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Social and Political Sciences, Philosophy, and Anthropology

Photo of Dr Nitzan Peri-Rotem

Dr Nitzan Peri-Rotem

Senior Lecturer (Sociology and Q Step)


01392 724414

Clayden 1.07


Dr Peri-Rotem is a social demographer, specializing in family and fertility trends in post-industrial societies. She is interested in social and cultural influences on reproductive behaviour and the link between social inequalities and family formation patterns. Her recent work is focused on the relationships between socioeconomic status, lifestyle and reproductive health as well as social inequalities in access to assisted reproduction. Her other research interests include gender equality, work-family balance, life course analysis and religious and ethnic identities.  

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Research projects:

Principal Investigator. “The role of lifestyle factors in explaining fertility variation among couples in the UK”. Understanding Society Biomarker Data Project Fellowship, 2018. £55,285. 


Peri-Rotem, N. (2023). Education, health indicators and fertility outcomes: a longitudinal analysis of couples in BritainLongitudinal and Life Course Studies.

Jones, B., Peri-Rotem, N. & Mountford-Zimdars, A. (2023). Geographic opportunities for assisted reproduction: a study of regional variations in access to fertility treatment in EnglandHuman Fertility.

Peri-Rotem, N. & Skirbekk, V. (2023). Religiosity, sex frequency, and sexual satisfaction in Britain: Evidence from the Third National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles (Natsal). The Journal of Sex Research, 60(1): 13-35. 

Peri-Rotem, N. (2022). Global fertility and the future of religion: Addressing empirical and theoretical challengesReligion, Brain and Behavior.

Peri-Rotem, N. (2021). Religion as a moderating factor in the education-fertility relationship. N-IUSSP: International Union for the Scientific Study of Population Online News Magazine

Peri-Rotem, N. (2020). Fertility differences by education in Britain and France: The role of religion. Population, 75(1): 9-36.

Peri-Rotem, N. (2019). Gendered career pathways among doctoral graduates in the United Kingdom. Social Sciences, 8(11): 317-331.

Peri-Rotem, N. and Scott, J. (2018). Differences in partnership and marital status at first birth by women’s and partners’ education: Evidence from Britain 1991-2012. Vienna Yearbook of Population Research, 15: 181-213.

Peri-Rotem, N. (2016). Religion and fertility in Western Europe: trends across cohorts in Britain, France and the Netherlands. European Journal of Population, 32(2), 231-265.

Peri-Rotem, N. (2016). Fertility in Western Europe: the role of religionN-IUSSP: International Union for the Scientific Study of Population Online News Magazine

Peri-Rotem, N. (2012). Statistics of identity: representation of minority groups in the population census. St Antony’s International Review, 8(1), 106-117.

Phren, S. and Peri, N. (2010). Prospective immigration to Israel through 2030: methodological issues and challenges. Proceedings of the Work Session on Demographic Projections, Lisbon, April 2010. Eurostat Methodologies and Working Papers, 269-278.

Blog Posts (published by ReproSoc, University of Cambridge)

Emily in Paris and the regression of women's rights (13 Jan 2021)

Revisiting the concept of reproductive rights (11 Jan 2017)

Changing fertility: Social, demographic and ethical consequences of assisted conception technologies (5 Jun 2016)

Child in time: Should (in)fertility be discussed in schools? (8 April 2016)

Fending off the stork: Why do some people delay childbearing until it is (almost) too late? (29 Jan 2016)

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 Research group links

·         The University of Exeter Q-Step Centre

·         Egenis – The Centre for the Study of Life Sciences

·         Changing (In)Fertilities


Research supervision

I welcome inquiries from prospective doctoral students who are interested in working on the following topics: family and fertility behaviours, life course analysis, reproductive health and other related research areas.   

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Copyright Notice: Any articles made available for download are for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the copyright holder.

| 2022 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2012 |





  • Peri-Rotem N, Scott J. (2018) Differences in partnership and marital status at first birth by women’s and their partners’ education: evidence from Britain 1991–2012, Vienna Yearbook of Population Research, volume 15, pages 181-213.


  • Peri-Rotem N. (2017) Reproduction in an era of bio-tech revolution.



  • Peri-Rotem N. (2012) Statistics of identity: representation of minority groups in the population census, St Antony's International Review, volume 8, pages 106-117.

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Modules taught

  • SOC2039 - Sociology of Family and Gender
  • SOC2116 - Sociology and Demography of Religion
  • SOC3108 - Sociology of Family and Gender
  • SOC3118 - Sociology and Demography of Religion

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I hold an undergraduate degree in Sociology and Communication (2005) and a Master’s degree in Demography and Anthropology (2009) from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. In 2015, I completed a DPhil in Sociology at Nuffield College, University of Oxford. Before moving to the UK, I gained experience working as Head of Branch for Social Statistical Analyses at the Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics. In 2014, I was appointed as Philomathia Research Associate at the University of Cambridge until June 2017, when I took the position of a Lecturer in Sociology at the University of Exeter.

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