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Social and Political Sciences, Philosophy, and Anthropology

 Shailza Sharma

Shailza Sharma

Postgraduate Researcher

I am a final year doctoral researcher in the Politics Department at University of Exeter. My thesis is titled 'Women in the Currents of Revolution: Participation, Roles and Experiences in India’s Radical Left Movement'. 


In 2014 I qualified as a lawyer and have practiced for three years in New Delhi, India. My research and academic interests lie at the intersection of gender and women’s rights, legal theory, carceral studies, social movements, and contemporary Indian politics. 


I am also a co-founder of the online collective Detention Solidarity. It is an online space to critically engage with the structures and experiences of detention that constitute the carceral state in India. Reflecting my broader research focus on incarceration and the lives of political prisoners, I have completed the translation of a jail diary from Hindi to English. This work, which highlights the experiences of a woman political prisoner in North India, is due for publication in 2025. 

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