Professor Jane Elliott
Professor (Sociology)
My main research interests include gender and employment, healthy ageing, longitudinal research methodology, combining qualitative and quantitative research and narrative. My first book ‘Using Narrative in Social Research: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches’ was published by Sage in 2005.
From January 2023 I will be the Director of Research and Impact for the Department of Social and Political Sciences, Philosophy and Anthropology.
Current Post-graduate Research students:
Jen Wilcox
Teo Manea Hauskeller
I am happy to consider supervising students in my areas of interest: gender, narrative, ageing
For more information about our PhD programmes, funding opportunities, and how to apply, please see here.
Copyright Notice: Any articles made available for download are for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the copyright holder.
| 2022 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 1999 | 1994 | 1991 | 1989 |
- Elliott B. (2022) Data through Time: Figuring out the Narrative Self in Longitudinal Research, Figure Concept and Method, Palgrave Macmillan, 173-196.
- Elliott J. (2022) The Craft of Using NVivo12 to Analyze Open-Ended Questions: An Approach to Mixed Methods Analysis, The Qualitative Report, DOI:10.46743/2160-3715/2022.5460. [PDF]
- Morrow V, Elliott B. (2020) “I’d keep them tidy”: domesticity, work and nostalgia in girls’ imagined futures described in essays written by 11-year-olds in 1969, Narrating Childhood with Children and Young People: Diverse Contexts, Methods and Stories of Everyday Life, Palgrave Macmillan, 283-306, DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-55647-1_12.
- Elliott J, Carpentieri JD. (2020) Narrating future selves: Perspectives on ageing from a scottish cohort born in 1936, Anthropology and Aging, volume 41, no. 2, pages 72-89, DOI:10.5195/aa.2020.245.
- Elliott J. (2019) What is Qualitative Longitudinal Research?, LONGITUDINAL AND LIFE COURSE STUDIES, volume 10, no. 3, pages 411-412, DOI:10.1332/175795919X15628474680754. [PDF]
- Huppert FA, Walters DE, Day N, Elliott BJ. (2018) The Factor Structure of the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-30), The British Journal of Psychiatry, volume 155, no. 2, pages 178-185, DOI:10.1192/bjp.155.2.178.
- Kuh D, Hardy R, Gale C, Elliott J, Ben-Shlomo Y, Cooper R. (2018) Healthy ageing across the life course, The New Dynamics of Ageing, 59-79.
- Elliott J, Lawrence J. (2017) 5 Narrative, time and intimacy in social research: Linda and Jim revisited, Revisiting Divisions of Labour, Oxford University Press, 189-189, DOI:10.7765/9781526116239.00017.
- Carpentieri JD, Elliott J, Brett CE, Deary IJ. (2017) Adapting to Aging: Older People Talk About Their Use of Selection, Optimization, and Compensation to Maximize Well-being in the Context of Physical Decline, The Journals of Gerontology: Series B, volume 72, pages 351-361, article no. 2.
- Elliott H, Parsons S, Brannen J, Elliott J, Phoenix A. (2017) Narratives of fathering young children in Britain: linking quantitative and qualitative analyses, Community, Work & Family, volume 21, no. 1, pages 70-86, DOI:10.1080/13668803.2016.1241758. [PDF]
- Holdsworth C, Elliott J. (2017) The Timing of Family Formation in Britain and Spain, Sociological Research Online, volume 6, no. 2, pages 54-70, DOI:10.5153/sro.597. [PDF]
- Elliott J, Lawrence J. (2016) The emotional economy of unemployment: a re-analysis of testimony from a Sheppey family, 1978-1983, Sage Open, volume 6, article no. 4, DOI:10.1177/2158244016669517. [PDF]
- Elliott J. (2016) Big data: bridging the qualitative/quantitative divide.
- Wallace SE, Walker NM, Elliott J. (2014) Returning findings within longitudinal cohort studies: the 1958 birth cohort as an exemplar, Emerging themes in epidemiology, volume 11, pages 10-10, article no. 1.
- Alfred T, Ben-Shlomo Y, Cooper R, Hardy R, Cooper C, Deary IJ, Elliott J, Gunnell D, Harris SE, Kivimaki M. (2014) Associations between APOE and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol genotypes and cognitive and physical capability: the HALCyon programme, Age, volume 36, pages 9673-9673, article no. 4.
- Carpentieri J, Elliott J. (2014) Understanding healthy aging using a qualitative approach: The value of narratives and individual biographies, Oxford University Press Oxford, UK, 118-129.
- Elliott J, Lawrence J. (2014) Refining childhood social class measures in the 1958 British cohort study. [PDF]
- Elliott J, Gale CR, Parsons S, Kuh D. (2014) Neighbourhood cohesion and mental wellbeing among older adults: A mixed methods approach, Social Science & Medicine, volume 107, pages 44-51, DOI:10.1016/j.socscimed.2014.02.027. [PDF]
- Gardner MP, Martin-Ruiz C, Cooper R, Hardy R, Sayer AA, Cooper C, Deary IJ, Gallacher J, Harris SE, Shiels PG. (2013) Telomere length and physical performance at older ages: an individual participant meta-analysis, PLoS One, volume 8, no. 7, DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0069526. [PDF]
- Elliott J. (2013) The power and perils of narrative: making the best use of the British Birth Cohort studies.
- Mishra GD, Anderson D, Schoenaker DAJM, Adami H-O, Avis NE, Brown D, Bruinsma F, Brunner E, Cade JE, Crawford SL. (2013) InterLACE: a new international collaboration for a life course approach to women’s reproductive health and chronic disease events, Maturitas, volume 74, pages 235-240, article no. 3.
- Alfred T, Ben-Shlomo Y, Cooper R, Hardy R, Deary IJ, Elliott J, Harris SE, Kivimaki M, Kumari M, Power C. (2013) Associations between a polymorphism in the pleiotropic GCKR and Age-related phenotypes: the HALCyon programme, PloS one, volume 8, pages e70045-e70045, article no. 7.
- Alfred T, Ben-Shlomo Y, Cooper R, Hardy R, Deary IJ, Elliott J, Harris SE, Hyppönen E, Kivimaki M, Kumari M. (2013) Genetic variants influencing biomarkers of nutrition are not associated with cognitive capability in middle-aged and older adults, The Journal of nutrition, volume 143, pages 606-612, article no. 5.
- Elliott J. (2013) Talkin”Bout My Generation’: Perceptions of Generational Belonging Among the 1958 Cohort, Sociological Research Online, volume 18, pages 13-13, article no. 4.
- Elliott J. (2012) Chapter 20: Gathering Narrative Data, Handbook of Qualitative Research in Education, Edward Elgar Publishing, DOI:10.4337/9781849807296.00029.
- Elliott J. (2012) Video: What are cohort studies?.
- Clouston SAP, Kuh D, Herd P, Elliott J, Richards M, Hofer SM. (2012) Benefits of educational attainment on adult fluid cognition: International evidence from three birth cohorts, International Journal of Epidemiology, volume 41, pages 1729-1736, article no. 6.
- Elliott J. (2012) Imagine you are 60.
- Lawrence J, Elliott J. (2012) Exploring selfhood in the 1960s through secondary data analysis.
- Elliott J. (2012) National Child Development Study.
- Elliott J. (2012) 20. Gathering narrative data, Edward Elgar Publishing, 281-281.
- Gale CR, Cooper R, Craig L, Elliott J, Kuh D, Richards M, Starr JM, Whalley LJ, Deary IJ. (2012) Cognitive Function in Childhood and Lifetime Cognitive Change in Relation to Mental Wellbeing in Four Cohorts of Older People, PLoS ONE, volume 7, no. 9, pages e44860-e44860, DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0044860. [PDF]
- PARSONS S, GALE CR, KUH D, ELLIOTT J. (2012) Physical capability and the advantages and disadvantages of ageing: perceptions of older age by men and women in two British cohorts, Ageing and Society, volume 34, no. 3, pages 452-471, DOI:10.1017/s0144686x12001067. [PDF]
- Elliott J, Parsons S, Savage M, Miles A. (2011) Social participation and identity, 2007-2010: Combining quantitative longitudinal data with a qualitative investigation of a sub-sample of the 1958 national child development study.
- Elliott J. (2011) What can we learn from the British Birth Cohort Studies?.
- Elliott J, Brown M. (2011) Response rates and potential response bias relating to the use of the paper self-completion questionnaire used as part of the 2008 sweep of the National Child Development Study.
- Elliott J, Gale C, Kuh D, Parsons S. (2011) The design and content of the HALCyon qualitative study: A qualitative sub-study of the National Study of Health and Development and the Hertfordshire Cohort Study.
- Elliott J, Miles A, Parsons S, Savage M. (2011) CRESC Working Paper Series.
- Elliott J. (2011) Exploring the narrative potential of cohort data and event history analysis, Sage, 210-224.
- Elliott J, Miles A, Parsons S, Savage M. (2010) The design and content of the ‘Social participation’study: A qualitative sub-study conducted as part of the age 50 (2008) sweep of the National Child Development Study.
- Brown M, Elliott J, Hancock M, Calderwood L, Shepherd P, Dodgeon B, Johnson J. (2010) 1970 British Cohort Study: Thirty-Eight-Year Follow-Up, 2008-2009.
- Knight HM, Brown M, Dodgeon B, Maughan B, Richards M, Elliott J, Sahakian BJ, Robbins TW. (2010) Investigating individual differences in memory and cognition in the National Child Development Study cohort members using a life course approach.
- Brown M, Dodgeon B, Elliott J, Knight HM. (2010) Understanding Individual Behaviour Exploratory Networks Investigating the genetic, social and neuropsychological influences on individual differences in memory using.
- Guinea-Martin D, Blackwell L, Elliott J. (2010) Occupational Segregation and Concentration: An Analysis by Sex, Employment Status and Ethnic Group in England and Wales, Spatial and Social Disparities, Springer Netherlands, 99-111.
- Elliott J. (2010) Imagining a Gendered Future: Children’s Essays from the National Child Development Study in 1969, Sociology, volume 44, no. 6, pages 1073-1090, DOI:10.1177/0038038510381614. [PDF]
- Brown MJ, Elliott J. (2010) Family and household profiles: comparing the 1958 and 1970 Birth Cohorts, Twenty-First Century Society, volume 5, no. 1, pages 81-101, DOI:10.1080/17450140903483991. [PDF]
- Elliott J. (2009) The narrative potential of survey data.
- Brown M, Calderwood L, Elliott J, Dodgeon B, Parsons S, Hancock M, Johnson J, Shepherd P. (2009) National Child Development Study: Sweep 8, 2008-2009 Dataset.
- Elliott J. (2009) Understanding the lifecourse using the 1958 British Birth Cohort: a resource for both qualitative and quantitative research.
- Elliott J. (2009) Birth cohorts as part of the evidence-base for policy.
- Brown M, Elliott J, Hancock M, Shepherd P, Dodgeon B. (2009) National Child Development Study 2008-2009 Follow-Up (INTERIM DEPOSIT): A Guide to the Dataset (NCDS8), Institute of Education, University of London.
- Elliott J. (2009) The British Cohort Studies as a resource for research on women’s employment.
- Elliott J. (2009) The British Birth Cohort Studies: A Resource for Research on Inequality.
- Huppert FA, Gore M, Elliott BJ. (2009) The value of an improved scoring system (CGHQ) for the General Health Questionnaire in a representative community sample, Psychological Medicine, volume 18, no. 4, pages 1001-1006, DOI:10.1017/s0033291700009922. [PDF]
- Elliott BJ, Huppert FA. (2009) In sickness and in health: associations between physical and mental well-being, employment and parental status in a British nationwide sample of married women, Psychological Medicine, volume 21, no. 2, pages 515-524, DOI:10.1017/s0033291700020626. [PDF]
- Elliott J, Dex S. (2009) Reply to Ken Smith's reply, The British Journal of Sociology, volume 60, no. 1, pages 185-187, DOI:10.1111/j.1468-4446.2008.01225.x. [PDF]
- Elliott J, Dex S. (2009) A comment on ‘Operationalizing Max Weber's probability concept of class situation: the concept of social class’ by Ken Smith, The British Journal of Sociology, volume 60, no. 1, pages 169-176, DOI:10.1111/j.1468-4446.2008.01223.x. [PDF]
- Elliott J. (2008) National Child Development Study: Sample of Essays (Sweep 2, Age 11), 1969 (Study Number 5790).
- Guinea-Martin D, Elliott J. (2008) Economic position and occupational segregation in the 1990s: A comparison of the ONS Longitudinal Study and the 1958 National Child Development Study.
- Elliott J. (2008) Fifty years of change in British Society, Centre for Longitudinal Studies, Institute of Education, University of London.
- Elliott J, Vaitilingam R, Elliott J. (2008) Now we are 50: key findings from the National Child Development Study.
- Elliott J, Holland J, Thomson R. (2008) Longitudinal and panel studies, Sage London, 228-248.
- Marsh C, Elliott J. (2008) Exploring data: an introduction to data analysis for social scientists, Polity.
- Elliott J. (2008) 14. Longitudinal and Panel Studies, DOI:10.4135/9781446212165.n14. [PDF]
- Elliott J. (2008) The narrative potential of the British Birth Cohort Studies, Qualitative Research, volume 8, no. 3, pages 411-421, DOI:10.1177/1468794106093637. [PDF]
- LAWRENCE JON, ELLIOTT J. (2008) Parliamentary Election Results Reconsidered: An Analysis of Borough Elections, 1885–1910, Parliamentary History, volume 16, no. 1, pages 18-28, DOI:10.1111/j.1750-0206.1997.tb00571.x. [PDF]
- Elliott J, Dodgeon B, Elliott J. (2007) A Descriptive Analysis of the Drinking Behaviour of the 1958 Cohort at Age 33 and the 1970 Cohort at Age 34.
- Elliott J, Morrow V, others. (2007) Imagining the Future: preliminary analysis of NCDS essays written by children at age 11.
- Elliott J, Shepherd P. (2006) Cohort profile: 1970 British birth cohort (BCS70), International Journal of Epidemiology, volume 35, pages 836-843, article no. 4.
- Elliott J. (2005) Comparing occupational segregation in Great Britain and the United States: the benefits of using a multi-group measure of segregation, Work, Employment and Society, volume 19, pages 153-174, article no. 1.
- Power C, Elliott J. (2005) Cohort profile: 1958 British birth cohort (national child development study), International journal of epidemiology, volume 35, pages 34-41, article no. 1.
- Elliott J. (2005) Using narrative in Social Research.
- ELLIOTT J. (2004) It's About Time: Couples and Careers, Gender, Work & Organization, volume 11, no. 5, pages 591-593, DOI:10.1111/j.1468-0432.2004.00249_2.x. [PDF]
- Elliott BJ. (2003) Demographic trends in domestic life, 1945-87, Marriage, Domestic Life and Social Change: Writings for Jacqueline Burgoyne, 1944-88, 71-96, DOI:10.4324/9780203169292.
- ELLIOTT BJ. (2003) A content analysis of the health information provided in women's weekly magazines, Health Libraries Review, volume 11, no. 2, pages 96-103, DOI:10.1046/j.1365-2532.1994.1120096.x. [PDF]
- Elliott J. (2002) Work-lifestyle choices in the 21st century: Preference theory.
- Elliott J. (2002) Longitudinal analysis and the constitution of the concept of gender, Policy Press.
- Elliott J. (2002) The value of event history techniques for understanding social processes: Modelling women's employment behaviour after motherhood, International Journal of Social Research Methodology, volume 5, no. 2, pages 107-132, DOI:10.1080/13645570110062405. [PDF]
- Elliott BJ. (2001) Book Review: Doing Qualitative Work Differently: Free Association, Narrative and the Interview Method, Qualitative Research, volume 1, pages 261-262, article no. 2.
- Elliott BJ, Sociology UOMDO. (2001) Success Stories? Narrative Representations of Women’s Lives.
- Elliott J, Dale A, Egerton M. (2001) Returning to work after childbirth: a longitudinal analysis of the role of qualifications in facilitating mothers’ return to paid employment.
- Elliott J, Dale A, Egerton M. (2001) The influence of qualifications on women’s work histories, employment status and earnings at age 33, European Sociological Review, volume 17, pages 145-168, article no. 2.
- Elliott J, Dorling D, Simpson S. (1999) Models are stories are not real life, 95-102.
- Ely M, Richards MPM, Wadsworth MEJ, Elliott BJ. (1999) Secular changes in the association of parental divorce and children’s educational attainment–evidence from three British birth cohorts, Journal of Social Policy, volume 28, pages 437-455, article no. 3.
- Elliott BJ, Polkinhorn JS. (1994) Provision of consumer health information in general practice, BMJ, volume 308, pages 509-510, article no. 6927.
- Burchell B, Elliott J, Rubery JILL. (1994) Perceptions of the labour market: an investigation of differences by gender and by working time, 298-325.
- Burchell B, Elliott J, Rubery J, Wilkinson F. (1994) Management and employee perceptions of skill, 159-88.
- Richards MPM, Elliott BJ. (1991) Sex and marriage in the 1960s and 1970s, Marriage, domestic life and social change, Routledge, 33-54, DOI:10.4324/9780203169292_chapter_2.
- Richards MPM, Elliott BJ. (1991) Sex and marriage in the 1960s and 1970s, 44-44.
- Elliott BJ, Richards MP. (1991) Effects of parental divorce on children, Archives of disease in childhood, volume 66, pages 915-915, article no. 8.
- Elliott J, Richards M. (1991) Parental divorce and the life chances of children, Family Law, volume 21, pages 481-484.
- ELLIOTT BJ, RICHARDS MPM. (1991) CHILDREN AND DIVORCE: EDUCATIONAL PERFORMANCE AND BEHAVIOUR BEFORE AND AFTER PARENTAL SEPARATION, "International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family", volume 5, no. 3, pages 258-276, DOI:10.1093/lawfam/5.3.258. [PDF]
- Huppert FA, Walters DE, Day NE, Elliott BJ. (1989) The factor structure of the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-30). A reliability study on 6317 community residents, The British Journal of Psychiatry, volume 155, pages 178-185, article no. 2.
Modules taught
- ANT3040 - Anthropology Dissertation
- SOC2050 - Knowing the Social World
- SOC3040 - Dissertation
- SOCM030 - Gender at Work
Before joining the Department of Sociology, Philosophy and Anthropology in September 2017 I was the Chief Executive of the Economic and Social Research Council (2014 – 2017). Prior to 2014 I was Professor of Sociology, and Head of the Department of Quantitative Social Sciences, at the Institute of Education, University of London. In this role I was also Director of the ESRC-funded Centre for Longitudinal Studies (CLS) which manages the 1958, 1970 and Millennium Birth Cohort Studies and has recently taken responsibility for the Longitudinal Study of Young People in England. In 2012 I became the founding Director of CLOSER (Cohorts and Longitudinal Studies Enhancement Resources programme). This is a collaborative programme aimed at maximising the use, value and impact of the excellent portfolio of cohort and longitudinal studies In the UK. I have also volunteered with a number of organisations over the years including the Okehampton Foodbank and now the Chagford Sanctuary project which is supporting Ukrainians and their hosts.
More information
I was the Interdisciplinary member of the Sociology Sub-Panel (UoA 21) for the 2021 Research Excellence Framework.
Since March 2018 I have been a member of the standing panel of FNR's ATTRACT Programme: www.fnr.lu/afattract. And since July 2020 I have been a member of the Scientific Council for FNR Luxembourg.
I am a member of the Advisory Board for the project: 'Secondary education and social change in the UK since 1945'
Membership of professional organisations:
British Sociological Association
My role at the University of Exeter is 70% FTE to allow me time for non-executive and voluntary roles. I currently volunteer with the Chagford Sanctuary project. My personal/domestic website is: www.edgeofthemoor.org and Twitter feed is @edgeofthemoor