition & Archaeology

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5 June 202315:30

POSTPONED. EGENIS seminar: Dr Susannah Crockford (University of Exeter)

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31 May 202310:30

Andrew Jones - The need for interdisciplinary approaches toward research into farming

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22 May 202315:30

EGENIS seminar: "The Invention of Biodiversity as a Conceptual Tool for Science Communication", Stefan Bargheer (Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies)

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17 May 202310:30

Alessandro Guglielmo - Cheese, maggots, and multi-species bodies. The decay of more-than-human health in rural Sardinia

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15 May 202315:30

POSTPONED. EGENIS seminar: Prof Jennifer Gabrys (University of Cambridge)

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3 May 202310:30

Jed Hilton and Robin Burrow - Suffering, Respect, and Identity in High End Kitchens

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28 April 20239:30

Ocean Waves, Ocean Science, Ocean Media - Stefan Helmreich

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27 - 28 April 202310:30

International Workshop - Values at sea: Science Studies meets Marine Biology

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25 April 202318:45


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18 April 202318:00


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17 - 27 April 2023TBC

NCRM 2nd Annual Exeter Spring Computational Communication Science School

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31 March 202316:30

Is Open Science Good for Research?

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30 March 202318:00

Can I Trust Science?

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30 - 31 March 20239:30

Workshop "Whither Open Science?"

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29 March 202310:30

CRPR Seminar - Farming in the shadow of violent organizations: Understanding farmers’ place shaping in socio-ecological crises

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29 March 202310:00

Reading Group Democracy in Europe

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28 March 20239:00

Workshop: Community Engagement as Scientific Practice

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15 March 202312:00

CANCELLED: Workshop: Perspectives on Scientific Practice

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15 March 202310:30

CRPR External Seminar

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14 - 15 March 2023TBC

Brexit Britain - A divided nation?

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13 March 202315:30

EGENIS seminar: “Social Practices as Biological Niche Construction”, Prof Joseph Rouse (Wesleyan University)

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6 March 202315:30

EGENIS seminar: "Are continuity claims a challenge to medical classification?", Prof Lara Keuck (Max Planck Institute for the History of Science) and Dr Ariane Hanemaayer (Brandon University)

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20 February 202315:30

EGENIS seminar: "Stylistic Pluralism and Its Discontents", Dr Matteo Vagelli (Ca' Foscari University of Venice/Harvard University)

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13 February 202315:30

EGENIS seminar: "Managing Medical Authority: How Doctors Compete for Status and Create Knowledge", Daniel Menchik (University of Arizona)

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8 February 202314:00

Institutional Ethnography: A Feminist Approach to Analysing Institutions Using Texts

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8 February 202310:30

CRPR External Seminar

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7 February 202319:00

FOOD ON FILM: Come back anytime + intro

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6 February 202315:30

EGENIS seminar: "Climate, Fertility and Heredity in Airs Waters Places ", Prof Rebecca Flemming (University of Exeter)

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31 January 202318:00

FOOD ON FILM: Tampopo (18) + intro

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30 January 202315:30

EGENIS seminar: "Pain and suffering: Racialized immigrant women’s compliance and defiance to psychiatric discourses and treatments in Canada", Dr Shahina Parvin (Brandon University)

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25 January 202318:15

FOOD ON FILM: Blind ambition (12A) + intro + wine tasting workshop

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25 January 202310:00

Reading Group Democracy in Europe

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23 January 202315:30

EGENIS seminar: Extraordinary moments of coronavirus crisis and Brexit seen through the lens of a new interactive art exhibition, Prof Katharine Tyler (University of Exeter) & Helen Snell (artist in residence, Torbay & South Devon NHS Foundation

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14 December 202210:30

CRPR External Seminar

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12 December 202215:30

EGENIS seminar: "Algorithmic fairness and decision thresholds", Kate Vredenburgh (LSE)

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2 December 202215:00

BOOK Launch: Towards Responsible Plant Data Linkage: Data Challenges for Agricultural Research and Development

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30 November 202210:00

Reading Group Democracy in Europe

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28 November 202215:30

EGENIS seminar: "Climate Trauma and the Virtue of Cooperation", Rachel Elliott (Visiting researcher, University of Exeter)

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28 November 202214:00

Q-Step Work in Progress (WIP) Seminar: Michele Scotto Di Vettimo

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23 November 202210:30

CRPR External Seminar

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22 November 202214:00

Q-Step Work in Progress (WIP) Seminar: Simge Andi & Travis Coan

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21 November 202215:30

EGENIS seminar: "Give me a phenomenon to observe, and an intervention precise enough, and I can find the mechanism", Caterina Schürch (Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich)

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16 November 202214:00

Q-Step Work in Progress (WIP) Seminar: Alexey Bessudnov

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14 November 202215:30

EGENIS seminar: "MSM face barriers? The politics of biomedical non-use in English discourse", Mr Adam Christianson (Wellcome Doctoral Candidate, Goldsmiths, University of London)

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7 November 202215:30

EGENIS seminar: "How to Incorporate Non-Epistemic Values in a Theory of Classification", Marc Ereshefsky (University of Calgary)

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2 November 202214:30

Decolonising Quantitative Teaching

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2 November 202210:30

CRPR External Seminar

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31 October 202215:30

EGENIS seminar: "AI in Medicine: Finding equilibrium in global data capture", Prof Robin Pierce (University of Exeter)

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26 October 202210:00

Reading Group Democracy in Europe

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25 October 202219:30

The Truffle Hunters and Introduction

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18 October 202219:30

First Cow Introduction Taster Box

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17 October 202215:30

EGENIS seminar: "Data Integration without Unification", Beckett Sterner (Arizona State University)

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10 October 202215:30

EGENIS seminar: "The Disunity of Science and Unity of the World", Prof John Dupré (University of Exeter)

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6 - 7 October 2022TBC

PGR and ECR Conference for Sociology, Philosophy, Anthropology and Politics: Collaboration and Empowerment

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5 October 202213:00

Suffrage, Turnout and the Household: The Case of Early Women Voters in Sweden

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12 September 202215:30

Seminar: Linking health and social data for research: the CIDACS experience in Brazil

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6 September 202218:00

Evening tour of St Nicholas Priory Museum - FULLY BOOKED

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7 July 202216:00

Thomas Winzen (presenter) and Frank Schimmelfennig: Do Citizens Support the Differentiated Integration of Their Country?

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6 - 8 July 2022TBC

BSPS Annual Conference 2022

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30 June 202215:00

Maria Dede (presenter) and Sandra Kröger: Economic integration, sovereignty, and democracy: How British business assess the trade relationship with the EU and its trade-offs

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28 - 30 June 2022TBC

Philosophy and Psychedelic Studies – Hybrid Conference for Emerging Scholars

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25 May 202210:00

PGR conference, Political Studies in a Digital Age.

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25 May 202210:00

PGR conference, Political Studies in a Digital Age.

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25 May 202210:00

PGR conference, Political Studies in a Digital Age.

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20 May 20229:30

One-day Research Workshop on “Conditions of Autonomy – Legal, Political, Philosophical Perspectives”

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10 May 202218:30

Politics Movie Screening Series - In the Loop (2009)

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6 - 7 May 202213:00

Academic Life and Interdisciplinarity: Learning from Experience

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27 - 28 April 202214:00

Workshop on 'The UK – a case of democratic backsliding?'

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6 - 14 April 2022TBC

NCRM UoE Computational Communication Methods Spring School - APPLY NOW

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31 March 202218:00

Politics Final Year Celebration: Alumnus Talk & Drinks Reception

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21 March 202215:30

EGENIS seminar: "An Impossible Science? The quest for biomedical measurement and clinical management in pain medicine", Dr Ariane Hanemaayer (Brandon University)

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16 March 202213:45

Book launch of ‘Flexible Europe’

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14 March 202215:30

EGENIS seminar: "The Risk of Biological Race Realism", Dr Celso Neto (University of Exeter)

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11 March 202213:00

'Group identities and strategic discrimination' presented by Dr Dominik Duell, University of Innsbruck

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8 March 2022TBC

Politics Movie Screening Series - RBG (2018)

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3 March 20229:00

'The 4D Project: a holistic response to climate misinformation' presented by John Cook, Monash University

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28 February 202215:30

EGENIS seminar: "Madness, dictatorship and utopia. The case of the "protected community" inside the El Peral Psychiatric Asylum, 1983-1999", Dr Cristian Montenegro (University of Exeter)

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24 February 202214:00

Di Garage featuring Professor Christopher Lord on ‘Benchmarking Brexit against the Norwegian model’.

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24 February 202214:00

'Microtargeting: Reverse engineering of an ethical conundrum' presented by Prof Stephan Lewandowsky (University of Bristol)

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23 February 202215:30

Reading Group on Democracy in Europe

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21 February 202215:30

EGENIS seminar: "The International Space Station as a Platform for Plant Biology: Institutionalising a Research Community", Dr Paola Castaño (University of Exeter)

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3 February 202214:00

Di Garage featuring Alexander Schilin: Still in the same boat? Studying the effect of constitutive norms on differentiated integration in EMU during the sovereign debt crisis

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31 January 202215:30

EGENIS seminar: "Environmental health and the protection of P. oceanica; developing an intersectional approach for more-than-human categorization", Dr Jose Canada (University of Exeter)

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26 January - 30 March 202212:45

Reading Group in Political Theory

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25 January 202218:30

Politics Movie Screening Series - 12 Angry Men (1957)

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25 January 202215:00

Reading Group on Democracy in Europe

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24 January 202215:30

EGENIS seminar: "A New Tuskegee? Unethical Human Experimentation and Western Neocolonialism in the Mass Circumcision of African Men", Dr Brian Earp (University of Oxford)

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9 December 2021TBC

Di Garage featuring Dr Lisanne de Blok, Dirk Leuffen, et al. on ‘Public support for Differentiated Integration: Does Institutional Design Matter?

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8 December 202115:00

Guest research seminar - Dr Inge Graef

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30 November 202116:00

Reading Group on Democracy in Europe

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29 November 202115:30

EGENIS seminar: "A Spinosaurus Tail Tale: Underdetermination, Capacities & Historical Knowledge", Dr Adrian Currie (University of Exeter)

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23 November 202111:00

South West Doctoral Training Programme (SWDTP): Using the Understanding Society study for longitudinal research

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23 November 20219:00

Exeter Q-Step/NCRM Introduction to Nvivo for Social Scientists

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22 November 202115:30

EGENIS seminar: "Demonstrations, Definitions and Newton’s Experimental Philosophy", Dr Kirsten Walsh (University of Exeter)

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16 November 202118:30

Politics Movie Screening Series - Do the Right Thing (1989)

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8 November 202115:30

EGENIS seminar: "Out of control: creating reliable data in the laboratory", Dr Stephan Guttinger (University of Exeter)

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4 November 202114:00

DI Garage featuring Dr Sandra Kröger and Dr Thomas Loughran on ‘The limits of support for differentiated integration as perceived by academic experts’.

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28 October 202112:30

Political Theory Reading Group: Three pieces by Frederick Douglass

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27 October 202115:00

Q&A with Exeter MP Ben Bradshaw about Brexit

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25 October 202115:30

EGENIS seminar: "Quality judgment in data production processes: two case studies on economic and health data", Dr Quentin Dufour (Mines ParisTech)

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25 - 29 October 20219:30

NCRM Research Methods Festival: 25-29 October 2021

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21 - 22 October 2021TBC

InSPAration: “Research impact in a digital culture”, (SPA) student PGR conference

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14 October 202112:30

Political Theory Reading Group: Pauline Kleingeld, ‘On Dealing with Kant’s Sexism and Racism’

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13 October 202115:30

Online launch of Ross Carroll's new book

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11 October 202115:30

EGENIS seminar: Tracking a Concept through a Medical Humanities Perspective: The Strange Case of the “Parthenos” , Dr Eftihia Mihelakis (Brandon University)

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4 October 202115:30

EGENIS seminar: "From pluripotent stem cells to human embryos", Dr Ge Guo (University of Exeter)

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27 September 202117:00

Ethics and Philosophy of Medicine Virtual Seminar Series - The Emergng Challenges in Global Philosophy

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13 September 202110:00

Centre for Political Thought Online Workshop: Two new problems of intergenerational justice

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8 September 2021TBC

Uncovering and Understanding the Far-Right Online Ecosystem - Online symposium

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7 July 202114:00

South West Doctoral Training Programme (SWDTP): Secondary analysis of cross-national, comparative survey data webinar

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6 July 202110:00

InSPAration Impact and Dissemination workshop

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23 June 202112:30

ONLINE Seminar - Constructing Mental illness and Criminal Responsibility in Capital Cases: Psychiatric expertise, Folk Psychology, and the Power of Stereotypes

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23 - 25 June 2021TBC

The 8th Biennial Regulatory Governance Conference sponsored by the ECPR Standing Group on Regulatory Governance.

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14 June 202113:00

University of Exeter Workshop on Media and UK Elections

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9 June 202112:30

ONLINE Reading Group session on Republicanism(s)

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7 June 202110:00

EGENIS seminar: "Ferrets Here and There: Global Development of Experimental Practices for Influenza Modelling", Prof Rachel Ankeny (University of Adelaide)

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2 June 202114:00

Women Candidates Use More Positive Language than Men Candidates in Political Campaigns

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27 May 202116:00

Humanitarian Ethics seminar series - Responding to Medical Humanitarian Crises in COVID-19 Times

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26 May 202114:00

Negativity in Politicians' Communication during Campaign and Regular Times

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19 May 202114:00

A Cross-National Analysis of the Effect of Parties' Characteristics on Affective Polarization and Interpersonal Trust

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17 May 202115:30

EGENIS seminar: "Making up publics: configuring expertise, knowledge and ignorance in environmental research", Prof Judith Green (University of Exeter)

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12 May 202114:00

When (not) to trust the overlap in confidence intervals: A practical guide

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5 - 7 May 2021TBC

Philosophy of Plant Biology Workshop

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26 April 202115:30

EGENIS seminar: "Regulating the Circulation of Knowledge across US Borders: A transnational approach" Prof John Krige (Georgia Institute of Technology)

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14 - 16 April 2021TBC

Conference: The Philosophy of Psychedelics: Exploring Frameworks for Exceptional Experience

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8 April 2021TBC

COVID and Euroscepticism

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30 March 2021TBC

Democratic backsliding in Hungary

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29 March 2021TBC

EU’s democratic deficit on their Democracy in the European Union

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26 March 202114:00

Towards Responsible Plant Data Linkage: Global Challenges for Food Security and Governance - Session 4 & Conclusion: Social challenges of data linkage

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23 March 202117:00

Humanitarian Ethics seminar series - Digital health certificates for Covid-19: implications for data privacy and human rights

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22 March 202115:30

EGENIS seminar: Exploring the Easter E.g. - Shifting Baselines and Changing Perceptions of Cultural and Biological "Aliens" Prof Naomi Sykes (University of Exeter)

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19 March 202114:00

Towards Responsible Plant Data Linkage: Global Challenges for Food Security and Governance - Session 3: Governance Challenges of Data Linkage

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15 March 202115:30

EGENIS seminar: "Hard Knock Life: Concussion, Dementia and Sport" Dr Greg Hollin (University of Leeds)

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12 March 202114:00

Towards Responsible Plant Data Linkage: Global Challenges for Food Security and Governance - Session 2: Technical Challenges of Data Linkage

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12 March 202112:30

Symposium on 'The Privatised State' - Chiara Cordelli

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10 March 202116:30

Patriarch, Populism and the Pandemic - Women activists fighting discrimination

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8 March 202115:30

EGENIS seminar: "AI Extenders and the Ethics of Mental Health" Dr Karina Vold (University of Toronto)

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8 March 2021TBC

European Citizens' Initiative on their Democracy in the European Union

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5 March 202114:00

Towards Responsible Plant Data Linkage: Global Challenges for Food Security and Governance - Introduction & Session 1: Experiences from The Trenches

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1 March 2021TBC

Seminar on populism and national political parties including interviews with Ben Bradshaw and Alison Harcourt

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1 March 2021TBC

Seminar on populism and national political parties including interviews with Ben Bradshaw and Alison Harcourt

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22 February 202115:30

EGENIS seminar: "Data through time: Figuring out the narrative self in longitudinal research" Prof Jane Elliott (University of Exeter)

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15 February 202115:30

EGENIS seminar: Book Launch: 'The Rise of Autism: Risk and Resistance in the Age of Diagnosis' Dr Ginny Russell (University of Exeter)

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15 February 2021TBC

Seminar on Europarties on their Democracy in the European Union

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8 February 202115:30

EGENIS seminar: "The Politics of Scientific Pluralism in Global Perspective" Dr David Ludwig (Wageningen University & Research)

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29 January 20219:00

Philosophy of Coordination

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14 December 202015:30

EGENIS seminar series: "Emotions online: What are they, and what can they do for us?" Dr Anna Bortolan (Swansea University)

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7 December 202015:30

EGENIS seminar: "Signalling, Solidarity, and Strategic Delusions", Dr Daniel Williams (University of Cambridge)

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30 November 202015:30

EGENIS seminar: "An ethnography of metagenomics: Preliminary Results and Next Steps" Dr Roberta Raffaeta (Alma Mater University of Bologna)

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23 November 202015:30

EGENIS seminar series: "Cognitive Science Goes Green: The Quest for Plant Intelligence", Prof Paco Calvo (University of Murcia)

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16 November 202015:30

EGENIS seminar: "A Candyman in Letchworth: Making Human Environments Liveable", Prof Des Fitzgerald (University of Exeter)

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11 November 202015:30

Understanding the relationships between risk factors, intersectional identities and criminal career trajectories: A multilevel approach

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9 November 202015:30

EGENIS seminar: "Intercultural dialogue and learning across difference in traditional fishing communities using the partial overlaps methodology" Charbel El-hani (University Federal da Bahia)

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4 November 202012:30

Professor Jonathan Wolff University of Oxford: 'An Ethical Framework for Global Vaccine Allocation'

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28 October 202012:30

Political Theory Reading Group

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26 October 202015:30

EGENIS seminar: "The Spaces In Between: What geographic data can and cannot tell us about the past" Prof Leif Isaksen (University of Exeter)

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26 October 2020TBC

Alison Harcourt interviews Lord Andrew Adonis "Brexit: Will it ever get done?"

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19 October 202015:30

EGENIS seminar: "Social practices, contested values. Forensic genetics innovations for policing" "Dr Matthias Wienroth (University of Northumbria)

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14 October 202012:30

Political Theory Reading Group

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9 October 202014:00

"COVID Societies: What is the place of the social sciences and humanities in pandemic times?"

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5 October 202015:30

EGENIS seminar: "Processual Empiricism the COVID-19 Era: Rethinking the research process to avoid dangerous forms of reification" Prof John Dupre and Prof Sabina Leonelli (University of Exeter)

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5 - 9 October 2020TBC

Egenis Studies of COVID

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9 September 202015:00

Establishment Relations and Fatherhood Wage Premiums

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30 July 202011:00

"Do Not Feed the Animals?"

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3 July 202015:30

Book Launch: Data Journeys in the Sciences

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1 July 202013:00

Data Analysis and visualisation with Python

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24 June 202013:00

Introduction to Python for Social Scientists

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19 June 202015:30

POSTPONED. EGENIS seminar series / book launch: Prof Sabina Leonelli (University of Exeter)

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8 June 202015:30

POSTPONED. EGENIS seminar series: Dr Marta Halina (University of Cambridge)

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3 June 202013:00

Longitudinal Data Analysis

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20 May 202015:30

RIP Seminar Series

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18 May 202015:30

CANCELLED. EGENIS seminar series: Prof Alison Wylie (University of British Columbia)

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15 May 202013:00

An Introduction to Open-Source Intelligence and its practical applications - ONLINE Workshop

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13 May 202015:30

SPA Seminar Series: Dr Emilia Sanabria (Paris)

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12 May 202014:00

Bayesian analysis with JAGS/Topics in Bayesian analysis - ONLINE Workshop

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11 May 202015:30

RIP Seminar Series: Emily Thomas (Durham): Time and Subtle Pictures in the History of Philosophy

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11 May 202014:00

Introduction to Bayesian analysis - ONLINE Workshop

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4 May 202015:30

POSTPONED. EGENIS seminar series: Exploring the Easter E.g. – Shifting Baselines and Changing Perceptions of Cultural and Biological ‘Aliens’, Prof Naomi Sykes (University of Exeter)

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27 April 202015:30

POSTPONED. EGENIS seminar series: Prof Carole McCartney (Northumbria University)

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23 March 202015:30

POSTPONED. EGENIS seminar series: "Beliefs, Signals, and Groups" Dr Daniel Williams (University of Cambridge)

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18 March 202015:30

CANCELLED: Understanding the relationships between risk factors, intersectional identities and criminal career trajectories: A multilevel approach

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16 March 202015:30

CANCELLED. EGENIS seminar series: Dr Matthias Wienroth (Newcastle University)

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11 March 202015:30

SPA Seminar Series: Dr Orestis Palermos (Cardiff University)

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10 March 202014:00

CANCELLED - Hope and Despair: Presidents, Prime Ministers, Populists, Polarization and Mass Democratic Accountability in Challenging Times

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9 March 202015:30

CANCELLED. EGENIS seminar series: Prof Leif Isaksen (University of Exeter)

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4 March 202013:00

Data Analysis with R for Social Scientists

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2 March 202015:30

RIP Seminar Series: Al Wilson (Birmingham): Emergent Contingency

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24 February 202015:30

CANCELLED. EGENIS seminar series: Dr Gregor Greslehner (University of Bordeaux/CNRS)

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17 February 202015:30

EGENIS seminar series: "Using open data to define problems: How residents, policymakers, and engineers approach open government data" Dr Caitlin Donahue Wylie (Virginia University)

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13 - 14 February 202014:00

Research Workshop on “The nature and transformation of contemporary political regimes: Sino-European perspectives”

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12 February 202015:30

SPA Seminar Series: Dr Iza Kavedzija (Exeter): The attitude of gratitude: Inhabiting the moment with older Japanese

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10 February 202015:30

EGENIS seminar series: "Plant Phenome", Dr Ozlem Yilmaz (University of Exeter)

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7 February 202015:30

Geographical and Place-based dependence in multilevel models

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5 February 202015:30

SPA Seminar: Laura Kotevska (Sydney) "The First Rule of Geometers: Arnauld and Nicole on Definition"

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5 February 202013:00

Introduction to GIS

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30 January 20209:00

Analysing ambiguity: understanding and managing complexity in the professional environment

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15 January 202015:30

SPA Seminar Series: Professor Graham Scrambler (UCL)

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15 January 202013:00

Introduction to R for Social Scientists

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13 January 202015:30

EGENIS seminar series: "Open Knowledge Institutions: Is there a future for the university in a networked world?" Prof Cameron Neylon (Curtin University)

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8 - 9 January 20209:30

Turning the Mirror: From Scientific Pluralism to Pluralism in HPS

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6 January 202015:30

RIP Seminar Series: Haixin Dang (Leeds): Consensus and Disagreement in Science

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16 December 20199:30

"AI between Plant and Agricultural Science: Green Paths towards Environmental Intelligence"

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9 December 201915:30

EGENIS seminar series: Book Launch "Badgers and Bovine TB: Past, Present and Future", Dr Angela Cassidy (University of Exeter)

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3 December 201912:30

Introduction to LaTex

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27 November 201912:30

Elena Gadjanova -Title tbc.

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25 November 201915:30

POSTPONED - Egenis seminar series: Prof Leif Isaksen (University of Exeter)

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22 November 201915:30

Data Analysis & Q-Step Alumni Careers Q&A Discussion

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20 November 201910:30

Who do we think you are? Detecting salient identities in text

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13 November 201915:30

SPA Seminar Series: Dr Beth Singler (University of Cambridge): “Blessed by the Algorithm”: Artificial Intelligence, Aspirations, and Agency

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12 November 201913:00

Ronald KREBS (University of Minnesota) - Title tbc

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11 November 201915:30

EGENIS seminar series: "Offerings and Interruptions: co-creating with life" Heather Barnett (University of the Arts London)

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8 November 201915:30

The case against perfection in the mean: Why it is time for an individualised approach to evidence for education

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6 November 201913:00

Data Analysis and visualisation with Python for Social Scientists

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6 November 201910:30

Worlds Colliding: Examining the social networks and linguistic patterns of a merging organization through email

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4 November 201915:30

RIP Seminar series: Anna Alexandrova (Cambridge): Happiness and Technocracy

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30 October 201913:00

CAIS meeting

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29 October 201913:00

When politics and diplomacy collide; the conflict spiral in the Cuban Missile Crisis 1962

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28 October 201919:00

Customization and output legitimacy in the European Union

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28 October 201915:30

EGENIS seminar series: "Connecting the plots: 176 years of Long-term Experiment data and samples" Richard Ostler (Rothamsted Research)

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23 October 201912:30

Stephane Baele, Gregorio Bettiza, and Todd Hall (Oxford) - Emotions Entrepreneurs in World Politics

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21 October 201915:30

EGENIS seminar series: 'The coordinative function of cultural conventions', Prof Marc Slors (Radboud University)

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14 October 201915:30

EGENIS seminar series: "Cultivating Bioscience Image: A New Approach to Understanding the Life Sciences and Life Science Education as Participatory Visualisation Process" David Hay (King's College London)

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9 October 201912:30

Beverley Loke - China, the US and the Politics of Hegemonic Ordering in East Asia.

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7 October 201915:30

RIP Seminar: Sam Wilkinson (Exeter): What are we doing when we call someone mentally ill?

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2 October 201915:30

SPA Seminar series: Professor Cristina Grasseni (Leiden University) "The politics of raw-milk cheese in the food heritage arena"

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2 October 201913:00

Introduction to Python for Social Scientists

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30 September 201915:30

EGENIS seminar series: “Evolution evolving”, Prof John Dupre (University of Exeter)

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27 September 201915:30

Debate with your lecturers!

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25 September 201916:00

Religion and US Foreign Policy in a Postsecular World: Book Launch followed by Reception

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17 - 19 September 201911:00

Welcome Week Events and Schedule

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12 September 201914:00

Politics of Wonder: Difference and Dignity in Nature and Society

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9 - 13 September 201911:30

Q-estival 2019: People, Data and Society

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25 July 201913:00

Understanding women's mental health across the lifecourse

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16 July 201911:15

Class of 2019: Summer Graduation Ceremony for Politics and IR graduates

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15 July 201917:30

Keynote Lecture - Animal Research Unbound: The Messiness of the Moral. Lesley A. Sharp (Barnard College, Columbia University)

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15 - 16 July 20198:30

"Animal Research Unbound" Conference

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27 - 29 June 2019TBC

European Society for Central Asian Studies 2019 Conference (ESCAS)

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24 June 201915:30

EGENIS seminar series: "On the Nature and Intelligibility of Medical Knowledge and Practitioners", Prof Dr Hakan Ertin

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24 June 2019TBC

Institute of Coding Summer School 2019 at the University of Exeter

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20 - 21 June 2019TBC

"Science and Values" Integrated History and Philosophy of Science Workshop

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18 June 201918:00

Athanassios Gouglas: Party Change in Europe since 1945

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17 June 201915:30

EGENIS seminar series: "Public Health, Biopolitics, Security", Ariane Hanemaayer (Brandon University, Canada)

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13 June 201912:30

The Rise of ‘Populist Internationals’?: Exploring Transnational Activism from Left to Right

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12 June 201916:00

Louise Richardson-Self: Offensiphobia is a Red Herring

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10 June 201915:30

EGENIS seminar series: "An empirical challenge for scientific pluralism – Alternatives or Integration?" Sophie Juliane Veigl (University of Vienna, Austria)

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5 June 201913:00

CANCELLED: Introduction to SQL for Data Science

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4 June 201918:00

Lamprini Rori: Mapping the European far right in Europe.

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3 June 201914:00

CAIS/ SSI Workshop: Reinventing Grand Strategy

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31 May 2019TBC

Ian J. Kidd (Nottingham): 'Pathophobia, Vices, and the Awfulness of Illness'

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29 May 201914:00

When States Come Out: Europe's Sexual Minorities and the Politics of Visibility. Talk by Phillip M. Ayoub, PhD Associate Professor of Diplomacy and World Affairs, Occidental College

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23 - 24 May 20199:00

New Foundations of Dispositionalism

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22 May 20199:30

Inner Speech, Self-talk and Mental Health

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20 May 201915:30

EGENIS seminar series: "Assembling the Dinosaur" Lukas Rieppel (Brown University, USA)

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16 - 17 May 2019TBC

Making SPAce: Sociology, Philosophy and Anthropology (SPA) student PGR conference

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7 May 201918:00

Sandra Kröger: Membership in the EU post Brexit

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30 April 201915:30

Mog Stapleton (Edinburgh): 'Enacting Education'

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17 April 201913:00

Detecting trolls on Reddit: Introduction to Computational Text Analysis and Supervised Machine Learning in R

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15 April 201915:30

EGENIS seminar series: "Developing a cross cultural comparison of child mental health: stories from the field", Dr Ginny Russell, Dr Abby Russell & Daisy Elliott (University of Exeter)

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29 March 2019TBC

Alastair Wilson (Birmingham): 'Emergent Contingency'

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28 March 201917:00

Brexit Politics Staff/ Student Event

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28 March 201913:00

Pizza and Politics – PGR Seminar Series - Rebecca Baker

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27 March 201912:30

Sally Murani on Rogers Brubacker

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25 March 201915:30

EGENIS seminar series: "Citizen-Led Science and Participatory Science and Technology Studies" Dr Ernesto Schwartz-Marin (University of Exeter)

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21 March 201912:00

Pizza and Politics – PGR Seminar Series - Andreas Karoutas

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20 March 201913:30

Longitudinal Data Analysis for Social Scientists

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20 March 201912:30

Giovanni Navarria

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18 March 201915:30

EGENIS seminar series: "Epigenetic Variables and Postgenomic Influences", Dr Lara Choksey (University of Exeter)

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14 March 201912:00

Are you listening? Crisis Negotiation Skills with Deborah Goodwin OBE

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13 March 201915:30

Seminar Series - “Can genetics tell us anything about voting patterns, including Brexit?”

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13 March 201912:30

Ed Langley on David Graeber and George Ellis on Stokely Carmichael

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12 March 201918:00

Nicole Bolleyer: Shrinking Space for Civil Society in Europe? National Approaches to the Legal Regulation of Organized Civil Society.

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11 March 201915:30

EGENIS seminar series: "Responsible Futures:Industrial Biotechnology and the Challenge of Responsible Innovation", Dr Achim Rosemann (University of Exeter)

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6 March 201914:00

Departmental Seminar : Professor Lea Ypi, London School of Economics, Irregular migration, adverse possession, and the justification of the right to exclude

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6 March 201913:30

Data Analysis with R for Social Scientists

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6 March 201912:30

Yuqing Cai on Joseph R. Levenson and Antonia Alecu on Peter Digeser

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5 March 201913:00

Gender, Sexual Orientation and Stereotypes: Challenges for Lesbian and Gay Candidates

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4 March 201915:30

SPA Seminar Series: Dr Geoff Hughes (University of Exeter) - "Cracks in the Screen: Technology, Media Liberalization and Authority in Networked Jordan"

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1 March 2019TBC

Jessica Isserow (Leeds): Pluralism about Moral Worth

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27 February 201915:30

Seminar Series - “Measuring global gender inequality indicators using large-scale online advertising data”

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27 February 201912:30

Dan Allum-Gruselle on Tocqueville

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25 February 201915:30

EGENIS seminar series: “The Greenpeace Research Laboratories and the role of science within a global environmental campaigning organisation”, Dr David Santillo (Greenpeace Research Laboratories, University of Exeter)

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21 February 201913:00

Pizza and Politics – PGR Seminar Series - Nick Dickinson

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20 February 201912:30

Joshua Dare on William Morris and David Farmer on Michael Sandel

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18 February 201915:30

EGENIS seminar series: "Linnaeus in Lapland: Generating Knowledge in Transit" Dr Staffan Müller-Wille & Prof Elena Isayev (University of Exeter)

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13 February 201915:30

Seminar Series - 'Religious decline in the West: Unravelling age, period and cohort effects'

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12 February 201918:00

Alison Harcourt: Brexit and the Single Digital Market.

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11 February 201915:30

EGENIS seminar series: "Who is Afraid of Mimesis?", Dr Chiara Ambrosio (University College London)

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7 February 201913:00

Pizza and Politics – PGR Seminar Series - Hannah Willis

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6 February 201913:00

Introduction to Discourse Network Analysis (DNA)

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6 February 201913:00

Cake for Comments series: Thomann, E. Deruelle, T. and O. James

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6 February 201912:30

Christopher Richardson on Robert Nozick and Marina Lademacher on Iris Marion Young

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4 February 201915:30

SPA Seminar Series: Dr Kirsten Walsh (University of Exeter) - "Newton’s Metaphysics in Practice"

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30 January 201912:30

Ollie Dunn on Tom G. Palmer's "Are Patents and Copyrights Morally Justified?" and David Chalmers on Frederic Bastiat's "The Law"

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30 January 2019TBC

Liam K. Bright (LSE): Formal Africana Philosophy and Cosmopolitan Decolonisation

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29 January 201918:00

Michael Winter: The implications for CAP and the farming sector

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28 January 201915:30

"Receiving an Autism Spectrum Disorder diagnosis for a child: a longitudinal interview study on parents’ experiences" Delphine Jacobs (KU Leuven, Belgium)

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24 January 201913:00

Pizza and Politics – PGR seminar Series - Virginia Thomas

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23 January 201913:00

Network Analysis for Social Scientists

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21 January 201915:30

"The Art of Moving in Biology", Janina Wellmann (Leuphana University of Lüneburg)

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14 January 201915:30

"Expressivism about the Attribution of Mental Illness" Dr Sam Wilkinson (University of Exeter)

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9 January 201913:00

Introduction to R for Social Scientists

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19 December 201813:00

Cake for Comments Series: Nicole Bolleyer, Professor of Comparative Politics, “The ‘Shrinking Space’ for Civil Society in Europe: Drivers and Consequences”

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10 December 201816:30

Panel discussion: Under threat: the challenge to human rights with the rise of nationalism and ‘extremisms’

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10 December 201815:30

POSTPONED "Linnaeus in Lapland: Generating Knowledge in Transit" Dr Staffan Müller-Wille & Prof Elena Isayev (University of Exeter)

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5 December 201816:30

Roundtable: Human Rights and the Care of the Self

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5 December 201814:00

Sentiment Analysis/Career as a Data Scientist

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5 December 201814:00

Departmental Research Seminar: 'Corporate and Public-Private Authoritarian Practices', Professor Marlies Glasius, University of Amsterdam.

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5 December 201813:00

Cake for Comments series: Bice Maiguashca, Senior Lecturer

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4 December 201815:30

Seminar Series - 'From riot police to tweets: How world leaders use social media during contentious politics'

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3 December 201815:30

SPA Seminar series: Dr Andrew Edgar (Cardiff University)

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29 November 201813:00

Pizza and Politics – PGR seminars

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28 November 201812:45

Lise Herman (Exeter) and Russell Muirhead (Dartmouth): The role of pluralist commitments and partisan agency

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26 November 201815:30

"Fragile cultures and unruly matters: the role of microbial lives in collaborative knowledge practices in synthetic biology", Dr Sally Atkinson & Prof Susan Molyneux-Hodgson (University of Exeter)

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21 November 201813:00

CAIS Brownbag Seminar: Elena GADJANOVA – Pride, patronage, or policies? Mechanisms behind the politicization of ethnicity in the context of competitive elections in Africa

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21 November 201813:00

Cake for Comments series: Dr Matthias Dilling (University of Oxford), Parties under pressure: Organization, Factionalism, and Adaptability of Western European Christian Democracy

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21 November 201812:45

Clive Barnett: The Priority of Injustice

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19 November 201815:30

"Squandered value? How to overcome the challenges of joining up government data for statistics and research", Ed Humpherson & Catherine Bromley (UK Statistics Authority)

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14 November 201819:00

Can the UK be a world leader? Why a new Environment Act is needed now

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14 November 201815:30

Seminar Series - 'Connected networks, wellbeing and the power of representation: Qualitative and quantitative evidence from Facebook and social network data'

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14 November 201812:30

Yutao Zhao: TBD

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12 November 201815:30

"Creativity as Strategy", Dr Adrian Currie (University of Exeter)

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7 November 201813:00

Cake for Comments series: Sam Power, Lecturer in Politics, Kate Dommett (Sheffield), Lecturer, and Patrick Seyd (Sheffield), Emeritus Professor

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7 November 201813:00

CAIS Brownbag Seminar: Brieg POWELL – Multiplicity of the Social and Temporal: How Multiplicity, IR, and Historical Sociology Can Help Each Other.

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7 November 201813:00

Data Analysis with Python for Social Scientists

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7 November 201812:45

Sven Altenburger: The Civic Duty of Military Service

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5 November 201815:30

SPA Speaker Series: Professor Susie Scott (University of Sussex) and Professor John Scott

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31 October 201812:45

Richard Seaford on Castoriadis and The Greek and Modern Political Imaginary

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29 October 201815:30

"Inductive risk in framework shifts: the case of cultural evolution", Azita Chellappoo (University of Cambridge)

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24 October 201815:00

POSTPONED: Carole Pateman: Fifty Years of Political Theory

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24 October 201813:00

Cake for Comments series: Dr Liam Weeks (Lecturer in Politics, University College Cork), 'Parliaments without parties’.

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17 October 201813:00

CAIS Brownbag Seminar: Jörn EGE – The Policy Influence of International Secretariat.

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17 October 201812:45

Kristen Walsh: The Darker Side of Baconianism

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15 October 201811:00

The Tyranny of Distance: Assessing and Explaining the Apparent Decline in U.S. Military Performance

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10 October 201816:00

Joint Book Launch: Trumping the Mainstream and Council Democracy

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10 October 201813:00

Introduction to Python for Social Scientists

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10 October 201813:00

Cake for Comments series: Dr Lise Herman, ‘Parties in the age of democratic crisis’ [book proposal]

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10 October 201812:45

Robert Lamb: Pragmatism and Human Rights

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8 October 201815:30

"Tasting like a cheese. Lactic ferments, cheese specificity and the making of the dairy industry", Dr Elise Tancoigne (University of Geneva)

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3 October 201813:00

Introduction to Python for Social Scientists

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3 October 201813:00

CAIS Brownbag Seminar: Gregorio BETTIZA – State Might and the Almighty: Exploring State Power through Religion in 21st World Politics

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3 October 201812:45

Iain Hampsher-Monk: In Defense of Rhetoric

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27 September 201818:30

Politics Speed and IR Careers Speed Networking

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2 August 201811:00

"The future(s) of open science", Philip Mirowski (University of Notre Dame)

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25 July 201818:30

WCCEH Event: An alternative to diagnosis?

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18 - 25 July 2018TBC

The ninth annual ECPR Summer School on Interest Group Politics

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11 June 201815:30

"Phage therapy, or how to think about the complex assemblages of humans and microbes" Dr Charlotte Brives (Bordeaux)

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6 June 201812:00

Public Policy Seminar Series: Oliver James and Duncan Russel

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24 May 20189:00

The German Revolution and the Radical Democratic Imaginary

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22 May 20189:00

Challenging Dominant Discourses: Feminist Conversations Across Political Science and Political Theory

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16 May 201814:30

Politics Departmental Research Seminar (Term 3). Professor Sara Hobolt, LSE: 'Divided by the Vote: Affective Polarization in the Wake of Brexit'

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16 - 17 May 201814:00

Political and Philosophical Traditions in Comparison: Sino-European Dialogues on Liberty, Government and Community

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11 May 201814:00

Guest speaker - Professor Charis Thompson: On the Posthuman in the Age of Automation and Augmentation

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10 - 11 May 2018TBC

Social Sciences Graduate Conference

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9 May 201810:15

Centre for Advanced International Studies (CAIS) workshop: World Order(s) in Crisis?

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27 April 201816:30

Politics PGR Research Seminar Series: Presentation by Adrian Colston

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20 April 201816:30

Politics PGR Research Seminar Series: Presentation by Rebecca Baker

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17 April 201813:00

Cake for Comments Series: Anika Guaja (University of Sydney)

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11 April 201813:00

Cake for Comments Series: Alice Moseley (Exeter), Alistair Clark and Emily Rainsford (Newcastle), Stuart Wilks-Heeg (Liverpool)

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29 March 201816:00

Q-Step: Multilevel Modelling

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26 March 201815:30

"Turning Science into Legal Data: Where is the Invention in Patent Law?" Hyo Yoon Kang (University of Kent)

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23 March 201816:30

Politics PGR Research Seminar Series: Presentations by Francesca Farmer and Torill Stavenes

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21 March 201814:00

Politics Departmental Research Seminar (Term 2) - Professor Milja Kurki, Aberystwyth University: 'Sovereignty’s Unseen Battle Battalions: Democracy Support as a Practice of Sovereignty'

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21 March 201813:00

Cake for Comments Series: Benjamin Lyons, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Exeter

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21 March 201812:30

Public Policy Seminar Series: Oliver James, Professor of Politics

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21 March 201812:30

CAIS Brownbag Seminar: Saipira FURSTENBERG & John HEATHERSHAW – Forms of State Repression and Practice in an Age of Globalisation: The Case of Central Asian Political Exiles.

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21 - 23 March 20189:00

Process Biology: Final Conference of the ERC Project ‘A Process Ontology for Contemporary Biology’ Prof John Dupre

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20 March 201818:30

War and Peace in the 21st Century

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19 March 201818:00

“The Battle for Syria” – Public Lecture by Dr Christopher Phillips (University of London)

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19 March 201815:30

"Tasting like a cheese. Lactic ferments, cheese specificity and the making of the dairy industry" Elise Tancoigne (University of Geneva)

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9 March 201816:30

Politics PGR Research Seminar Series: Presentation by Milka Ivanovska Hadjievska

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8 March 201815:30

Q-Step: Text Analysis - Python

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7 March 201817:00

POSTPONED: "Animals and the Shaping of Modern Medicine" Dr Angela Cassidy (University of Exeter)

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7 March 201812:00

Special workshop on Spaces of Conflict, Security and Development

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6 March 201811:30

Q-Step : Agent-based modeling

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27 February 201811:30

Q-Step : Network Analysis

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26 February 201815:30

POSTPONED - Dr Sarah Chaney (Queen Mary University of London)

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23 February 201816:30

Politics PGR Research Seminar Series: Presentation by Nick Dickinson, PhD Candidate

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21 February 201812:30

CAIS Brownbag Seminar: Bice MAIGUASHCA – Feminism In and Against Neoliberalism

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20 February 201817:00

Q-Step: Longitudinal Data Analysis

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19 February 201815:30

"Trees as keys, ladders, maps: A revisionist history of early systematic trees" Petter Hellström (Uppsala University, Sweden)

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14 February 201812:30

Public Policy Seminar Series: Michael Winter, Professor of Land Economy and Society

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12 February 201815:30

"History of continuous culture techniques and their promise of directed evolution" Gabriele Gramelsberger (RWTH Aachen)

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9 February 201816:30

Politics PGR Research Seminar Series: Presentation by Natália de Almeida Moreno, visiting researcher

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8 February 201818:30

The Italian national elections 2018: What is at stake?

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7 February 201813:00

Patricia Correa, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Exeter

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7 February 201812:30

Public Policy Seminar Series: Sandra Kröger, Senior Lecturer in Politics

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7 February 201812:30

CAIS Brownbag Seminar: Aneta BROCKHILL – Title tbc

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6 February 201811:30

Q-Step: Data Analysis - Python

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5 February 201815:30

Liz Irvine (Cardiff University) “Interaction, Minds and Meaning in Pragmatics”

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31 January 201812:45

Brexit: Understanding, Legitimacy and Implications

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31 January 201811:30

CAIS Brownbag Seminar: Janyl MOLDALIEVA (UNU-MERIT) – Playing the “Game” of Transparency and Accountability: The Agency of Communities in Kyrgyzstan’s Natural Resources Governance

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30 January 201811:30

Q-Step : Designing Experiments

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29 January 201815:30

"Culture, ‘mental’ illness, and embodiment: Survey evidence of helpful and harmful effects of fiction-reading for eating disorders" Dr Emilly Troscianko (University of Oxford)

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24 January 201813:00

Cake for Comments Series: Nicole Bolleyer, Professor in Politics, Exeter; Valeria Smirnova, University of Dusseldorf; Fabrizio di Masco, University of Turin and Alessandro Natalini, Parthenope University

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22 January 201815:30

"Disturbances of We-Intentionality in Schizophrenia and Autism: An Initial Comparison" Dr Alessandro Salice (University College Cork)

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17 January 201812:30

Public Policy Seminar Series: Alison Harcourt, Professor of Politics

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17 January 201812:30

CAIS Brownbag Seminar: Delacey TEDESCO – Fashioning Spatiotemporal Politics in an Urban World.

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10 January 201815:30

"Objectivity and the reconstruction of life’s past" Edna Suárez-Díaz (The National Autonomous University of Mexico)

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8 January 201815:30

Francois Ribac (Université de Bourgogne) “Performing Arts and Music in the Anthropocene Era: issues and perspectives”

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15 December 201716:30

Politics PGR Research Seminar Series: Presentation by Amina Ghezal, PhD Candidate

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11 December 201715:30

“What is an Ethical Autism Research Culture?” Chloe Silverman (Drexel University, USA)

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8 December 201716:30

Politics PGR Research Seminar Series: Presentation by William King, PhD Candidate

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7 December 201716:30

Q-Step: Collecting Social Media Data

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6 December 201715:30

"Put more Ph into a biomedical Phd!" Prof Giovanni Boniolo (University of Ferrara, Italy)

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6 December 201714:30

Governance in Turbulent Times – and how to deal with it

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6 December 201713:00

Cake for Comments Series: Giulia Bazzan, Visiting PhD Candidate

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6 December 201712:45

Political Theory Reading Group: Daniel Kapust (University of Wisconsin)

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6 December 201712:00

Catarina Thomson: Foreign Policy Attitudes and Security Policy Preferences in the United Kingdom: Applying Latent Class Models to Elite and General Audience Samples.

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4 December 201715:30

Matt Dawson (University of Glasgow) “Morality as Rebellion: Towards a Partial Reconciliation of Bauman and Durkheim”

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30 November 201714:30

Q-Step : Designing Experiments

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29 November 201712:45

New Approaches to Political Cohesion in Democratic Processes

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24 November 201716:30

Politics PGR Research Seminar Series: Presentation by Andreas Karoutas, PhD candidate (Political Theory)

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22 November 201713:00

Cake for Comments Series: Amy McKay, Senior Lecturer in Politics, and Antal Wozniak, Research Fellow in Politics

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22 November 201712:45

Political Theory Reading Group: Robert Lamb (Exeter)

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22 November 201712:30

Public Policy Seminar Series: Roberto Baldoli and Claudio Radaelli

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22 November 201712:00

Alex Prichard - The Virtues of Anarchy Reconsidered: On Waltz, the Kantian Moralist of Anarchy.

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20 November 201715:30

"From A Glance to Insider View: Researching English Football Fans" Dr Jessica Richards (University of Sydney, Australia)

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20 November 201711:30

Q-Step: Intro to Python

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15 November 201717:30

Carne Ross to introduce screening of The Accidental Anarchist (2017)

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15 November 201717:30

Carne Ross to introduce free screening of The Accidental Anarchist (2017), plus Q&A afterwards

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15 November 201712:30

Public Policy Seminar Series: Sarah Cooper, Lecturer in Politics & Claire Dunlop, Professor of Politics and Public Policy

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14 November 201712:45

Political Theory Reading Group: Peter Stone (Trinity):

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13 November 201715:30

"Embryo in Silico: Time-lapse Embryo Imaging and the Datafication of Reproduction" Lucy Van De Wiel (University of Cambridge)

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10 November 201716:30

Politics PGR Research Seminar Series: Presentation by Rebecca Mavin, PhD Candidate in Politics (Security, Conflict and Justice)

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9 November 201716:30

Q-Step: Data visualisation in R

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8 November 201713:00

Cake for Comments Series: Prof Clare Saunders, Professor of Environmental Politics, Politics Cornwall

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8 November 201712:45

Political Theory Reading Group: Teresa Bejan (Oxford)

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8 November 201712:00

Shahar HAMEIRI (University of Queensland) – International Intervention and Local Politics

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6 November 201715:30

Andreas Kapardis (University of Cyprus) “The Jury Criminal Trial: A Concept Fraught with Contradictions and an Uncertain Future? A Psycho-Legal Perspective”

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2 November 201713:53

Why scientists should embrace nonviolent praxis

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1 November 201712:00

Irene Fernandez-Molina – A Neighbourhood Issue? Mediation and Conflict Management by Regional Actors in the Libyan Civil War or The Multilevel Politics of Recognition in Protracted/Frozen Conflicts.

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26 October 201716:30

Q-Step: Data management in R

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25 October 201713:00

Cake for Comments Series: Eva Thomann, Senior Lecturer in Public Policy

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25 October 201712:45

Political Theory Reading Group: James Muldoon (Exeter)

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25 October 201712:30

Public Policy Seminar Series: Angela Cassidy, Lecturer in Politics

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18 October 201716:30

Stephen Thorpe "'Art worlds' and 'art fields' in relation to his own practice and the contemporary London art scene"

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18 October 201712:45

Political Theory Reading Group: Elena Isayev (Exeter)

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18 October 201712:30

Public Policy Seminar Series: Eva Thomann, Senior Lecturer

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18 October 201712:00

Owen THOMAS – Troops on Trial: Responding to the UK’s Armed Forces Juridification Crisis.

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16 October 201715:30

"The Dynamic Present and the Primacy of Process" Antony Galton (University of Exeter)

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11 October 201713:00

Cake for Comments Series: Nicholas Dickinson, PhD Researcher in Politics, Exeter ,and Felix Christopher von Nostitz, Teaching Fellow, University of Lille

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11 October 201712:45

Political Theory Reading Group: Sarah Drews Lucas (Exeter)

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10 October 201714:30

Professor Arjen Van Wittlestoojn Tilburg University, Tilburg, The Netherlands; Antwerp Management School, University of Antwerp

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9 October 201715:30

“An Ethical Approach to Genomic Analysis and Data Sharing” Caroline Wright (UoE)

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4 October 201712:45

Political Theory Reading Group: Martin Moorby (Exeter)

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3 October 201714:00

Professor Arjen Van Wittlestoojn, Tilburg University

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27 September 201713:00

Cake for Comments Series: Dr Eleanor Gao, Lecturer in Middle Eastern Politics, IAIS

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27 September 201712:45

Political Theory Reading Group: Robin Durie (Exeter)

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18 September 201715:30

Annemarie Jutel (Victoria University of Wellington) “To be a Sociology of Diagnosis or Not to Be: Disciplines,

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11 September 201715:30

"Phenomenological Bioethics: Medical Technologies, Human Suffering, and the Meaning of Being Alive" Prof Fredrik Svenaeus (Södertörn University, Sweden)

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6 - 9 September 2017TBC

EPSA17 - European Philosophy of Science Association Conference

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25 July 201713:00

Cemap/Q-Step 'Cake for Comments' Session

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13 July 201710:30

Global China Seminar Series - Roundtable on Chinese One Belt One Road Initiative

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30 June 20179:15

Collecting and Analysing Social Media Data

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12 June 201715:30

POSTPONED. Thinking Like a Cheese: Towards an Ecological Understanding of the Reproduction of Knowledge in Contemporary Artisan Cheesemaking - Harry West (University of Exeter)

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12 June 201711:00

DOCTORAL CONFERENCE: Civil Society, State and Democratic Politics: Challenges and Opportunities

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25 May 2017TBC

'Process Epistemology' (A workshop with Bill Bechtel)

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23 May 201716:00

John Heathershaw’s new monograph Dictators without Borders: Power and Money in Central Asia (co-authored with Alexander Cooley)

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22 May 201715:30

"Structure vs. Process: A Reconciliation (?)" Steven French (University of Leeds)

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22 May 201714:00

Exeter MPA External Speaker Series: Transparent and Open Government

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16 May 201711:00

Trump's 2016 Victory: Rethinking Theories of Ad Persuasion

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15 May 201715:30

"Publics, Sciences, Citizens: Triviality, Aesthetics and Abduction" Mike Michael (University of Exeter)

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11 May 201714:00

Professor He Baogang : The Authoritarian and Democratic Pathways to Meritocratic Political Rule: What Can We Learn from China?

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10 May 201713:00

2017 SPA PGR Conference Keynote: Professor Alesandra Tanesini (University of Cardiff): Collective amnesia and epistemic injustice

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10 May 2017TBC

POSTPONED - BSA Regional Postgraduate Event: Medical Interpreting under a Sociological Lens

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9 - 10 May 20179:30

2017 SPA PGR Conference

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8 May 201715:30

Roman Frigg (LSE) “How Models Represent”

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4 May 201717:00

Global governance in Autocratic Context: The Implementation of EITI in Kazakhstan

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3 April 201715:30

Isaac Ariail Reed (Virginia) “Chains of Power and Their Representation”

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30 March 201719:00

“The end of the world?': 2017 Existential Risk symposium"

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27 March 201715:30

Jackie Leach Scully (Newcastle) “On Strange Ground: Narrative Vulnerability and Identity Repair”

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20 March 201714:30

"Digital Infrastructure Innovation Dynamics, Computing in the Small, in the Large, and at Scale" Dr Carsten Sorensen (LSE)

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16 March 201717:00

PGR-seminar: PhD-student in Politics, Nicholas Dickinson presents his paper:Advice-Giving and Party Loyalty: An Informational Model for the Socialisation Process of New British MPs

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13 March 201715:30

"On Being Schizophrenic: Diagnosis and the Medicalisation of Experience" Dr Ashley Tauchert

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9 - 10 March 20179:00

"Organisms: Living Systems and Processes" workshop

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3 March 20179:30

Network Analysis

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3 March 2017TBC

Food and Circular Economy South West: All Partners Workshop

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27 February 201715:30

CANCELLED - Hyo Yoon Kang (University of Kent)

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24 February 20179:30

Analysing Text as Data

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20 February 201715:30

Rachel Cooper (Lancaster) “The Normal and the Pathological”

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17 February 20179:30

Data Visualisation in R

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13 February 201715:30

"Antigone's forensic DNA database. The Politics of 'futile' technologies & the search for the disappeared in Mexico" Ernesto Schwartz-Marin (Durhan University)

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10 February 20179:30

Presenting and Visualising Regression Results

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10 February 2017TBC

Food and Circular Economy South West: All Partners Workshop

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9 February 201717:00

PGR Seminar: Dr. Huseyn Aliev ( Post-doc) Blood Revenge and Violent Mobilization: Evidence from the Chechen Wars

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3 February 20179:30

Data Analysis in R

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24 January 20171:30

Getting into the PR and Media sector

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23 January 201715:30

"Old cases as new research objects: On biomedical uses of the past" Lara Keurk (Humboldt University of Berlin)

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20 January 20179:30

Introduction to R

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11 - 13 January 201712:30

"Data Journeys in Biomedicine: Data Use, Research Translation and the Management of Infrastructures"

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9 December 201612:30

Qualtrics surveys and survey experiments

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8 - 9 December 201610:00

CBMNet ‘Social and Political Challenges for the Bioeconomy’ Organiser: Susan Molyneux-Hodgson

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6 December 201611:30

Dr Keith Howe: Farming on Exmoor: Towards Brexit

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5 December 201615:30

Marcel Boumans (Utrecht) “Science Outside the Laboratory”

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29 November 20169:30

"Breaking Boundaries Symposium" Andy Clark (University of Edinburgh) and John Dupre (University of Exeter)

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28 November 201615:30

Andy Clark (Edinburgh) "Busting Out – Two Takes on the Predictive Brain"

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21 November 201615:30

"The emotional life of the laboratory dog: W. Horsley Gantt and the conditional reflex method" Edmund Ramsden (Queen Mary, University of London)

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18 November 201616:00

"The Monist entitled: Fiction, Depiction, and the Complementarity Thesis in Art and Science" Elay Shech (University of Auburn)

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14 November 201615:30

"Transnational “Truth machine”? Challenges of forensic DNA databases" Helena Machado (University of Coimbra)

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1 November 201611:30

Mr Gavin Huggett (SIP Project Manager): The Sustainable Intensification Research Platform: One Year to Go (barring any SIP-ups)

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31 October 201615:30

"Evoluntionary Processes", Prof John Dupre (University of Exeter)

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24 October 201615:30

"Explaining the global warming “hiatus": models, measurements and media", Wendy Parker (Durham University)

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24 October 201614:00

Jonna Vuoskoski (Oxford) & Sarah Wilson (SMART Project, London) “ Music, Empathy, and the 'Aesthetics' of Wellbeing: Perspectives from Music Psychology and Music Therapy”

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20 October 201616:30

Book launch - "CyberGenetics - Health genetics and new media" Anna Harris, Susan Kelly and Sally Wyatt

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17 October 201615:30

"Knowing Animal Health in the Environment: contesting bovine TB and British badgers since c. 1965" Angela Cassidy (University of Exeter)

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13 October 201617:30

What I did with my Politics and International Relations degree

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10 October 201615:30

"Mapping Plant Life: From Humboldt to Early Ecology" Nils Guettler (ETH Zurich)

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5 October 201618:00

Sir Jon Day: "What keeps me awake at night?”

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3 October 201615:30

Robert Stock (Konstanz) “The Cochlear Implant and the Impositions of Hearing”

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3 October 20166:45

Alison Harcourt - Global activism: A case study rights technologies

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26 September 201615:30

Bayesianism and the perception-cognition divide

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26 September 201615:30

Anya Farennikova (Bristol) “Bayesianism and the Perception Cognition

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28 July 201615:00

Diagnostic Disclosure: A Cultural Excursion — Professor Annemarie Jutel (Victoria University, Wellington, NZ)

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7 - 8 July 2016TBC

Moral Enhancement: The Annual Royal Institute of Philosophy Conference 2016

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4 - 5 July 2016TBC

British Society of Aesthetics Connections Conference: Aesthetics and the 4E mind

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13 June 201615:30

"Human Persons – A Process View" Anne Sophie Meincke (University of Exeter)

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9 - 10 June 201614:00

Translating Political Langauges: A Sino-European Workshop

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8 June 201613:00

Stephen Greasley and Gabriel Katz: "Estimating the Link between Public Scrutiny and Share Prices"

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6 June 201612:30

Workshop on quantative approaches to gender research

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2 June 201611:30

Sequence Analysis — Alexey Bessudnov

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2 - 3 June 20169:00

Biological Identity

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31 May - 1 June 2016TBC

Global Uncertainties Workshop: "Contentious Politics and New Dimensions of Diffusion"

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25 May 201619:00

The UK and the EU: Ask the Experts

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25 May 201613:00

Joost van Spanje (VU Amsterdam) "On parrots and pariah: Legal, media and political reactions to anti-immigration parties in Western Europe"

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23 May 201615:30

"Evaluation, Participation and Social Learning, the Korean Case of TA" Prof Sang-Wook Yi (University of Cambridge/Hanyang University, Seoul)

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19 May 201614:30

Professor Lars-Erik Cederman (ETH Zurich) "Inequality, Grievances, and Civil War"

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18 May 201613:00

Catarina Thomson: Title TBC - draft paper discussion

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16 May 201615:00

“Troubling Genealogies: Conceptualizing Race, Belonging and Political Subjectivity in South Africa” Katharina Schramm (Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg)

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16 - 17 May 201613:00

"Pace Science:Data, Acceleration, Duration"

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12 May 201617:00

Ana Almuedo-Castillo (Exeter): Resisting the sectarian: A paradigm for peacebuilding in Lebanon

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12 May 201614:30

Dr Nils Metternich (UCL) "Ethnic Exclusion and the Logic of Political Survival"

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11 May 201615:30

SPA seminar: Chandré Gould (Institute for Security Studies) & Brian Rappert (University of Exeter) “The Dis-eases of Secrecy”

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11 May 201613:00

Nicole Bolleyer, Nils Bormann and Felix von Nostitz: "Conflict and Conflict Regulation in Political Parties"

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9 May 201615:30

"Pluralism in Psychiatric Classification" Anke Bueter (University of Hannover)

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5 May 201617:00

Jan Pieter Beetz (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam): Practice makes Perfect, or at Least More Realistic. On a Contribution of Political Realism to International Political Theory

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28 April 201616:45

Jelle Leunis (Vrije Universiteit Brussel): Managing the Use of Armed Force: From Democratic Control to Regulatory Governance

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26 April 201614:00

'Scientific Models:Imagination and Practice'

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25 April 201613:00

'Species Natures: Against Aristotelian Realism ' Tim Lewens (University of Cambridge)

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21 - 22 April 201612:00

"Integrating Large Data into Plant Science: From Big Data to Discovery"

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11 April 201615:30

"Does Replication help with Experimental Biases in Clinical Trials?" Prof David Teira (UNED, Madrid)

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31 March 201614:00

Laszlo Horvath, Susan Banducci, Ekaterina Kolpinskaya (Politics), Samuel Vine (CLES): Stereotype threat effects on women's political engagement

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22 March 201610:30

Presenting and Visualising Regression Results — Nils-Christian Bormann

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21 March 201615:30

"To eat or not to eat cats and dogs: The making and breaking of animal taxonomies and dietary taboos in contemporary South Korea" Dr Julien Dugnoille (University of Exeter)

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14 March 201615:00

“The Complex Relations Between Narrative and Suffering” Prof. Arthur Frank (University of Calgary)

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11 March 201612:30

Arlinda Rrustemi (University of Leiden): State-Building through Life Stories: Incorporating Local Perspectives

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10 March 201612:30

Denise Laroze (University of Essex): Policy space and opportunity to enter: when a party collapses

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7 March 201615:30

"Parts, Wholes, Processes, and Rates: From Rigid to Dynamic Mechanisms" Jan Baedke (University of Bochum)

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3 March 201617:00

Johannes Jaeger (Universität Würzburg): Party Regulations and the legality of Online Voting for Candidates, Leaders and Policy

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3 March 201616:00

A History of Political Television Advertising in America

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2 March 201613:00

Patricia Correa Vila and Juan Rodriguez-Teruel: "Comparing Incentives and Party Activism in US and Europe: PSOE, PP and the California Democratic Party"

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1 March 2016TBC

CRPR Discussion series: Dr Gordon Morris

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25 February 201617:00

Dr Anika Gauja (University of Sydney) - Researching Reform: A Qualitative Approach to Understanding Party Change

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24 February 201613:00

Alexey Bessudnov, Susan Banducci and Dan Stevens: "Childbirths and Political Interest"

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22 February 201616:30

Political Polling and Campaign Strategy

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22 February 201615:30

"Names and Numbers: “Data” in Classical Natural History, 1758–1859" Dr Staffan Müller-Wille (University of Exeter)

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18 February 201617:00

Stijn van Voorst (Tilburg University, the Netherlands):To evaluate or not to evaluate: the initiation of ex-post legislative evaluations by the European Commission

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17 February 201612:00

John Maloney (Economics): "Are Marginals Different?"

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15 February 201615:00

Christoph Rehmann-Sutter (University of Lübeck) “Livingness: A Husserlian Approach”

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12 February 201614:30

Data Analysis in R — Iulia Cioroianu

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10 February 201614:30

External Speaker: Prof. Jonathan JOSEPH (Professor, University of Sheffield)

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9 February 201618:00

Ulrich Preuss @ Exeter to talk about Citizens in Europe: An interdisciplinary perspective.

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8 February 201615:30

"Epistemological Lessons from the Automation of Science" Prof Alexander Bird (University of Bristol)

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3 February 201613:00

Katya Kolpinskaya (Q-Step, Politics): "Facets of substantive minority representation in Britain"

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2 February 201612:00

CRPS Discussion series: Mr Greg Smith

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1 February 201615:30

“Phenomenology of the We: Reciprocal Empathy, Self-alienation, and Plural Self-awareness” Prof. Dan Zahavi (University of Copenhagen)

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28 January 201617:00

Felix-Christopher von Nostitz (University of Exeter): An Analytical Framework to study Primaries and their impact on Party Membership

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27 January 201614:30

Dr. Alexandra Lewis: Fundamental, not Universal: The Contested Nature of Education in Civil Wars.

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25 January 201615:00

"Measurement in Early Modern Science & Medicine" Dr Matteo Valleriani (MPI Berlin) & Dr Fabrizio Bigotti (University of Exeter)

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22 January 201613:30

Introduction to Programming in R — Iulia Cioroianu

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22 January 201611:00

Global Access to Open Software: Fostering Uptake - Sabina Leonelli (University of Exeter) GYA & Data Studies, Exeter)

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21 January 201617:00

Claire Packman: The Engaged Researcher

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20 January 201614:30

External Speaker: Dr. Petros SEKERIS (Principal Lecturer, University of Portsmouth)

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14 January 201617:00

Thibaud Deruelle (Exeter):The Engineer and the Bricoleur: alternative policy solutions in the Multiple Streams Framework

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12 January 201612:00

CRPR Discussion series: Nick Kirsop-Taylor

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11 January 201615:30

"On The Movements & Value of Scientific Data" Prof Sabina Leonelli (University of Exeter)

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14 December 201515:30

“Bringing Biology into the Fold” William Goodwin (University of South Florida)

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10 December 201517:00

Claudia Zucca (Exeter): Does the Predisposition toward the Acquisition of Information Influence Citizens’ Political Learning? Evidence from Internet-based Exposure (Poster Presentation)

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9 December 201513:00

Claudia Zucca (Q-Step, Marie Curie fellow): "Measuring Party Competition through Network Modelling"

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8 December 201511:30

Analysing Text as Data — Ekaterina Kolpinskaya

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2 December 201514:30

External Speaker: Prof. Jason SHARMAN (Professor, Griffith University & LSE)

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2 December 201512:00

Travis Coan (Q-Step, Politics): "Tracing the Narrative of Hate in the Rising Greek Far-Right"

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1 December 201512:30

Network Analysis — Lorien Jasny

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1 December 201512:00

CRPR Discussion series: Dr Rebecca Wheeler, CRPR

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30 November 201515:30

CANCELLED - Sara Green (University of Copenhagen)

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26 November 201517:00

Alex Neads: Accountability, cohesion and reforming the military institution in Sierra Leone

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19 November 201517:00

Dr Claire Dunlop and Professor Iain Hampsher-Monk: 'Meet the Editors'

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19 - 20 November 2015TBC

'Symbiotic Processes' workshop, organised Prof John Dupre and Dr Stephan Guttinger

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18 November 201514:30

Dr. Lorien JASNY:A Network Approach to Social Learning: An Application to Decision-Making in Collaborative Management

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16 November 201515:30

"Place of Birth: Evidence and Ethics" Leah McClimans (University of South Carolina)

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12 November 201517:00

Farhad Kerimov (Exeter): Pluralism, Discourse, and Democratic Politics

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11 November 201516:30

SPSS Intermediate — Katharine Boyd

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5 November 201517:00

Hilary Aked (Bath): “Pro-Israel lobby in the UK and its repression of the BDS movement”

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4 November 201516:30

SPSS Beginners — Katharine Boyd

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4 November 201514:30

External Speaker: Dr. Adrian BLAU (Senior Lecturer, Kings College London)

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4 November 201512:00

Nicole Bolleyer and Raimondas Ibenskas (Politics): "New Party Survival in Advanced Democracies 1968-2013"

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3 November 201512:00

CRPR Discussion series: Dr Tim Wilkinson, CRPR

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2 November 201515:30

"Modeling Systems Biomedicine" Dr Annamaria Carusi (University of Sheffield)

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29 October 201517:00

Zhangmei Tang (Mei @Exeter): Hannah Arendt's Critique of Modernity in Light of Roman Political Thought

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29 October 201512:30

Jean Monnet Seminar: Dr Lorenzo Allio, International Consultant (AllioRodrigo Ltd. Switzerland)

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28 October 201514:30

Dr. Katharine Boyd: Modelling Terrorist Attacks

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28 October 201513:00

Nils-Christian Bormann, HASS Fellow Politics ‘Internal Conflict Diffusion: Revisiting the Conflict Trap’ (an R&R article) Followed by CEMaP Annual Meeting 2-3pm (same room)

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27 October 201510:30

Screening and discussion of Blueberry Soup (73mins) Directed by Eileen Jerrett.

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22 October 201517:00

Sefinatu Dogo "Understanding the Evolving changes in the Nigerian Military from a Feminist Sociological Institutional Perspective".

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21 October 201514:30

Ian Bateman, Amy Binner, Brett Day and Carlo FezziI: Bringing the Natural Environment into Analysis and Policy Making

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20 October 201512:30

How to Read an Empirical Paper — Gabriel Katz-Wisel

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19 October 201515:30

"Seeing Cellular Debris, Remembering a Soviet Method" Dr Ann Kelly (University of Exeter)

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14 October 201514:30

Seminar: Understanding and Challenging the Construction of Ebola as an International Crisis

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14 October 201513:00

Amy McKay (Politics): "Congruence Among the Policy Agendas of Citizens, Interest Groups, and Governments"

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12 October 201515:30

Michela Massimi (University of Edinburgh) "Four Kinds of Perspectival Truth"

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9 October 201517:00

Martin Moorby "The Limits of Political Emancipation".

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6 October 201512:00

CRPR Discussion series: Dr Norman Dandy, CRPR

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5 October 201515:30

Working with Model Systems - Robert Meunier & Nina Kranke (University of Kassel)

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30 September 201514:00

Jean Monnet Chair seminar: Sonja Puntscher Riekmann

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30 September 201513:00

Gabriel Katz and Katya Kolpinskaya (Politics): "The effect of post-electoral communication frames on attitudes towards government"

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28 September 201514:00

Seminar: "Mixing or Matching: Hybridization and Taxonomy in the 19th Century" - Harriet Ritvo (MIT)

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16 September 201513:00

Iulia Cioroianu (Politics): "Studying the 2015 Elections Using Automated Methods for Visual Content Analysis"

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2 September 201514:00

CRPR discussion series: Dr Anne Cassidy, NUI Galway

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10 - 12 August 2015TBC

Anthrozoology Student Conference

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1 July 201515:00

“Neurodiversity & the politics of autism diagnosis” - Dr Ginny Russell (University of Exeter)

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17 June 2015TBC

POSTPONED until 1st July - Dr Ginny Russell (University of Exeter)

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13 - 14 June 2015TBC

The Seventh British Wittgenstein Society Annual Conference: Wittgenstein and the Social Sciences

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11 June 2015TBC

The Management of Intra-Organizational Dissent

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10 June 201515:00

"POSTPONED"- Dr Louise Bezuidenhout (University of Exeter)

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9 June 201512:00

CRPR Discussion series: Impact of Forest Gardens on Raspberry production in the UK

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8 June 201515:00

"King Philip Cried Out For Goodness Sake, no longer" and "Learning from our mistakes: Convergent simplification and the kingdom Fungi" - Dr Jeremy Wideman (University of Exeter)

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3 June 201515:00

Dr Mattia Gallotti, University of London "Shared Intentionality and Social Understanding"

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27 May 201515:00

"Things are Material Processes" - John Pemberton (London School of Economics)

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21 May 201511:00

Eben Kirksey - seminar talk “Species: A Praxiographic Study” and Roundtable Discussion on Multiple Ethnography.

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20 May 201515:00

"Processes and Powerful Persistence" Dr Anne Sophie Meincke (Spann), (University of Exeter)

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14 May 201516:00

(Guest Speaker) Claudio Radaelli, Editor of the European Journal of Political Research: Publication strategies for PhDs.

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13 May 201515:00

"Pathogenicities and the spatialities of disease situations" - Prof Steve Hinchliffe (University of Exeter)

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7 May 201516:00

Claudia Zucca: The Role of Trust in Technological Devices for Electoral Decision-Making.

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6 May 201515:00

Prof. Rob Hagendijk, Amsterdam. "The politics of rare diseases and orphan drugs"

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5 May 201512:00

CRPR Discussion series: Claire Dunlop title to be confirmed

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1 May 201511:00

Guest Speaker: Professor Julian Reiss (Durham)

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1 May 20158:30

SSIS Politics and International Relations Postgraduate Research Conference 2015

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30 April 201516:00

Raluca-Florica Popp: Tapping political representation in different electoral setting using VAA generated data.

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29 April 201515:00

POSTPONED " - Dr Daniele Carrieri (University of Exeter)

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23 April 201516:00

(Guest Speaker) Molly Conisbee: Funding Opportunities supported by SWDTC.

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16 April 201516:00

Laszlo Horvath: Affect, political sophistication, and deliberation: Understanding emotions' role in political decision making.

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7 April 201512:00

CRPR Discussion series: Knowledge transfer in the agricultural sector

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26 March 201516:00

Keith Sutherland: Election by lot and the democratic diarchy

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25 March 2015TBC

CANCELLED - Dr Ann Kelly (University of Exeter)

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23 March 201515:00

"Ethical harmonization across space: logistic and regulatory issues in implementing a multi-national clinical trial" - Prof Christine Hauskeller & Nicole Baur (UoE)

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19 March 201516:00

Kate Berrisford: Liberalism, Multiculturalism and FGM; normative political theory

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18 March 201515:00

"Stress and the Midlife Crisis" - Prof Mark Jackson (University of Exeter)

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13 March 201511:00

Party Support and Party Evolution in Advanced and New Democracies

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12 March 201516:00

Rick Harmes: Community Energy in Question: Thinking Globally, Acting Locally

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12 March 201515:00

"Developmental symbiosis: We are all lichens" - Prof Scott Gilbert (Swarthmore College, USA)

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11 March 201519:00

Tiffy Allen: Discrimination, Degradation and Destitution: the life of refugees in the UK

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11 March 201515:00

Dr. Madalina Busuioc: The Reputational Basis of Public Accountability

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10 March 201512:00

CRPR Discussion series: Doing TB Differently: unpacking viewpoints in the badger culling debate'

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5 March 201516:00

Andreas Karouta: The People as One and Many: Issues of Finding the Source of the Political

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4 March 201515:00

“Causation, Convention and Individuation” - Dr Amber Carpenter (University of York)

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4 March 201515:00

Dr. Tarak Barkawi (London School of Economics & Political Science): Decolonizing the Soldier

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3 March 201512:00

CRPR Discussion series: Economics and animal health - a NEAT solution

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2 March 201514:00

Dr Theofanis Exadaktylos (University of Surrey): Greek Deal Explained

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27 February 201515:00

Exeter City of Sanctuary: The Asylum Talks

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25 February 201516:00

Dr Christel Koop (Kings College London): The accountability of Independent Regulatory Agencies

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25 February 201515:00

"What do biologists mean when they talk of 'things'?" - Dr Stephan Guttinger (University of Exeter)

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23 February 201515:45

CRPR Discussion series

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19 February 201516:00

Zhangmei Tang: Hannah Arendt and Roman Political Thinking.

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18 February 201515:00

POSTPONED - Prof Christine Hauskeller and Dr Nicole-Kerstin Baur (University of Exeter)

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16 February 201513:30

"Understanding in Scientific Practice: Reasoning, Cognition, Mechanisms" organised by Prof Sabina Leonelli & Dr Adam Toon (University of Exeter)

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12 February 201516:00

Jack Griffiths: The Innate and Essential Self in Politics and Genetics: An Introduction to Neo-Darwinian Politics

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11 February 2015TBC

POSTPONED until March - Dr Ann Kelly (University of Exeter)

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5 February 201516:00

Laura Moralee: Understanding the role of ‘trust' in accountability and measurement

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4 February 201515:00

Prof. Ilana Loewy, Paris. Snowball effects of prenatal diagnosis: sex chromosomes anomalies and deletions

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4 February 201515:00

Prof. Vladimir Pryakhin, Professor, Russian State University for the Humanities & Former OSCE Ambassador to Armenia and Tajikistan: Title TBC

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3 February 201512:00

CRPR Discussion series: Doing TB Differently: Unpacking viewpoints in the badger culling debate

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29 January 201516:00

(Guest Speaker) Tina Freyburg: conceptualization and operationnalization issues in research: translating Bourdieu’s practices into a questionnaire

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28 January 201515:00

"Human Nature, Human Processes, and Human Kinds" - Prof John Dupre (University of Exeter)

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28 January 201515:00

Dr. Raimondas Ibenskas (Exeter): The Effect of Europarties on Inter-Party Cooperation in Central and Eastern Europe

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22 January 201516:00

Felix Von Nostitz: The Merits and Perils of Intra-Party Democracy: Assessing the Effects of Organisational Reform for Party Members

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21 January 201515:00

Prof. XiaoWei, Tsinghua University, Beijing. "Confucian Culture, and Bioethics"

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16 January 201514:00

Professor Aaron Gross (Uni of San Diego) "The Question of the Animal and Religion: Theoretical Stakes, Practical Implications"

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14 January 201517:00

Getting the Long View of Politics and Life In and After Parliament: Former MPs Talk and Wine Reception

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12 January 201515:00

"The changing natures of natural medicines, as seen by regulatory scientists" - Dr Jennifer Cuffe (University of Exeter)

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7 January 201515:00

Dr. Rachel Jarvie, Exeter. '''Maternal Diabesity: The Disconnect between Policy/Practice and the Material Realities of Women's Lives'

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17 - 19 December 201412:30

"What is Data-Intensive Science?" - Dr Sabina Leonelli

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15 - 16 December 20149:00

"DARK DATA: ABSENCES, INTERVENTIONS AND DIGITAL WORLDS" - Organised by Sabina Leonelli, Gail Davies, Brian Rappert, Kaushik Sunder Rajan and Neal White

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10 December 201415:00

Professor Nick Rengger (University of St Andrews): 'On a post secular Global Order: Metaphysical Not Political? '

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10 December 201415:00

Prof. George Marcus, UC Irvine. title tbc

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8 December 201415:30

"Studio Interventions in Fieldwork Along the Way: Contemporary Collaborative Environments of Ethnographic Research. “ - George Marcus (University of California)

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4 December 201416:00

PGR Seminar: The Engaged Researcher Have you heard of the ‘impact agenda’?

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3 December 201415:00

Dr. John Heathershaw (Exeter): Fieldwork and Political Risk: Reflections on the Case of Alexander Sodiqo

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3 December 201415:00

Prof. Malcolm Cowburn"Ethical issues in (qualitative) research with sex offenders"

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3 December 201413:00

Religion and World Affairs Seminar

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2 December 201412:00

CRPR Discussion series: Duncan Russel and Rose den Uyl

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28 November 2014TBC

Professor Claudio Radaelli presents to the Portuguese parliament

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28 - 29 November 2014TBC

"Concerning Relations: Sociologies of Conduct, Care and Affect" - Prof Michael Schillmeier

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27 November 201417:00

Book launch - Michael Schillmeier's "Eventful Bodies: The Cosmopolitics of Illness"

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26 November 201415:00

“The epistemological problem of cryptic genetic variability in Waddington’s canalization of development.” - Ms Flavia Fabris (La Sapienza University of Rome/University of Exeter)

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26 November 201415:00

Dr Rob Lamb (Exeter): Political Theory and the Idea of Expertise

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26 November 201413:00

Religion and World Affairs seminar series

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20 - 21 November 20149:00

"Process Philosophy of Biology" - Prof John Dupre and Dr Dan Nicholson

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19 November 201415:00

Dr. Gregorio Bettiza (Exeter): America in a Post - Secular World. Understanding and Explaining the US Foreign Policy Regime Complex on Religion

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13 November 201418:30

SWDTC Workshop: The 'constructivist turn' in the empirical and normative study of political representation

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12 November 201415:00

"Biomimetic science and the politics of pluripotent life" - Dr Elizabeth Johnson (University of Exeter)

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5 November 201415:00

Prof. Andre Kaiser (University of Cologne): Policy Making in Multilevel Systems. Federalism, Decentralization and Performance in the OECD Countries

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5 November 201415:00

Prof. Dominic Bartmanski, Yale. "Vinyl: The Analogue Record In the Age of Digital Reproduction"

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4 November 201412:00

CRPR Discussion series: Matt Lobley and Hannah Chiswell

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29 October 201415:00

"Dynamic Individuation Across Scales" - Mr James DiFrisco (University of Leuven / University of Exeter)

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27 October 201415:00

"Knowledge byproducts in the mouse laboratory: Learning about environments while doing genetics" Nicole Nelson (University of Winconsin)

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23 October 201416:30

Antoine Hennion "Demanding Objects: Taste as a Care for Things in Process of Making"

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22 October 201415:00

"Evolution, Dysfunction and Disease: A Reappraisal." Prof Paul Griffiths, University of Exeter / University of Sydney

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22 October 201415:00

Prof. Stijn Smismans (Cardiff University): Regulation and interest groups in the EU: towards American style proceduralisation?

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22 October 201412:15

SWDTC workshop: Universal legal capacity and mental disability: the arguments and the challenges

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15 October 201415:00

Heather Strange: "Non-invasive prenatal testing", Cardiff,

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8 October 201415:00

What is the Impact of Big Data on the Science of Metabolism? Dr Nadine Levin (University of Exeter)

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8 October 201415:00

Dr. Stephane Baele: Security Through Numbers

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7 October 201412:00

CRPR Discussion series: Rob Fish and Eirini Saratsi

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10 September 201419:00

Jerusalem Unbound, book launch and lecture in Israel

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9 September 201412:00

CRPR Discussion series: Cheryl Wills

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