Dr Cecilia Meneghini
Lecturer (Criminology)
I am a Lecturer in Quantitative Criminology in the SPSPA department and part of the University of Exeter Centre for Computational Social Science (C2S2). I am interested in researching organised forms of crime, serious violence and criminal networks by means of quantitative methods, especially longitudinal and network-based approaches. My current research focuses on the application of dynamic network approaches to study the diffusion of serious violence, and on the integration between spatial and relational methodologies to analyse instances of illegal governance.
You can find me on X/Twitter: @CeciMeneghini
Organised crime, violence diffusion, criminal networks, illicit markets, life-course criminology, peer effects, quantitative methodologies, longitudinal methodologies.
Research group links
Copyright Notice: Any articles made available for download are for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the copyright holder.
| 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 |
- Campana P, Meneghini C. (2024) Organised crime movement across local communities: A network approach, Trends in Organized Crime, DOI:10.1007/s12117-024-09531-7. [PDF]
- Meneghini C, Calderoni F. (2024) Co-offending and the Persistence of Violence: A Dynamic Analysis, Journal of Quantitative Criminology, DOI:10.1007/s10940-023-09581-0. [PDF]
- Meneghini C, Campedelli GM, Calderoni F, Comunale T. (2023) Criminal Careers Prior to Recruitment into Italian Organized Crime, CRIME & DELINQUENCY, volume 69, no. 11, pages 2243-2273, article no. ARTN 00111287211035994, DOI:10.1177/00111287211035994. [PDF]
- Meneghini C. (2022) Structure and Evolution of Drug Trafficking Networks in North Africa: The Impact of Rule of Law and Corruption, The Evolution of Illicit Flows Displacement and Convergence among Transnational Crime, Springer.
- Meneghini C, Calderoni F. (2022) Co-offending and Criminal Careers in Organized Crime, Journal of Developmental and Life-Course Criminology, volume 8, no. 3, pages 337-364, DOI:10.1007/s40865-022-00202-1.
- Campedelli GM, Calderoni F, Comunale T, Meneghini C. (2021) Life-Course Criminal Trajectories of Mafia Members, CRIME & DELINQUENCY, volume 67, no. 1, pages 111-141, article no. ARTN 0011128719860834, DOI:10.1177/0011128719860834. [PDF]
- Aziani A, Dugato M, Meneghini C. (2020) A methodology for estimating the illicit consumption of cigarettes at the country level, Global Crime, volume 21, no. 2, pages 154-184, DOI:10.1080/17440572.2020.1724786.
- Savona EU, Calderoni F, Campedelli GM, Comunale T, Ferrarini M, Meneghini C. (2020) The criminal careers of italian mafia members, Understanding Recruitment to Organized Crime and Terrorism, 241-267, DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-36639-1_10.
- Meneghini C, Aziani A, Dugato M. (2020) Modeling the structure and dynamics of transnational illicit networks: an application to cigarette trafficking, Applied Network Science, volume 5, no. 1, DOI:10.1007/s41109-020-00265-3.
Modules taught
- SOC1040 - Social Issues: Part II - Themes in Criminology
- SOC2038 - On Violence
- SOC2050 - Knowing the Social World
- SSI3021 - Mapping the Social World: Introduction to Spatial Analysis in the Social Sciences
Prior to joining the University of Exeter, I was a Research Associate at the Institute of Criminology, University of Cambridge. I hold a Master’s Degree in Economic and Social Sciences from Bocconi University (Milan) and a PhD in Criminology from the Catholic University in Milan awarded in 2021. While completing my PhD, I worked as a researcher at Transcrime, the joint research centre on transnational crime of the Catholic University in Milan, where I collaborated on different international projects on the topics of organised crime and transnational trafficking.