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Social and Political Sciences, Philosophy, and Anthropology

Photo of Dr Kawa Morad

Dr Kawa Morad

Lecturer (Anthropology)

Amory B304


Dr Kawa Morad obtained his PhD from the University of Exeter, Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies. During his doctoral studies, he taught at the SPA and Politics departments. His research interests comprise mainly the anthropology of the Middle East, with a specific focus on history and memory, cultural politics, mobility and movement, refugees, and forced migration.

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Modules taught

  • ANT1004 - Introduction to Social Anthropology: Theorising the Everyday World
  • ANT1005 - Introduction to Social Anthropology: Exploring Cultural Diversity
  • ANT2002 - Ethnography Now
  • ANT2021 - Anthropology of the Middle East
  • ANT3021 - Anthropology of the Middle East

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