Professor Christine Hauskeller
MA in Philosophy and Sociology, Dr phil in Philosophy
Professor (Philosophy and Sociology)
01392 725129
Byrne House 13
Office Hours are continuing online
Please write an email so that we can arrange a time to meet at MS Teams.
Areas of Expertise:
I am a philosopher with training in sociology and psychology also. My research interests include a range of topics in Moral Philosophy and Empirical Ethics, Feminist Philosophy and Decolonizing Approaches; Frankfurt School Critical Theory, Philosophy of Medicine and the Life Sciences (especially psychedelic psychotherapy, genetics and stem cell research), and Science and Technology Studies.
Present research foci are
- Philosophy and Psychedelics - for more info see sites.exeter.ac.uk/philosophyandpsychedelics/
- Decolonial and Feminist Ethics,
- Contemporary Relevance of Critical Theory and the Frankfurt School
- Philosophies of Nature
- Life science epistemology, governance and practice (esp. stem cell research and genomics)
Commissions of Trust include
Leopoldina, German Academy of Sciences working group Ethic of Research with Brain Organoids 2020 - 22
German Zentrale Ethikkommission Stammzellforschung am Robert Koch Institut, 2014 - 2023
BBSRC Science and Society Strategy Panel, 2010-2016
ERC Grant Panels 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017, Vice Chair Synergy Panel 2019
Panel member for a range of government and private research funding organizations across Europe.
Visiting Fellowships
2019 Aug. - Sept. Brocher Foundation, Geneva, Switzerland
2018 Sept. - Oct. Beşikçizade Center for Medical Humanities, Istanbul, Turkey
2017 May - June Visiting Fellow NUS and Nanyang Technical University, Singapore
2015 Oct. - Dec. Hanse-Wissenschafts-Kolleg, Delmenhorst, Germany
2015 June - July Visit to Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
2014 Sep. - Nov. Brocher Foundation, Geneva - Hermance, Switzerland
2008 Mar. - April Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin, Germany
I have a long standing interest in the relationships between society and individuals: In studying processes of interdependence and co-constitution, how philosophy has conceptualized them and which institutions and practices, which power structures and knowledge formations shape cultures and horizons of living in the contemporary world.
My Ph.D. dissertation analyzed Judith Butler’s and Michel Foucault’s understandings of the subject from a perspective of Critical Theory. I have a longstanding interest in and teach feminist philosophy, with a focus on intersectionality, epistemology and ethics.
My postdoctoral research encompasses empirical studies on how moral values and cultural differences affect epistemic practices. I am particularly interested in the intersection of these four axes of social practice: knowledge production, ethical and social values, bioeconomies, science policy. Over the past 20 years I have zoomed in on various aspects of the space marked by these four axes. Case studies were on genetics, genomics or stem cell research have been pbulished widely. The originality of this work lies in a perspective that is shaped by my theoretical grounding in Critical Theory and the use of empirical methods to study normative practices.
Perspectives from social-political philosophy shape my work in the philosophy of biomedicine (paternalism, gender, identity, humanitarian practice).
Research projects
Philosophy and Psychedelics (Epistemology, history, ethics, research practices politics)
Decolonial and Feminist Ethics
Stem Cell Science
Humanitarian Ethics and Politics
Genetics and the Politics of Identity
Research group links
- Humanitarian Ethics - funded by: University of Exeter, University of Istanbul, and the Turkish research council (Tübitak)
- Philosophy of Psychedelics Exeter Research Group - funded by:
- HWK Bremen-Oldenburg Visiting Fellowship - funded by: Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg
- Regulating Umbilical Cord Blood Biobanking in Europe - funded by: European Commission (H2020)
- BAMI: The effect of intracoronary reinfusion of bone marrow-derived mononuclear cells (BM-MNC) on all-cause mortality in acute myocardial infarction - funded by: European Commission (EC)
- Between the clinic and the laboratory: Biomedical research in praxis - funded by: ESRC
- British German Academic Research Collaboration - funded by: British German Academic Research Collaboration
- Stem Cell Research in Context - funded by: ESRC
- Genomics and the politics of human identity - funded by:
Please contact me via email with a project outline or a sketch of your initial idea if you want to apply for supervision in the following subject areas:
- Philosophy and Psychedelics
- Decolonial and Feminist Ethics and Philosopy
- Frankfurt School Critical Theory
- Ethics and Philosophy of Medicine
- Humanitarian Ethics
- Norms and knowledge practices
- Foucault
I hold a bi-weekly researcher colloquium in which we discuss draft student work, chapters as well as readings suggested by members of the group. The seminar is for my postgraduate students and researchers but open to others upon request. Please contact me via email to be added to the participant email list.
Research students
Current PhD research students
Yang Yiran "Evolution of the Emancipation Dimension of Andre Gorz's 'Work' Category." International PhD studentship Exchange. 2023-2024
Arnulfo Gomez Oxlaj "Liberating the Savage Mind: A Decolonial Vindication of Mayan Philosophy" started 2022, University of Exeter Sactuary Scholarship.
Sarah Bosworth "On the Relationship between Societal Expectations around Emotional Expression and Gendered Disparities in Leadership?", started 2022
Mark Juhan Schunemann "The Sacrament in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction", started 2022
Johanna Sopanen "The holobiont Self as a Framework for Understanding Relationshiops between humans, bacteria and fungi", started 2021
Louise Hayward "The Ethics of Wild-Life Monitoring Devices", part-time, started 2020
Christina Meerstern "Speech, truth and normative arguments in political theory", AHRC funded PhD studentship. On long-term interruption.
Former PhD students:
Ahmet Karakaya, "Norms and Values in British and Turkish Muslim Bioethical Debates: Exploring the Tensions in Coexisting Secular and Religious Discours", International University of Exeter studentship. Completed 2024
Dr. Jack Lovell Price, "Adorno under the Spell: Utopia, praxis and the limits of critique“ AHRC-funded PhD student from 2015 to 2019.
Dr. Jaanika Puusalu, “Overconnected, Under-engaged: When Alienation Goes Online" PhD funded by an AHRC-studentship with an Estoanian Government maintenance grant, from 2014 to 2018.
Dr. David Wyatt. 'Accomplishing Technical and Investigative Expertise in Everyday Crime Scene Investigation'. A study on the role perceptions, training and everyday routines of Crime Scene Investigators in England and Wales. ESRC PhD studentship, 2010-2015
Dr . Ayesha Ahmad. "Metaphysics in Scientific Medicine: The Making of the Human Embryo". Co-supervised by Jeffrey Bishop, Christine Hauskeller and Alan Bleakly at the Peninsula College for Medicine and Dentistry. Self-funded PhD in Medical Ethics at the Medical School.
Dr. Maren Heibges (ne Klotz). "[K]information. Gamete Donation and the Constitution of Kinship through Knowledge Management in Britain and Germany – an Ethnographic Exploration". Maren won the Humboldt Prize 2013 for her dissertation. Supervisors: Christine Hauskeller and Stefan Beck in a Cotutelle between University of Exeter and Humboldt University Berlin.
Dr. Marco Liverani, 'European Bio-futures. Politics and Practice of Science Cooperation in the European Union’, in sociology, University of Exeter Egenis and College part-scholarship 2007 to 2010.
Dr. Jean Louise Harrington. ‘Translational Space. An Ethnographic Study of Stem Cell Research’, ESRC-funded Ph.D. studentship 2007- 2011.
Dr. Hristina Petkova. "How Gene Tests Travel: Bi-national Comparison of the Institutional Pathways Taken by the Diagnostic Genetic Test for Maturity onset Diabetes of the Young Through the British and the German Health Care System". Part-scholarship from the College at Exeter University 2005 to 2009.
Copyright Notice: Any articles made available for download are for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the copyright holder.
| 2023 | 2022 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1997 | 1996 |
- Hauskeller C, Schwarz CG. (2023) Critical Psychedelic Studies, Taylor and Francis. [PDF]
- Hauskeller C, Schwarz CG. (2023) Critical Doses: Nurturing Diversity in Psychedelic Studies, Interdisciplinary Science Reviews, volume 48, no. 5, pages 697-711, DOI:10.1080/03080188.2023.2266974. [PDF]
- Sj Ö Stedt-Hughes P, Hauskeller C. (2022) Introduction, Philosophy and Psychedelics: Frameworks for Exceptional Experience, pages 1-12.
- Hauskeller C. (2022) Problems with clinical trials in psychedelic-assisted therapies, Interdisciplinary Congress on Psychedelics Research, Haarlem, Netherlands, 21st - 24th Sep 2022.
- Hauskeller C, Arbeitsgruppe H. (2022) Hirnorganoide – Modellsysteme des menschlichen Gehirns. (2022), Leopoldina, Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften, Hirnorganoide – Modellsysteme des menschlichen Gehirns, 66 pages, DOI:10.26164/leopoldina_03_00514. [PDF]
- Sjostedt-Hughes P, Hauskeller C. (2022) Introduction to Philosophy and Psychedelics, Philosophy and Psychedelics. Frameworks for Exceptional Experience, Bloomsbury, 1-11.
- Hauskeller C. (2022) Individualization and Alienation in Psychedelic Psychotherapy, Philosophy and Psychedelics. Frameworks for Exceptional Experience, Bloomsbury, 107-131, DOI:10.5040/9781350231641.ch-007. [PDF]
- Hauskeller C, Sjostedt-Hughes P. (2022) Philosophy and Psychedelics Frameworks for Exceptional Experience, Bloomsbury academic.
- Hauskeller C, Artinian T, Fiske A, Schwartz Marin E, González-Romero OS, Luna LE, Crickmore J, Sjöstedt Hughes P. (2022) Decolonization is a metaphor towards a different ethic. The case from psychedelic studies, Interdisciplinary Science Reviews, DOI:10.1080/03080188.2022.2122788.
- Hauskeller C. (2022) İkilikleri Altüst Etmek ve Dayanışmayı Hayata Geçirmek ("Subverting dualisms and practising solidarity"), Feminist Tahayyül, 3(1): 1-5, volume 3(1), pages 1-5.
- Hauskeller C. (2022) DE LAS SOMBRAS A LA LUZ, LOS PSICODÉLICOS Y LOS PODERES INSTITUCIONALES, Reflexiones Marginales, volume 67.
- Mathur A, Fernandez-Aviles F, Bartunek J, Belmans A, Crea F, Dowlut S, Galinanes M, Good M-C, Hartikainen J, Hauskeller C. (2020) The effect of intracoronary infusion of bone marrow-derived mononuclear cells on all-cause mortality in acute myocardial infarction: the BAMI trial, EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL, volume 41, no. 38, pages 3702-3710, DOI:10.1093/eurheartj/ehaa651. [PDF]
- Hauskeller C, Hick C. (2020) Captivating technology: race, carceral technoscience, and liberatory imagination in everyday life, Ethnic and Racial Studies, volume 43, no. 13, pages 2464-2467, DOI:10.1080/01419870.2020.1727936. [PDF]
- Hauskeller C. (2020) Care Ethics and Care Contexts: Contributions from Feminist Philosophy, East Asian Science, Technology and Society: an International Journal, volume 14, pages 153-161, DOI:10.1215/18752160-8234663.
- Rosemann A, Balen A, Nerlich B, Hauskeller C, Sleeboom‐Faulkner M, Hartley S, Zhang X, Lee N. (2019) Heritable Genome Editing in a Global Context: National and International Policy Challenges, Hastings Center Report, volume 49(3), DOI:10.1002/hast.1006.
- Hauskeller C, Pichl A, Manzeschke A. (2019) Knowledge and Normativity: A Matrix of Disciplines and Practices, The Matrix of Stem Cell Research An Approach to Rethinking Science in Society, Routledge, 1-19.
- Puusalu J. (2019) Overconnected, under-engaged: when alienation goes online.
- Beltrame L, Hauskeller C. (2019) Biobanking Practices: Participation, Identities, and Biovalues in the Making, STS Italia. [PDF]
- Beltrame L, Hauskeller C. (2019) Biobanking Practices: Participation, Identities, and Biovalues in the Making, STS Italia. [PDF]
- Hauskeller C, Hick C. (2019) The genome factor. What the social genomics revolution reveals about ourselves, our history & the future, ETHNIC AND RACIAL STUDIES, volume 42, no. 3, pages 475-477, DOI:10.1080/01419870.2018.1494848. [PDF]
- Beltrame L, Hauskeller C. (2019) Assets, Commodities and Biosocialities. Multiple Biovalues in Hybrid Biobanking Practices, Tecnoscienza : Italian Journal of Science & Technology Studies, volume 9 (2), no. 2, pages 5-31, article no. 1. [PDF]
- Hauskeller C, Manzeschke A, Pichl A, Beltrame L, Rosemann A, Tanner C, Petersen A, MacGregor C, Munsie M, Molnar-Gabor F. (2019) The Matrix of Stem Cell Research. An Approach to Rethinking Science in Society, Routledge, DOI:10.4324/9781315104386. [PDF]
- Beltrame L, Hauskeller C. (2018) Assets, Commodities and Biosocialities Multiple Biovalues in Hybrid Biobanking Practices, TECNOSCIENZA-ITALIAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY STUDIES, volume 9, no. 2, pages 5-31. [PDF]
- Hauskeller C. (2018) Between the Local and the Global: Evaluating European regulation of stem cell regenerative medicine, Perspect Biol Med, volume 61, no. 1, pages 42-58, DOI:10.1353/pbm.2018.0026. [PDF]
- Hauskeller C, Hick C. (2018) Embryonen, Tiermodelle, Chimären. Stammzell-Ethik in Großbritannien und Deutschland, Nomos, 179-208, DOI:10.5771/9783845287720-178.
- Hauskeller C. (2018) Judith Butler. Das Unbehagen der Geschlechter, Geschichte des politischen Denkens. Das 20. Jahrhundert, Suhrkamp Verlag, 741-756.
- Hauskeller C. (2017) Can harmonized regulation overcome intra-European differences? Insights from a European Phase III stem cell trial, Regenerative Medicine, no. 6, DOI:10.2217/rme-2017-0064.
- Hauskeller C, Baur N, Harrington J. (2017) Standards, Harmonization and Cultural Differences: Examining the Implementation of a European Stem Cell Clinical Trial, Science as Culture, volume 28, no. 2, pages 174-199, DOI:10.1080/09505431.2017.1347613. [PDF]
- Mathur A, Fernández-Avilés F, Dimmeler S, Hauskeller C, Janssens S, Menasche P, Wojakowski W, Martin JF, Zeiher A, BAMI Investigators. (2017) The consensus of the Task Force of the European Society of Cardiology concerning the clinical investigation of the use of autologous adult stem cells for the treatment of acute myocardial infarction and heart failure: update 2016, Eur Heart J, volume 38, no. 39, pages 2930-2935, DOI:10.1093/eurheartj/ehw640. [PDF]
- Hauskeller C, Beltrame L. (2016) The hybrid bioeconomy of umbilical cord blood banking: Re-examining the narrative of opposition between public and private services, BioSocieties, DOI:10.1057/biosoc.2015.45.
- Hauskeller C. (2015) Genetic geographies: the trouble with ancestry, Ethnic and Racial Studies, volume 39, no. 8, pages 1515-1517, DOI:10.1080/01419870.2015.1095343. [PDF]
- Hauskeller C. (2015) Diagonal convergences: Genetic testing, governance, and globalization, Knowing New Biotechnologies: Social Aspects of Technological Convergence, 105-121, DOI:10.4324/9781315776781.
- Tutton R, Hauskeller C, Sturdy S. (2015) Importing Forensic Biomedicine into Asylum Adjudication: Genetic Ancestry and Isotope Testing in the United Kingdom, Adjudicating Refugee and Asylum Status The Role of Witness, Expertise, and Testimony, Cambridge University Press, 202-220. [PDF]
- Harrington JL, Hauskeller C. (2014) Translational Research: An Imperative Shaping the Spaces in Biomedicine, Tecnoscienza : Italian Journal of Science & Technology Studies, volume 5, no. 1, pages 191-201. [PDF]
- Hauskeller C. (2014) Race and the genetic revolution: science, myth and culture, ETHNIC AND RACIAL STUDIES, volume 37, no. 10, pages 1946-1949, DOI:10.1080/01419870.2013.870348. [PDF]
- Tutton R, Hauskeller C, Sturdy S. (2014) Suspect technologies: Forensic testing of asylum seekers at the UK border, Ethnic and Racial Studies, volume 37, no. 5, pages 738-752, DOI:10.1080/01419870.2013.870667.
- Hauskeller C. (2013) Genetics and the Sociology of Identity: Special Issue of Sociology, SAGE Journals / British Sociological Association, DOI:10.1177/003803851350. [PDF]
- Hauskeller C, Sturdy S, Tutton R. (2013) Genetics and the Sociology of Identity, Sociology, volume 47, no. 5, pages 875-886, DOI:10.1177/0038038513505011.
- Wilson-Kovacs D, Hauskeller, C. (2012) Cardiac stem cell research: regulation and practice in the UK and Germany, Innovation: The European Journal of Social Sciences, volume 25, no. 4, pages 409-423, DOI:10.1080/13511610.2012.723881.
- Wilson-Kovacs D, Wyatt D, Hauskeller C. (2012) "A Faustian bargain?" Public voices on forensic DNA technologies and the National DNA Database, NEW GENETICS AND SOCIETY, volume 31, no. 3, pages 285-298, DOI:10.1080/14636778.2012.687085. [PDF]
- Wilson-Kovacs D, Hauskeller C. (2012) The clinician-scientist: professional dynamics in clinical stem cell research, Sociology of Health and Illness, volume 34, no. 4, pages 497-512, DOI:10.1111/j.1467-9566.2011.01389.x.
- Hauskeller C. (2011) Direct to consumer genetic testing: Regulations cannot guarantee responsible use; an international industry certificate is needed, BMJ, volume 342, no. 7808, DOI:10.1136/bmj.d2317.
- Hauskeller C, Weber S. (2011) Framing pluripotency: IPS cells and the shaping of stem cell science, New Genetics and Society, volume 30, no. 4, pages 415-431, DOI:10.1080/14636778.2011.592007.
- Hauskeller C. (2011) Science Spat: Direct to Consumer Genetic Testing, People and Science.
- Hauskeller C, Weber S. (2011) Framing Pluripotency: iPS cells and the Shaping of Stem Cell Science, New Genetics and Society, volume 4, no. 30.
- Hauskeller C. (2011) Direct to consumer genetic testing, BMJ, volume 342.
- Hauskeller C, Wilson-Kovacs D. (2010) Traveling across borders--the pitfalls of clinical trial regulation and stem cell exceptionalism, Am J Bioeth, volume 10, no. 5, pages 38-40, DOI:10.1080/15265161003754064. [PDF]
- Wilson-Kovacs D, Weber S, Hauskeller C. (2010) Stem cells clinical trials for cardiac repair: regulation as practical accomplishment, Sociology of Health and Illness, volume 32, no. 1, pages 89-105, DOI:10.1111/j.1467-9566.2009.01191.x.
- Hauskeller C. (2009) Regulierung der Stammzellforschung – Wie Großbritannien in die ethische Urteilsfindung investiert, Studien zur Ethik, Stammzellfoschung in Europa, Peter Lang Publishers, 115-142.
- Hauskeller C. (2009) The Genetic Re-Making of Human Identity and Why it should not be trusted, Photo-ID: Photograpehrs and Scientists explore Identity, Wellcome Trust, 37-49.
- Samusch T, Hauskeller C, Budiner I, Weber S, Busch A, Knappertsbusch F, Schluter E, Krones T. (2009) Ansichten von in Deutschland arbeitenden Wissenschaftlern in der Stammzellforschung zur Lage der Stammzellforschung in Deutschland.
- Hauskeller C. (2009) Toward a Critical Evaluation of Protocell Research, The Ethics of Protocells: Moral and Social Implications of Creating Life in the Laboratory, MIT Press, 307-332.
- Hescheler J, Hauskeller C. (2008) From basic research to the clinic. Obstacles and options for stem cell therapies, Bundesgesundheitsblatt - Gesundheitsforschung - Gesundheitsschutz, volume 51, no. 9, pages 1014-1020, DOI:10.1007/s00103-008-0629-z.
- Krones T, Samusch T, Weber S, Budiner I, Busch A, Knappertsbusch F, Schlüter E, Hauskeller C. (2008) Brain drain in stem cell research? the views and attitudes of stem cell researchers in Germany, Bundesgesundheitsblatt - Gesundheitsforschung - Gesundheitsschutz, volume 51, no. 9, pages 1039-1049, DOI:10.1007/s00103-008-0633-3.
- Hauskeller C. (2008) Stem Cell and Embryo Research in the United Kingdom, Scientific, Legal and Public Policy Developments’ for Austrian Bundeskanzleramt, 97-118.
- Hauskeller C, Grießler E, Lehner D, Metzler I, Pichelstorfer A, Szyma A. (2008) Stammzellen und Embryonenschutz, Status quo, Rechtsvergleich und öffentliche Debatte am Beispiel ausgewählter europäischer Staaten, Austrian Bundeskanzleramt (Government), Austrian Bundeskanzleramt, 197 pages. [PDF]
- Hescheler J, Hauskeller C. (2008) [From basic research to the clinic. Obstacles and options for stem cell therapies], Bundesgesundheitsblatt Gesundheitsforschung Gesundheitsschutz, volume 51, no. 9, pages 1014-1020, DOI:10.1007/s00103-008-0629-z. [PDF]
- Hauskeller C, Hescheler J. (2008) 'Von der Grundlagenforschung in die Klinik: Probleme und Möglichkeiten der Stammzelltherapie', BundesGesundheitsanzeiger, no. Special Issue on Stem Cell Research, pages 1014-1049.
- Hauskeller C. (2006) Konzeptionen von Subjekt. Die Frage nach dem Körper in der Ethik, Ethik, Geschlecht, Wissenschaft, Verlag, 43-61.
- Hauskeller C. (2006) Menschenwürde, Freiheit der Forschung und Missbrauchsgefahr, in Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, ELSEVIER Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, 23 pages.
- Hauskeller C. (2005) The Language of Stem Cell Science, Crossing Borders: Grenzüberschreitungen, Agenda Verlag, 39-60.
- Bender W, Hauskeller C, Manzei A. (2005) Crossing Borders: Cultural, religious and political differences concerning stem cell research, Agenda Verlag.
- Hauskeller C. (2005) Überlegungen zur Institutionalisierung moralischer Entscheidungsprozesse in der Klinik, Erwägen Wissen Ethik, volume 16, no. 1, pages 33-35.
- Hauskeller C. (2005) Science in Touch. Functions of biomedical terminology, Biology & Philosophy, volume 20, no. 4, pages 815-835, DOI:10.1007/s10539-004-2280-x.
- Hauskeller C, Calvert J. (2004) The meanings of genomics: Introduction, New Genetics and Society, volume 23, no. 3, pages 251-254, DOI:10.1080/1463677042000305093.
- Hauskeller C. (2004) Stammzellforschung und Menschenwürde, Politik und Menschenwürde, Suhrkamp Verlag.
- Hauskeller C. (2004) Das Forschungsfeld Humane Stammzellen, Zukunftsorientierte Wissenschaft, Agenda Verlag, 173-184.
- Hauskeller C. (2004) How traditions of ethical reasoning and institutional processes shape stem cell research in the UK, The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy, volume 29, no. 5, pages 509-532, DOI:10.1080/03605310490518104.
- Hauskeller C, Calvert J. (2004) Introduction. The meanings of genomics, New Genetics and Society. Special Issue, volume 23, no. 3, pages 251-254, DOI:10.1080/1463677042000305093.
- Hauskeller C. (2004) Genes, genomes and identity. Projections on matter, New Genetics and Society, volume 23, no. 3, pages 285-299, DOI:10.1080/1463677042000305057.
- Hauskeller C. (2004) The Meanings of Genomics, A Special Issue of New Genetics and Society, Taylor and Francis.
- Hauskeller C. (2003) Menschenwürde und Biotechnologie, Bis hierher und noch weiter? Grenzkonflikte in Alltag, Arbeit, Wissenschaft und Politik, 89-102.
- Hauskeller C. (2003) Subjekt, BioMacht und Widerstand - Butler und Foucault. Eine Skizze, Konfigurationen des Menschen. Biowissenschaften als Arena der Geschlechterpolitik, Leske und Budrich, 155-186.
- Hauskeller C. (2003) Natur als Grenzbegriff kultureller Machbarkeit, Natur als Politikum, RLI-Verlag, 175-194.
- Hauskeller C, Bender W. (2003) Der Stammzelldiskurs - Kriterien der Technikbewertung, Elfenbeinturm oder Stimmzettel. Zur Demokratiefähigkeit von Zukunftstechnologien, Leske und Budrich, 179-196.
- Hauskeller C. (2002) Bedeutung erzeugen und neutralisieren. Die Macht der Sprache, Humane Stammzellen, Lengerich, 230-238.
- Hauskeller C. (2002) Sprache und Diskursstruktur. Ethische Implikationen und gesellschaftliche Kontexte der Stammzellforschung, Stammzellenforschung und therapeutisches Klonen, Vandenhoek & Rupprecht, 103-118.
- Hauskeller C. (2002) Wissenschaftliche Konstruktionen, ärztliches Selbstverständnis und ethische Bewertung. Überlegungen zum moralischen Status von Embryonen in der Stammzellforschung, Das Ungeteiltsein des Menschen, Grünewald-Verlag, 55-70.
- Hauskeller C. (2002) Subjekt und Folter, Scheidewege. Jahresschrift für skeptisches Denken, volume 31, pages 212-231.
- Hauskeller C. (2002) Humane Stammzellen - therapeutische Optionen, ökonomische Perspektiven, mediale Vermittlung, Pabst Science Publishers.
- Hauskeller C. (2001) Ethische Urteilsbildung zur Forschung an und mit humanen Stammzel-len, Wissenschaft verantworten. Soziale und ethische Orientierung in der technischen Zivilisation, Münster, 110-120.
- Hauskeller C. (2001) Ueber das Verhaeltnis des postmodernen Denkens zur Natur, Hestia, volume 2000/2001, pages 33-49, article no. 2.
- Hauskeller C. (2001) Die Stammzellforschung. Sachstand und ethische Problemstellungen, Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, no. B 27, pages 7-16, article no. 2.
- Hauskeller C. (2001) Wissenschaft verantworten. Soziale und ethische Orientierung in der technischen Zivilisation, Agenda Verlag.
- Hauskeller C. (2000) Stammzellforschung und aerztliches Selbstverstaendnis, ETHICA Wissenschaft und Verantwortung, no. 8-2000-4, pages 367-384, article no. 2.
- Hauskeller C. (2000) Das paradoxe Subjekt. Submission and Resistance in Judith Butler and Michel Foucault, edition discord. [PDF]
- . (1997) Interdisciplinary Science Reviews ISR.
- Hauskeller C. (1997) Always at odds with the subject: Theoretical and political consequences of a juridical power-model: Judith Butler, DEUT Z PHILOS, volume 45, no. 6, pages 994-997.
- Hauskeller C. (1996) "--was die Welt im Innersten zusammenhält".
Modules taught
- PHL2117 - Philosophy and Psychedelics
- PHL3078 - Critical Theory: The Frankfurt School and Communicative Capitalism
- PHL3079 - Feminist Philosophy: Gender, Race and Class
- PHL3117 - Philosophy and Psychedelics
- PHLM006 - Contemporary Ethics
- PHLM013 - Philosophy and Psychedelics
- PHLM014 - Philosophy and Psychedelics
- PHLM015 - Contemporary Ethics
M.A. (1992) University Frankfurt on Main in Philosophy, Sociology and Psychoanalysis. MA dissertation (supervised by Axel Honneth, distinction).
Ph.D. (1999) Technical University Darmstadt. Dissertation on Michel Foucault's and Judith Butler's works, entitled "The Paradoxical Subject" (published monograph in German: Das paradoxe Subjekt, Unterwerfung und Widerstand bei Michel Foucault und Judith Butler, Tübingen edition diskord, 2000).
In January 1999 I was appointed postdoctoral researcher in a project to explore ethical aspects of the then new area of stem cell research and set up a mutlidisciplinary working group on the topic. I published some of its discusison as a book.
In 2002 I came to Exeter as a research fellow in the ESRC Centre for Genomics in Society. I became its Co-Director (2009 - 2012), managing a team of over 30 people and setting up working gorups such as the genetics and identity workstream with the UKs ESRC Genomics Network.
Since 2012 I have been teaching Philosophy and Sociology at Exeter University progressing to Professor.
I have served on many Expert Panels including the BBSRC Science and Society Strategy Panel, the workign group brian organoids at the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina (2019-2023) as well as the German Ethics Commission Stem Cell Research (since 2014). I have served on many research funding panels, including the European Research Council from 2010 to 2019 - when I was Vice-Chair of the ERC Synergy Panel-, and industrial as well as many research council panels across Europe and in the UK.