Professor Isabelle Engeli
Amory Building, Rennes Drive
Exeter EX4 4RJ
I am Professor of Public Policy.
My work investigates the role of party competition in policy change towards gender and sexual equality and the "anti-gender" agenda, the implementation of gender equality policy in the corporate world (corporate board, equal pay), and gender equality in the profession.
Prior to joining Exeter, I worked at the University of Bath, the University of Ottawa, and the University of Geneva. I held a Max Weber Fellowship at the European University Institute, Florence and guest professorships at the University of Konstanz and at the University of Paris 2 Panthéon-Assass. I served as Head of the Department of Politics and then Head of the Department of Social and Political Sciences, Philosophy, and Anthropology at the University of Exeter, Director of the PhD Program in Politics at the University of Bath and the University of Exeter, as well as Director of the MA Program in Public and International Affairs at the University of Ottowa.
I contribute to the Horizon Europe PUSH*BACK*LASH project which inquires into the present-day contestation of gender equality issues and policies at both elite and citizen levels in Europe. I lead WP3 to analyse the dynamics in political attention toward gender+ equality issues across space, time, and institutional venues. The WP aims to trace the trajectories of gender+ issues across institutional venues, space, and time; to map the coalitions of actors that drive patterns of issue attention, "anti-equality" strategies and "pro-equality" strategies; and to identify the determinants for successful strategies and counterstrategies to promote gender+ equality across political institutions.
I am Editor-in-Chief of the ECPR flagship journal European Journal of Political Research (with Emiliano Grossman and Sofia Vasilopoulou) and Founding Editor of the European Journal of Politics and Gender (with Karen Celis, Sarah Childs, Elizabeth Evans and Liza Mügge). I served as Convener of the European Conference of Politics and Gender from 2011 to 2019, and as Vice-President of the International Public Policy Association.
Research supervision:
I am happy to supervise research (MRes, MPhil, Phd) in the following areas:
- Policy process, agenda setting, policy design and instruments, policy change, implementation
- Comparative public policy
- Party competition and policy change
- Gender/LGBT politics and policy; Morality and "anti-gender" politics
- Science, technology and policy
- Religion, politics and policy in Europe