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Social and Political Sciences, Philosophy, and Anthropology

Photo of Dr Geoffrey Hughes

Dr Geoffrey Hughes

Senior Lecturer (Anthropology)

Amory B304


My research and teaching focus on the politics of everyday life in the contemporary Middle East, with an emphasis on kinship, gender, Islam, and the state. I have spent over four years living and working in the region, including over two years conducting long-term ethnographic research in Jordan funded by the US National Science Foundation, the National Endowment for the Humanities and the British Academy. I have published extensively on how people living in the Middle East work to re-imagine a range of globally circulating technologies for large-scale population management, from Facebook-mediated blood feuds to the information infrastructures of government Sharia Courts.

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Jordan and the Middle East; Kinship; Personhood; Emotion and Affect; Marriage; Gender; The Anthropology of Islam; Political Economy; The State; Institutions; Infrastructure; Science and Technology Studies

Current and Previous Research Projects:

'The Value of Moderation: Language, Emotion, and Islam in Jordan' (British Academy and Council for British Research in the Levant, 2019)

'Nation and Agnation: Kinship, Conflict and Social Control in Contemporary Jordan' (National Endowment for the Humanities and the American Centre of Oriental Research, 2017)

'The Politics of Envy: Kinship, State and the Management of Inequality in Jordan' (London School of Economics, 2016)

'Affection and Mercy: Kinship, State and the Management of Marriage in Contemporary Jordan' (University of Michigan, 2013)

'Managing Marriage: Kinship and Bureaucracy in Contemporary Jordan' (National Science Foundation and the University of Michigan, 2011-2012)

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  • Humanitarian Ethics - funded by: University of Exeter, University of Istanbul, and the Turkish research council (Tübitak)

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I am open to supervising PhD students interested in the following topics, preferably with an area studies focus on the Middle East:

  • Kinship and Gender
  • Emotions and Affect
  • Social Media
  • State- and Institution-Formation
  • Critical Legal Anthropology
  • Islam

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Copyright Notice: Any articles made available for download are for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the copyright holder.

| 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 |





  • Hughes G. (2021) /Living Water/ and the Politics and Anti-Politics of Water in Jordan.
  • Hughes G, Ben-Yehoyada N, Scheele J, Dua J. (2021) Forum, Journal of Legal Anthropology, volume 5, no. 2, pages 74-94, DOI:10.3167/jla.2021.0501of. [PDF]
  • Hughes G. (2021) Living Water and the Politics and Anti-Politics of Water in Jordan. [PDF]
  • Hughes GF. (2021) Kinship, Islam, and the Politics of Marriage in Jordan Affection and Mercy, Indiana University Press.
  • Hughes G, Walter AM. (2021) Staying tuned connections beyond ‘the field’, Social Analysis, volume 65, no. 1, pages 102-189, DOI:10.3167/sa.2020.650105.
  • Hughes G, Walter A-M. (2021) STAYING TUNED Connections beyond 'the Field', SOCIAL ANALYSIS, volume 65, no. 1, pages 89-102, DOI:10.3167/sa.2021.650105. [PDF]






  • Hughes G. (2016) The Emergence of "Divorce Before Consummation" in Jordanian Sharia Courts.
  • Hughes G. (2016) Not So Crazy in Love: What we can Learn from the Poetry of Young Afghan Refugees.
  • Hughes GF. (2016) The Proliferation of Men: Markets, Property, and Seizure in Jordan, Anthropological Quarterly, volume 89, no. 4, pages 1081-1108, DOI:10.1353/anq.2016.0069. [PDF]


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Modules taught

  • ANT1005 - Introduction to Social Anthropology: Exploring Cultural Diversity
  • ANT2016 - Anthropology of the State
  • ANT2017 - Anthropology of Islam
  • ANT2041 - How Organisations Work: Ethnography in Institutions

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I hail from the US, where I studied at Reed College (BA in Anthropology, 2006) before joining the Peace Corps and serving for two years as a schoolteacher in a rural village in southern Jordan. While I don't know how much good I did my first students, I found Jordan fascinating and left determined to learn more. I returned to the US to study anthropology at the University of Michigan with a focus on Jordan and the broader Middle East, earning my MA in 2011 and my PhD in 2015. I subsequently joined the Department of Anthropology at the London School of Economics, where I was a fellow for three years, before beginning a lectureship at the University of Exeter in 2018. I travel to Jordan regularly, where I have now conducted over two years of ethnographic fieldwork with the support of the National Science Foundation, the National Endowment for the Humanities and, more recently, the British Academy. 

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