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Social and Political Sciences, Philosophy, and Anthropology

Photo of Dr Ashley Frayling

Dr Ashley Frayling

Lecturer (Criminology)

Amory 349


 I am a social scientist with a keen interesting in bringing the real world to the classroom and academic rigour and methods to the real world! As a serving volunteer police officer my areas of research are volunteerism within policing and the public sector; leadership and women within policing. 

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 Dr. Ashley Frayling is herself a serving Special Constabulary Superintendent within Devon and Cornwall Police with over 14 years experience and the Force lead for Professional Standards with regards to the Special Constabulary. 

She is also a member and the first female trustee of the ASCO (the Association of Special Constabulary Officers) and is the lead for Professional Standards on the National Level. 

She is on the Board of Advisors for VLEOA (the Volunteer Law Enforcement Officer Alliance) an international group invested in researching and rising the profile of reservist/volunteerism within policing. 

She is also a member of the Global Voices for Change Research Network (an international network of academics, police and other stakeholders to carry out research). 

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