Emeritus Professor Susan Kelly
Professor (Sociology)
01392 725139
My office hours for Term 1 2017/2018 are Tuesday and Thursday 11-12, or by appointment. Please email me at s.e.kelly@exeter.a.uk or come by during my office hours.
My research interests centre around the development of new biomedical forms of investigation and intervention into human bodies and beings, focusing particularly on the arenas of reproduction (prenatal testing and diagnosis), mental health, childhood disorders, and complex diseases. My current interests focus on implications of next generation sequencing and post-genomic science for biomedical understanding and clinical practice; for example, applications of post-genomic technologies to understanding processes of, and intervening in, human reproduction; and problems of interpretation and clinical introduction of whole genome sequencing data. I am also interested in the increasing salience of microchimerism from a longstanding interest in gestational cell transfer, other produced and natural forms of chimerism, and related technologies of 'visibility'.
As director of the Health, Technology and Society (HTS) Research Group, which has grown out of Egenis (ESRC Centre for Genomics in Society), I oversee the research activities of a group of research fellows involved in a variety of projects examining developments in the science and technology of medicine, genomic medicine in particular. Our work can be summed up as focusing primarily on the implications of technological innovation for the sociological understanding of diagnosis, and we are part of a new network of scholars in the sociology of diagnosis. We are collaborating with a number of research groups in the UK and beyond, developing projects on the implementation of new diagnostic technologies. I am interested in research methodologies in sociology and health-related research, and seek to employ novel methodological approaches. I teach modules on sociology of health and illness, disability, and the body, social theory, and methods at the undergraduate level, and research methods in sociology at the post graduate level.
My work is informed by doctoral training at UCSF (sociology of health and illness, and qualitative research methods) and subsequent postdoctoral training at Stanford University in genetics, bioethics and history and philosophy of science.
My recent doctoral supervision includes:
Ernesto Schwartz Marin 'Genomic Sovereignty and The Mexican Genome: An ethnography of postcolonial biopolitics' (2012)
Daniele Carrieri 'Neurofibromatosis Type 1 (NF1): Patients and Families Experiences and Health Care System Management of a Complex Genetic Syndrome'
Recent research projects
Selling genetic tests online: User perspectives on direct to consumer psychiatric genetic tests. With Professor Sally Wyatt, VKS, Maastricht, Netherlands. Examining on-line representation of psychiatric genetics, scientific controversies and test development, and user community responses. We have made numerous conference presentations from our research under this project, and have two publications accepted and several in process.
Fetal/maternal cell transfer, non-invasive prenatal diagnosis and naturally occurring micro-chimerism. A sociological examination of the developmental trajectory of feto-maternal microchimerism science, the techno-scientific development and ‘production’ of fetal and maternal cells and genetic material, and the ongoing construction of theory/method packages through which prenatal diagnostic goals are intertwined with biomedical platforms and initiated into clinical practice. My recent paper on this topic has appeared in Science as Culture.
Is easier better? Public attitudes towards non-invasive pre-natal testing. With Dr Hannah Farrimond, Egenis. This research investigated public perceptions of non-invasive pre-natal testing. Its aim was to access the thinking of ordinary people about these new technological advances so that their views and perspectives can be represented alongside those of the scientists developing the technology and the clinicians who will be called upon to implement the tests. With Dr Farrimond I organised an interdisciplinary, international symposium on NIPD at the Brocher Foundation, held in November 2011. Currently, I am conducting several followon studies of NIPD, with collaborators at the University of Manchester, and with Dr Morrison at Exeter, on experiences of and attitudes toward, this new diagnostic technology. I am a member of the EurogeneTest working group on NIPD.
Current grants
2014 Brocher Foundation, Scholar in Residence Award, for April 2015. “Genetics goes online: New genetics and new media”(with Sally Wyatt and Anna Harris).
2014 ‘Mainstreaming genomic medicine: Is there a duty to recontact?’ ESRC/MRC Ref. ES/L002868/1. S.E. Kelly (PI); Dr. Peter Turnpenny and Professors Anneke Lucassen and Angus Clarke (co-Is). £775,555.
Harris A., Kelly S., Wyatt S. (2016) CyberGenetics: Health genetics and new media. London: Palgrave.
Kelly, S.E., (manuscript in process) Parenting in the Genetic Age: Parents, impairment and dilemmas of responsibility.
Kelly, S. E., ‘Qualitative interviewing techniques and styles’ in I.L. Bourgeault, R. DeVries, and R. Dingwall (eds.), Handbook on Qualitative Health Research, Sage Publications, 2010: 307-326.
Kelly, S. E., ‘Introduction. Section One. Biomedical Applications’ in P. Atkinson, P. Glasner and M. Lock (eds), The Handbook of Genetics and Society: Mapping the New Genomic Era, London: Routledge, 2009.
Kelly, S.E., 'From scraps and fragments to whole organisms: Molecular biology, clinical research and post genomic bodies' in P. Atkinson and P. Glaser (eds), New Genetics, New Identities, London: Routledge, 2006: 44-60.
Kelly, S.E., 'Genetic essentialism and social deviance: Intersections of genetic science and collective identity movements' in R. Tewksbury and P. Gagné (eds), Deviance and Deviants, Los Angeles, CA: Roxbury Publishing Company, 2000: 137-149.
Kelly, S.E. and Koenig, B.A., 'Rescue technologies following high dose chemotherapy for breast cancer: How social context shapes the assessment of innovative, aggressive, and life-saving medical technologies', in P.J. Boyle (ed), Getting Doctors to Listen: Ethics and Outcomes Data in Context, Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 1998: 126-152.
Estes, C.L., Kelly, S.E. and Binney, E.A., 'Bioethics in a disposable society: Health care and the intergenerational stake', in James W. Walters (ed), Choosing Who’s to Live: Ethics and Aging, Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1996: 95-119.
Elizabeth Alexander, Susan Kelly, Lauren Kerzin-Storrar (2014) Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing: UK Genetic Counselors’ Experiences and PerspectivesJ Genet Counsel DOI 10.1007/s10897-014-9765-9
Anna Harris, Susan E. Kelly & Sally Wyatt (2014) Autobiologies on YouTube: narratives of direct-to-consumer genetic testing, New Genetics and Society, 33:1, 60-78, DOI: 10.1080/14636778.2014.884456
Russell, G., Ford. T. Rosenberg, R. Kelly, S. (2014). The association of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder with socio-economic disadvantage: Alternative explanations and evidence. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 55(5), pages 436–445.
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My research interests centre around the development of new biomedical forms of investigation and intervention into human bodies and beings, focusing particularly on the arenas of reproduction (prenatal testing and diagnosis), mental health, childhood disorders, and complex diseases. My current interests focus on implications of next generation sequencing and post-genomic science for biomedical understanding and clinical practice; for example, applications of post-genomic technologies to understanding processes of, and intervening in, human reproduction; and problems of interpretation and clinical introduction of whole genome sequencing data. I am also interested in the increasing salience of microchimerism from a longstanding interest in gestational cell transfer, other produced and natural forms of chimerism, and related technologies of 'visibility'.
As director of the Health, Technology and Society (HTS) Research Group, which has grown out of Egenis (ESRC Centre for Genomics in Society), I oversee the research activities of a group of research fellows involved in a variety of projects examining developments in the science and technology of medicine, genomic medicine in particular. Our work can be summed up as focusing primarily on the implications of technological innovation for the sociological understanding of diagnosis, and we are part of a new network of scholars in the sociology of diagnosis. We are collaborating with a number of research groups in the UK and beyond, developing projects on the implementation of new diagnostic technologies. I am interested in research methodologies in sociology and health-related research, and seek to employ novel methodological approaches.
Current research projects
Selling genetic tests online: User perspectives on direct to consumer psychiatric genetic tests. With Professor Sally Wyatt, VKS, Maastricht, Netherlands. Examining on-line representation of psychiatric genetics, scientific controversies and test development, and user community responses. We have made numerous conference presentations from our research under this project, and have two publications accepted and several in process.
Fetal/maternal cell transfer, non-invasive prenatal diagnosis and naturally occurring micro-chimerism. A sociological examination of the developmental trajectory of feto-maternal microchimerism science, the techno-scientific development and ‘production’ of fetal and maternal cells and genetic material, and the ongoing construction of theory/method packages through which prenatal diagnostic goals are intertwined with biomedical platforms and initiated into clinical practice. My recent paper on this topic has appeared in Science as Culture.
Is easier better? Public attitudes towards non-invasive pre-natal testing. With Dr Hannah Farrimond, Egenis. This research investigated public perceptions of non-invasive pre-natal testing. Its aim was to access the thinking of ordinary people about these new technological advances so that their views and perspectives can be represented alongside those of the scientists developing the technology and the clinicians who will be called upon to implement the tests. With Dr Farrimond I organised an interdisciplinary, international symposium on NIPD at the Brocher Foundation, held in November 2011. Currently, I am conducting several followon studies of NIPD, with collaborators at the University of Manchester, and with Dr Morrison at Exeter, on experiences of and attitudes toward, this new diagnostic technology. I am a member of the EurogeneTest working group on NIPD.
Research group links
- Egenis, the Centre for the Study of Life Sciences
- Department of Sociology and Philosophy
- Health Technology and Society (HTS) research group
- Science and Technology Studies
- Sociology of Diagnoses – Exploring Emerging Diseases in Brazil - funded by: British Academy
- Rethinking Informed Consent in Genomic Research: A Case-based Approach to Develop Ethical Guidance and Training - funded by: ESRC (IAA)
- Mainstreaming Genetics: Re-contacting patients in a dynamic healthcare environment - funded by: ESRC
- Recent trends in the diagnosis of developmental disorders: are there really more children with autism, dyslexia and ADHD? - funded by: ESRC
- The Role of Diagnosis in Health and Wellbeing - funded by: ESRC
- One Day Symposium: Bridging the gap between the Sociologies of Diagnosis and Intervention - funded by: Foundation for the Sociology of Health and Illness
- Selling genetic tests online: user perspectives on direct to consumer psychiatric genetic tests - funded by: ESRC
- Is easier always better? Public attitudes towards non-invasive pre-natal testing - funded by: ESRC
- Sociology of health and illness
- Sociology of women’s health, bodies and biomedical science
- Sociology of science, technology and medicine
- Sociology of genetics
- Familial contexts of genetic disease and impairment
- Sociology of disability
My recent doctoral supervision includes:
Elena Sharrat 'Transableism' Aimee Middlemas 'Second trimester foetal death: Responses of English "parents"' (2020) Ernesto Schwartz Marin 'Genomic Sovereignty and The Mexican Genome: An ethnography of postcolonial biopolitics' (2012) Daniele Carrieri 'Neurofibromatosis Type 1 (NF1): Patients and Families Experiences and Health Care System Management of a Complex Genetic Syndrome'
Copyright Notice: Any articles made available for download are for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the copyright holder.
| To Appear | 2023 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2003 | 2002 | 1999 | 1997 |
To Appear
- Carrieri D, Lucassen AM, Clarke AJ, Dheensa S, Doheny S, Turnpenny PD, Kelly SE. Recontact in clinical practice: a survey of clinical genetics services in the UK, DOI:10.1038/gim.2015.194.
- Kelly SE, Clayton EW. Asking the right questions, Genetics in Medicine, DOI:10.1038/gim.2013.68.
- Kelly SE, Harris A, Wyatt S. The gift of spit (and the obligation to return it): How consumers of online genetic testing companies participate in research, Information, Communication and Society, DOI:10.1080/1369118X.2012.701656.
- Sakaguchi T, Tokutomi T, Yoshida A, Yamamoto K, Obata K, Carrieri D, Kelly SE, Fukushima A. (2023) Recontact: a survey of current practices and BRCA1/2 testing in Japan, Journal of Human Genetics, volume 68, no. 8, pages 551-557, DOI:10.1038/s10038-023-01149-x. [PDF]
- Morrison M, Kelly S. (2021) Personalised medicine, Routledge International Handbook of Critical Issues in Health and Illness, 95-107.
- Morrison M, Teare H, Bertier G, Buchanan J, Bylstra Y, Gaff C, Jackson L, Kato K, Kaufmann E, Kelly S. (2020) Chapter 8 Implications of secondary findings for clinical contexts, Secondary Findings in Genomic Research, Elsevier, 155-201, DOI:10.1016/b978-0-12-816549-2.00008-4.
- Barbosa RL, Barsaglini R, Kelly S. (2019) As condições genéticas e as Ciências Sociais e Humanas em saúde: contributos para um debate, Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, volume 24, no. 10, pages 3604-3604, DOI:10.1590/1413-812320182410.08092019. [PDF]
- Ali A. (2019) (Re)Knowing polycystic ovary syndrome: from lived experience to mediatory practice.
- Carrieri D, Howard HC, Benjamin C, Clarke AJ, Dheensa S, Doheny S, Hawkins N, Halbersma-Konings TF, Jackson L, Kayserili H. (2019) Recontacting patients in clinical genetics services: recommendations of the European Society of Human Genetics, European Journal of Human Genetics, volume 27, no. 2.
- Carrieri D, Jackson L, Bewshea C, Prainsack B, Mansfield J, Ahmad T, Hawkins N, Kelly S. (2018) Ethical issues in genomic research: Proposing guiding principles co-produced with stakeholders, Clinical Ethics, volume 13, no. 4, pages 194-198.
- Doheney S, Clarke A, Carrieri D, Dheensa S, Hawkins N, Lucassen A, Turnpenny P, Kelly SE. (2018) Dimensions of responsibility in medical genetics: exploring the complexity of the “duty to recontact”, New Genetics and Society, volume 37(3), DOI:10.1080/14636778.2018.1510309.
- Kelly SE, Wyatt S, Harris A. (2018) Mainstreaming genomics and personal genetic testing, Routledge Handbook of Genomics, Health and Society, 32-38, DOI:10.4324/9781315451695.
- Sirchia F, Carrieri D, Dheensa S, Benjamin C, Kayserili H, Cordier C, Van El CG, Turnpenny PD, Melegh B, Mendes Á. (2018) Recontacting or not recontacting? A survey of current practices in clinical genetics centres in Europe, European Journal of Human Genetics, volume 26, no. 7, pages 946-954, DOI:10.1038/s41431-018-0131-5.
- Kelly SE, Harris A, Wyatt S. (2018) CyberGenetics:health genetics and new media, Routledge.
- Dheensa S, Carrieri D, Kelly S, Clarke A, Doheny S, Turnpenny P, Lucassen A. (2017) A 'joint venture' model of recontacting in clinical genomics: challenges for responsible implementation, Eur J Med Genet, volume 60, no. 7, pages 403-409, DOI:10.1016/j.ejmg.2017.05.001. [PDF]
- Wyatt S, Harris A, Kelly SE. (2016) Controversy goes online: Schizophrenia genetics on Wikipedia, Science and Technology Studies, volume 29, no. 1, pages 13-29.
- Carrieri D, Farrimond H, Kelly S, Turnpenny P. (2016) Families dealing with the uncertainty of genetic disorders: the case of Neurofibromatosis Type 1, Sociology of health & illness, volume 38, no. 5, pages 753-767, DOI:10.1111/1467-9566.12401.
- Russell G, Collishaw S, Golding J, Kelly S, Ford T. (2015) Changes in diagnosis rates and behavioural traits of autism spectrum disorders over time, British Journal of Psychiatry- Open, volume 1, no. 2, pages 110-115.
- Kelly SE, Spector TD, Cherkas LF, Prainsack B, Harris JM. (2015) Evaluating the consent preferences of UK research volunteers for genetic and clinical studies, PLoS One, volume 10, no. 3, DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0118027. [PDF]
- Carrieri D, Kelly SE. (2014) Sequencing 100,000 genomes is exciting but how will it transform care for patients?. [PDF]
- Russell G, Ford T, Rosenberg R, Kelly S. (2014) The association of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder with socioeconomic disadvantage: Alternative explanations and evidence, Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines, volume 55, no. 5, pages 436-445, DOI:10.1111/jcpp.12170.
- Harris A, Kelly SE, Wyatt S. (2014) Autobiologies on YouTube: Narratives of direct-to-consumer genetic testing, New Genetics and Society, volume 33, no. 1, pages 60-78, DOI:10.1080/14636778.2014.884456.
- Kelly SE, Russell G, Ford T, Steer C. (2014) Diagnosis as a social determinant: The development of prosocial behaviour before and after an autism diagnosis, Social Science and Medicine, volume 55, no. 5, pages 436-436, DOI:10.1111/jcpp.12170.
- Clayton EW, Kelly SE. (2013) Let us ask better questions, Genetics in Medicine, volume 15, no. 11, pages 871-872, DOI:10.1038/gim.2013.68.
- Harris A, Kelly SE, Wyatt S. (2013) Counseling customers: Emerging roles for genetic counselors in the direct-to-consumer genetic testing market, Journal of Genetic Counseling, volume 22, no. 2, pages 277-288, DOI:10.1007/s10897-012-9548-0.
- Wyatt S, Harris A, Adams S, Kelly SE. (2013) Illness Online: Self-reported Data and Questions of Trust in Medical and Social Research, Theory, Culture & Society, volume 30, no. 4, pages 131-150, DOI:10.1177/0263276413485900.
- Kelly SE, Wyatt, Sally, Harris, A, Adams, S. (2013) Illness online: Self-reported data and questions of trust in medical and social research, Theory, Culture and Society: explorations in critical social science, volume 30, no. 4, pages 128-147, DOI:10.1177/0263276413485900.
- Farrimond HR, Kelly SE. (2013) Public viewpoints on new non-invasive prenatal genetic tests, Public Understanding of Science, volume 22, pages 730-744, DOI:10.1177/0963662511424359.
- Russell G, Kelly SE, Ford T, Steer C. (2012) Diagnosis as a social determinant: The development of prosocial behaviour before and after an autism spectrum diagnosis, Social Science and Medicine, volume 75, no. 9, pages 1642-1649, DOI:10.1016/j.socscimed.2012.06.019.
- Kelly SE, Farrimond HR. (2012) Non-invasive prenatal genetic testing: a study of public attitudes, Public Health Genomics, volume 15, no. 2, pages 73-81, DOI:10.1159/000331254. [PDF]
- Kelly SE. (2012) The maternal-foetal interface and gestational chimerism: the emerging importance of chimeric bodies, Science as Culture, DOI:10.1080/09505431.2011.628014. [PDF]
- Kelly SE, Harris A, Wyatt S. (2011) The gift of spit (and the obligation to return it): a critical exploration of how consumers of online genetic testing services are participating in research, Genetics as culture in a consumerist age: international symposium, Innsbruck Austria, 1st - 1st Oct 2011.
- Kelly SE, Harris A, Wyatt S. (2011) Health-e skepticism? Trust in the age of the internet, A decade of internet time: Symposium on the dynamics of the internet and society, Oxford Internet Institute Manor Road Building Oxford, 1st - 1st Sep 2011.
- Kelly SE, Harris A, Wyatt S. (2011) The medium and the message: genetic counselling in the direct-to-consumer genetic testing industry, European Society of Human Genetics, Rai, Amsterdam Nl, European Journal of Human Genetics, volume Supplement 2, no. 20.
- Kelly SE. (2011) Assisting Reproduction, Testing Genes: Global Encounters with New Biotechnologies, Sociology of Health and Illness, volume 33, no. 3, pages 500-502, DOI:10.1111/j.1467-9566.2011.01334.x.
- Kelly SE. (2011) Genomic medicine: The social science view, Science, volume 331, no. 6023, DOI:10.1126/science.331.6023.1387-a.
- Russell G, Kelly SE. (2011) Looking beyond risk: a study of lay epidemiology of childhood disorders, Health, Risk and Society, volume 13, no. 2, pages 129-145.
- Carrieri D, Farrimond HR, Kelly SE, Turnpenny P. (2010) Fragmented biosociality: Familial meanings of Neurofibromatosis Type 1, British Society for Human Genetics, University Of Warwick, Uk, 4th - 6th Sep 2010.
- Kelly SE, Farrimond HR. (2010) Non-invasive prenatal genetic testing: A study of public attitudes, ISPD (International Society for Prenatal Diagnosis) 15th International Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 11th - 14th Jul 2010.
- Kelly SE. (2010) Qualitative interviewing techniques and styles, Handbook on Qualitative Health Research, Sage Publications.
- Russel G, Kelly SE, Golding J. (2010) A qualitative analysis of lay beliefs about the aetiology and prevalence of autistic spectrum disorders, Child: Care, Health & Development, no. 3, pages 431-436.
- Kelly SE. (2009) Choosing not to choose: reproductive responses of parents of children with genetic conditions or impairments, Sociol Health Illn, volume 31, no. 1, pages 81-97, DOI:10.1111/j.1467-9566.2008.01110.x. [PDF]
- Kelly SE. (2009) Introduction. Section One. Biomedical Applications, The Handbook of Genetics and Society: Mapping the New Genomic Era, Routledge.
- Heit M, Blackwell L, Kelly S. (2008) Measuring barriers to incontinence care seeking, Neurourology and Urodynamics, volume 27, no. 3, pages 174-178, DOI:10.1002/nau.20473.
- Heit M, Blackwell L, Kelly S. (2008) Adapting the theory of care seeking behavior to the clinical problem of urinary incontinence, Journal of Pelvic Medicine and Surgery, volume 14, no. 1, pages 29-35, DOI:10.1097/SPV.0b013e3181644a94.
- Heit M, Blackwell L, Kelly S. (2008) Measuring the utility of incontinence care seeking, International Urogynecology Journal, volume 19, no. 1, pages 143-149, DOI:10.1007/s00192-007-0406-9.
- Furman CD, Kelly SE, Knapp K, Mowery RL, Miles T. (2007) Eliciting Goals of Care in a Nursing Home, Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, volume 8, no. 3 SUPPL. 2, DOI:10.1016/j.jamda.2006.12.006.
- Furman CD, Kelly SE, Knapp K, Mowery RL, Miles T. (2006) Eliciting Goals of Care in a Nursing Home, Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, volume 7, no. 8, pages 473-479, DOI:10.1016/j.jamda.2006.02.009.
- Kelly SE. (2006) From 'scraps and fragments' to 'whole organisms': Molecular biology, clinical research and post-genomic bodies, New Genetics, New Identities, 44-60, DOI:10.4324/9780203962923.
- Kelly SE. (2005) "A different light": Examining impairment through parent narratives of childhood disability, Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, volume 34, no. 2, pages 180-205, DOI:10.1177/0891241604272065.
- Hoeyer K, Bosk CL, Espeland W, Heimer C, Kelly SE, Meethan K, Shore C, Spallone P. (2005) Studying ethics as policy: The naming and framing of moral problems in genetic research, Current Anthropology, volume 46, no. SUPPL.5, DOI:10.1086/432454.
- Kelly SE, Binkley CJ, Neace WP, Gale BS. (2005) Barriers to care-seeking for children's oral health among low-income caregivers, American Journal of Public Health, volume 95, no. 8, pages 1345-1351, DOI:10.2105/AJPH.2004.045286.
- Kelly SE. (2005) 'New' genetics meets the old underclass: Findings from a study of genetic outreach services in rural Kentuckys, Genetic Governance: Health, Risk and Ethics in a Biotech Era, 128-142, DOI:10.4324/9780203000823.
- Kelly SE. (2003) Public bioethics and publics: Consensus, boundaries, and participation in biomedical science policy, Science Technology and Human Values, volume 28, no. 3, pages 339-364, DOI:10.1177/0162243903028003001.
- Kelly SE. (2003) Bioethics and rural health: Theorizing place, space, and subjects, Social Science and Medicine, volume 56, no. 11, pages 2277-2288, DOI:10.1016/S0277-9536(02)00227-7.
- Kelly SE. (2002) 'New' genetics meets the old underclass: Findings from a study of genetic outreach services in rural Kentucky, Critical Public Health, volume 12, no. 2, pages 169-186, DOI:10.1080/09581590210127398.
- Fox PJ, Kelly SE, Tobin SL. (1999) Defining dementia: Social and historical background of Alzheimer disease, Genetic Testing, volume 3, no. 1, pages 13-19, DOI:10.1089/gte.1999.3.13.
- McConnell LM, Koenig BA, Greely HT, Raffin TA, Caulfield T, Chandra R, Chun N, Coon D, Davies H, Dembitzer A. (1999) Genetic testing and Alzheimer disease: Recommendations of the Stanford Program in Genomics, Ethics, and Society, Genetic Testing, volume 3, no. 1, pages 3-12, DOI:10.1089/gte.1999.3.3.
- Furr LA, Kelly SE. (1999) The genetic knowledge index: Developing a standard measure of genetic knowledge, Genetic Testing, volume 3, no. 2, pages 193-199, DOI:10.1089/gte.1999.3.193.
- Kelly SE. (1997) Understanding the practice of ethics consultation: Results of an ethnographic multi-site study, Journal of Clinical Ethics, volume 8, no. 2, pages 136-149.