Professor Brian Rappert
Professor (Sociology)
01392 723353
Amory 318A
My long term concern lies with the social and ethical dilemmas associated with scientific and technical expertise. In particular, I have been concerned with how data and information are managed in areas of public controversy. Much of my work in recent years has examined whether and how research and evidence inform professional practice.
Because much of my research takes place in police, security and diplomatic communities where questions of disclosure and concealment loom large, I have reflected on the methodological issues associated with investigating and writing about secrecy. This has led to attention to silences and absences: how some issues don’t get considered, how some concerns go unsaid, what grievances never get formed, and what paths in social and political are never pursued.
My office hours for Term 2 in 318a Amory are:
Wednesdays 16:00-17:00 Fridays 11:30-12:30Research
Visit http://brianrappert.net/ to see more detail on my research interests and publications.
Research group links
- Egenis, the Centre for the Study of Life Sciences
- Science and Technology Studies
- Department of Sociology and Philosophy
- A Lethal Force Monitor: Next Steps - funded by: Open Society Foundations
- Toward a Lethal Force Monitor: Enhancing State Accountability for Loss of Life in Law Enforcement - funded by: Open Society Foundations
- Digital Forensics in Policing in England and Wales: An Ethnographic Analysis of Current Practice - funded by: ESRC
- The Exeter Policing, Evidence, and Research Translation (ExPERT) Project - funded by: College of Policing
- Cataloguing Secrets, Transforming Justice: An Innovative Manuscript and an Interactive Archive - funded by: British Academy
- Beyond the Digital Divide: Sharing Research Data across Developing and Developed Countries - funded by: The Leverhulme Trust
- UK Biological Engagement Programme (UKBEP): Strengthening Biological Security - funded by: Ministry of Defence
- Building a Sustainable Capacity in dual-use Bioethics - funded by: Wellcome Trust
- Sloan Project - funded by: Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
- Research, Ethics and Codes of Conduct: A Comparative Study - funded by: Japan Foundation Endowment Committee
- Strengthening the Prohibition Against Biological Weapons: Enabling an International Educational Network - funded by: Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
- The Life Sciences, Biosecurity and Dual-Use Research Seminars - funded by: Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
- Biological Weapons, Security and the Silencing of Science - funded by: ESRC
- Sociology of science and technology
- Discourse analysis
- Criminology and policing
- War and conflict
- Secrecy
- Data, evidence and practice
- Magic
- Deception
Research students
Georgina Lewis
SWDTC ESRC Studentship
Simone Long
SWDTP ESRC Studentship
Copyright Notice: Any articles made available for download are for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the copyright holder.
| To Appear | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 |
To Appear
- Rappert B. ‘Revealing and Concealing Secrets in Research: The Potential for the Absent', Qualitative Research, volume 10, no. 5, pages 571-588.
- Rappert B, Bezuidenhout L. Conclusion, Education and Ethics in the Life Sciences: Strengthening the Prohibition of Biological Weapons, Australia National University Press, 215-222.
- Rappert B. Revealing and Concealing Secrets in Research: The Potential for the Absent, Qualitative Research, volume 10, no. 5, pages 571-587.
- Thomas O, Rappert B, Clare S, Elspeth VV. (2023) Being Curious with Secrecy, Secrecy and Society, volume 3, DOI:10.55917/2377-6188.1078.
- Rappert B, Wilson-Kovacs D, Leonelli S, Wheat H. (2023) Evincing Offence: How Digital Forensics Turns Big Data into Evidence, Engaging Science, Technology, and Society, DOI:10.17351/ests2022.1049.
- Rappert B, Balmer B. (2022) Ignorance is strength? Intelligence, security, and national secrets, Routledge International Handbook of Ignorance Studies, 345-353, DOI:10.4324/9781003100607-38.
- Wilkinson K, Boyd K, Pearson M, Farrimond H, Lang IA, Fleischer D, Poole A, Ralph N, Rappert B. (2022) Making Sense of Evidence: Using Research Training to Promote Organisational Change, Translational Criminology in Policing, 64-85, DOI:10.4324/9781003153009-9.
- Rappert B, Adang O, De Paepe J, Dymond A, Easton M, Probert T. (2022) A Global Lethal Force Monitor: Comparative Opportunities and Challenges, Homicide Studies, DOI:10.1177/10887679221121146.
- Rappert B. (2022) 6. Truth and Deception, Performing Deception, Open Book Publishers, 125-146, DOI:10.11647/obp.0295.06. [PDF]
- Rappert B. (2022) 1. A Kind of Magic, Performing Deception, Open Book Publishers, 1-20, DOI:10.11647/obp.0295.01. [PDF]
- Rappert B. (2022) 4. Natural and Contrived, Performing Deception, Open Book Publishers, 73-98, DOI:10.11647/obp.0295.04. [PDF]
- Rappert B. (2022) 7. Control and Care, Performing Deception, Open Book Publishers, 147-174, DOI:10.11647/obp.0295.07. [PDF]
- Rappert B. (2022) 3. Control and Cooperation, Performing Deception, Open Book Publishers, 47-72, DOI:10.11647/obp.0295.03. [PDF]
- Rappert B. (2022) 8. Learning and Unlearning, Performing Deception, Open Book Publishers, 175-190, DOI:10.11647/obp.0295.08. [PDF]
- Rappert B. (2022) 2. Self and Other, Performing Deception, Open Book Publishers, 21-46, DOI:10.11647/obp.0295.02. [PDF]
- Rappert B. (2022) 5. Proficiency and Inability, Performing Deception, Open Book Publishers, 99-124, DOI:10.11647/obp.0295.05. [PDF]
- Rappert B. (2022) Preface, Performing Deception, Open Book Publishers, vii-xii, DOI:10.11647/obp.0295.09. [PDF]
- Rappert B. (2022) Performing Deception, Open Book Publishers, DOI:10.11647/obp.0295.
- Wilkinson K, Boyd K, Pearson M, Farrimond H, Lang IA, Fleischer D, Poole A, Ralph N, Rappert B. (2022) Making Sense of Evidence, Translational Criminology in Policing, Taylor & Francis, 64-86, DOI:10.4324/9781003153009-7.
- Gandhi D, Heyns C, Maslen S, Orao B, Oyakhirome IL, Probert T, Adang O, De Paepe J, Easton M, Dymond A. (2021) Towards a Lethal Force Monitor.
- Wilson-Kovacs D, Rappert B, Redfern L. (2021) Dirty Work? Policing On-line Indecency in Digital Forensics, The British Journal of Criminology: an international review of crime and society, volume 62, Issue 1, pages 106-123, DOI:10.1093/bjc/azab055.
- Rappert B. (2021) The Magic of Social Life: Online Topics and Resources, Journal of Performance Magic, volume 6, DOI:10.5920/jpm.840.
- Rappert B, Adang O, Daillère A, De Paepe J, Dymond A, Easton M, Skinner S. (2021) Police Lethal Force and Accountability: Monitoring Deaths in Western Europe.
- Coopmans C, Rappert B. (2020) Data journeys in art? Warranting and witnessing the ‘fake’ and the ‘real’ in art authentication, Data Journeys in the Sciences, 371-388, DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-37177-7_19.
- Rappert B, Wilson-Kovacs D, Wheat H. (2020) Rationing Bytes: Managing Demand for Digital Forensic Examinations, Policing and Society: an international journal of research and policy, volume 31, issue 1, pages 52-65, DOI:10.1080/10439463.2020.1788026.
- Rappert B. (2019) Can the law regulate the humanitarian effects of technologies?, Routledge Handbook of War, Law and Technology, 50-62.
- Rappert B. (2019) Leaky revelations: Commitments in exposing militarism, Current Anthropology, volume 60, no. S19, pages S148-S157, DOI:10.1086/700649.
- Newham G, Rappert B. (2018) Policing for impact: Is South Africa ready for Evidence-Based Policing?, South African Crime Quarterly, no. 64, pages 7-16, DOI:10.17159/2413-3108/2018/i64a2998. [PDF]
- Newham G, Rappert B. (2018) Policing for impact: Is South Africa ready for Evidence-Based Policing?, South African Crime Quarterly, no. 64, pages 7-16, DOI:10.17159/2413-3108/2018/v0n64a2998. [PDF]
- Rappert B. (2018) Minding the gaps: Sensitivities in pursuing empirical ethics, Philosophies and Sociologies of Bioethics: Crossing the divides, 77-91, DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-92738-1_5.
- Rappert B, Smith K, Gould C. (2018) Opening Spaces through Exhibiting Absences: Representing Secretive Pasts, Chemical Bodies The Techno-Politics of Control, Geopolitical Bodies, Material.
- Leonelli S, Rappert B, Bezuidenhout L. (2018) Introduction: Open data and Africa, Data Science Journal, volume 17, DOI:10.5334/dsj-2018-005.
- Rappert B, Gould C. (2018) The Dis-eases of Secrecy: Tracing History, Memory, and Justice, Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd. [PDF]
- Brown N, Rappert B, Webster A. (2017) Contested futures: A sociology of prospective techno-science, DOI:10.4324/9781315259420.
- Brown N, Rappert B, Webster A. (2017) Introducing contested futures: From looking into the future to looking at the future, Contested Futures: A Sociology of Prospective Techno-Science, 3-20.
- Rappert B. (2017) Fostering data openness by enabling science: A proposal for micro-funding, Data Science Journal, volume 16, DOI:10.5334/dsj-2017-044.
- Rappert B, Colombetti G, Coopmans C. (2017) What is absent from contemplative neuroscience? Rethinking limits within the study of consciousness, experience, and meditation, Journal of Consciousness Studies, volume 24, no. 5-6, pages 199-255.
- Rappert B, Bezuidenhout L. (2017) Data Sharing in Low-resourced Research Environments, Prometheus.
- Bezuidenhout L, Leonelli S, Kelly A, Rappert B. (2017) Beyond the Digital Divide: Towards a Situated Approach to Open Data, Science and Public Policy, DOI:10.1093/scipol/scw036.
- Rappert B, Coopmans, Colombetti G. (2017) Meditations on silence: The (non-)conveying of the experiential in scientific accounts of Buddhist meditation, Silences of Science. Gaps and Pauses in the Communication of Science, Routledge, 193-217.
- Leonelli S, Rappert B, Davies GF. (2016) Introduction: Data Shadows: Knowledge, Openness and Absence, Science, Technology, and Human Values, volume 42, pages 191-202, DOI:10.1177/0162243916687039.
- Bezuidenhout L, Kelly A, Leonelli S, Rappert B. (2016) “$100 Is Not Much To You”: Open Science and Neglected Accessibilities for Scientific Research in Africa, Critical Public Health, DOI:10.1080/09581596.2016.1252832.
- Connell C, Rappert B. (2016) Searching for Cures or Creating Pandemics in the Lab?, Biological threats in the 21st century, Imperial College Press, 245-245.
- Rappert B, Balmer B. (2016) Absence in Science, Security and Policy From Research Agendas to Global Strategy, Palgrave.
- Rappert B, Balmer B. (2015) Ignorance is strength? Intelligence, security and national secrets, Routledge International Handbook of Ignorance Studies, 328-337, DOI:10.4324/9781315867762-39.
- Rappert B. (2015) Sensing absence: How to see what isn't there in the study of science and security, DOI:10.1007/978-1-137-59261-3.
- Dymond A, Rappert B. (2015) The Role of Civil Society in the Control of New Weapon Technologies: The Case of ‘Less Lethal’ Weapons, Sicherheit & Frieden, volume 33, no. 2, pages 73-78, DOI:10.5771/0175-274x-2015-2-73. [PDF]
- Rappert B, Balmer B. (2015) Concluding Absences, Absence in Science, Security and Policy:226 From Research Agendas to Global Strategy, Palgrave Macmillan, 226-226.
- Rappert B. (2015) Sensing Absence, Absence in Science, Security and Policy From Research Agendas to Global Strategy, Palgrave Macmillan, 3-33.
- Dymond A, Rappert B. (2014) Policing Science: The Lessons of Taser, Policing, volume 8, no. 4, pages 330-338, DOI:10.1093/police/pau030. [PDF]
- Rappert B. (2014) Why has Not There been More Research of Concern?, Front Public Health, volume 2, DOI:10.3389/fpubh.2014.00074. [PDF]
- Rappert B. (2014) Present Absences: Hauntings and Whirlwinds in "-Graphy", Social Epistemology, volume 28, no. 1, pages 41-55, DOI:10.1080/02691728.2013.862876.
- Rappert B, Bauchspies WK. (2014) Introducing Absence, Social Epistemology, volume 28, no. 1, pages 1-3, DOI:10.1080/02691728.2013.862875.
- Rappert B, Selgelid MJ. (2013) On the Dual Uses of Science and Ethics Principles, Practices, and Prospects, OAPEN Foundation, DOI:10.26530/oapen_462759.
- Rappert B. (2013) Ethics as .., ON THE DUAL USES OF SCIENCE AND ETHICS: PRINCIPLES, PRACTICES, AND PROSPECTS, no. 4, pages 349-379. [PDF]
- Rappert B, Lentzos F. (2013) Biosecurity and bioterror: Reflections on a decade, Biosecurity: The Socio-Politics of Invasive Species and Infectious Diseases, 151-164, DOI:10.4324/9780203113110.
- Rappert B. (2013) Controlling the weapons of war: Politics, persuasion and the prohibition of inhumanity, DOI:10.4324/9780203963906.
- Rappert B, Moyes R, Crowe A, Nash T. (2013) The roles of civil society in the development of standards around new weapons and other technologies of warfare, International Review of the Red Cross, volume 94, no. 886, pages 765-785, DOI:10.1017/S1816383112000744.
- Feakes D, Rappert B, McLeish C. (2012) Introduction: A Web of Prevention?, DOI:10.4324/9781849770354.
- Rappert B. (2012) Education for the life sciences: Choices and challenges, A Web of Prevention: Biological Weapons, Life Sciences and the Governance of Research, 51-65, DOI:10.4324/9781849770354.
- Rappert B, Moyes R, Lang I. (2012) The case for addressing explosive weapons: Conflict, violence and health, Social Science and Medicine, volume 75, no. 11, pages 2047-2054, DOI:10.1016/j.socscimed.2012.08.003.
- Rappert B, Moyes R, Lang I. (2012) The case for addressing explosive weapons: conflict, violence and health, Soc Sci Med, volume 75, no. 11, pages 2047-2054, DOI:10.1016/j.socscimed.2012.08.003. [PDF]
- Rappert B. (2012) States of ignorance: The unmaking and remaking of death tolls, Economy and Society, volume 41, no. 1, pages 42-63, DOI:10.1080/03085147.2011.637334.
- Rappert B. (2011) Deadly metal rain: the legality of flechette weapons in international law, Medicine Conflict & Survival, volume 27, no. 3, pages 184-186, DOI:10.1080/13623699.2011.633761.
- Rappert B. (2011) Pacing Science and Technology with Codes of Conduct: Rethinking What Works, International Library of Ethics, Law and Technology, 109-126, DOI:10.1007/978-94-007-1356-7_8.
- Rappert B. (2011) Evidencing similarity: The language of judgement, spin, and accountability, Journal of Language and Politics, volume 10, no. 2, pages 182-203, DOI:10.1075/jlp.10.2.03rap.
- Rappert B. (2011) "Pacing Science and Technology with Codes of Conduct", The Growing Gap Between Emerging Technologies and Legal-Ethical Oversight.
- Rappert B. (2011) "Statecrafting Ignorance: Strategies for Managing Burdens, Secrecy, and Conflict", Government Secrecy, Emerald Group Publishing, 301-324.
- Rappert B. (2011) The Language of Judgement, Spin, and Accountability, Journal of Language and Politics, volume 10, pages 182-203, article no. 2.
- Rappert B. (2011) A teachable moment for biological weapons: The seventh BWC review conference and the need for international cooperation in education, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, volume 67, no. 3, pages 44-50, DOI:10.1177/0096340211406875.
- Rappert EBB. (2011) Education and Ethics in the Life Sciences: Strengthening the Prohibition of Biological Weapons, Australian National University Press.
- RAPPERT B. (2010) Making Silence Matter: The Place of the Absences in Ethnography, Ethnographic Praxis in Industry Conference Proceedings, volume 2010, no. 1, pages 260-273, DOI:10.1111/j.1559-8918.2010.00023.x.
- Rappert B. (2010) Revealing and Concealing Secrets in Research: The Potential for the Absent, Qualitative Research, volume 10, no. 1, pages 571-588.
- Rappert B, Moyes R. (2010) 'Enhancing the Protection of Civilians from Armed Conflict: Precautionary Lessons', Medicine, Conflict & Survival, volume 26, no. 1, pages 24-47.
- Rappert B. (2010) Making Silences Matter, The Way of Ethnography, American Anthropological Association, 260-273.
- Rappert B. (2010) Introduction, Education and Ethics in the Life Sciences: Strengthening the Prohibition of Biological Weapons, Australia National University Press, 3-31.
- Rappert B, Moyes R. (2010) Enhancing the protection of civilians from armed conflict: precautionary lessons, Medicine, Conflict & Survival, volume 26, no. 1, pages 24-47.
- Rappert B. (2009) The Definitions, Uses, and Implications of Biosecurity, New Security Challenges, 1-21, DOI:10.1057/9780230245730_1.
- Rappert B, Moyes R. (2009) The prohibition of cluster munitions, Nonproliferation Review, volume 16, no. 2, pages 237-256, DOI:10.1080/10736700902969687.
- Rappert B, Gould C. (2009) The Challenges of Science and Security', Politeia, volume 28, no. 2.
- Rappert B. (2008) Police Use of Force, Dictionary of Policing, Willan.
- Rappert B, Balmer B, Stone J. (2008) Science, Technology and the Military: Priorities, Preoccupations and Possibilities, The Handbook of Science and Technology Studies, MIT Press.
- Rappert B. (2008) Defining the Emerging Concern with Biosecurity, Japan Journal for Science, Technology and Society, volume 17, pages 95-116.
- Rappert B. (2008) The Benefits, Risks, and Threats of Biotechnology February, Science & Public Policy, volume 35, no. 1, pages 37-44.
- Rappert B, Croft S. (2007) Introduction, DOI:10.1057/9780230591882_1.
- Rappert B. (2007) Discussing Science, New Security Challenges, 36-55, DOI:10.1057/9780230223158_3.
- Rappert B. (2007) Learning to Respond, New Security Challenges, 73-98, DOI:10.1057/9780230223158_5.
- Rappert B. (2007) Closing Remarks, New Security Challenges, 169-175, DOI:10.1057/9780230223158_9.
- Rappert B. (2007) Biotechnology, Security and the Search for Limits An Inquiry into Research and Methods, New Security Challenges, 1-192.
- Rappert B. (2007) Neutrality and Bias, New Security Challenges, 123-142, DOI:10.1057/9780230223158_7.
- Rappert B. (2007) Openness and Constraint, New Security Challenges, 99-122, DOI:10.1057/9780230223158_6.
- Rappert B. (2007) The Dilemmas of Dual-use Research, New Security Challenges, 15-35, DOI:10.1057/9780230223158_2.
- Rappert B. (2007) Inquiry, Engagement, and Education, New Security Challenges, 56-70, DOI:10.1057/9780230223158_4.
- Rappert B. (2007) Introduction: What Should be Done?, New Security Challenges, 1-12, DOI:10.1057/9780230223158_1.
- Rappert B. (2007) Expertise and Equality, New Security Challenges, 143-165, DOI:10.1057/9780230223158_8.
- Rappert B. (2007) Policing & the use of force: less lethal weapons, Policing: a Journal of Policy and Practice, volume 1, no. 4, pages 472-484, DOI:10.1093/police/pam066. [PDF]
- Feakes D, Rappert B, McLeish C. (2007) Introduction, A Web of Prevention: Biological Weapons, Life Sciences and the Future Governance of Research, Earthscan.
- Rappert B. (2007) Policing & the Use of Force, Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice, volume 1, no. 4, pages 472-484.
- Rappert B. (2007) Education for the Life Sciences, A Web of Prevention: Biological Weapons, Life Sciences and the Future Governance of Research, Earthscan.
- Rappert B, McLeish C. (2007) A Web of Prevention: Biological Weapons, Life Sciences and the Governance of Research, Earthscan. [PDF]
- Rappert B. (2007) Codes of conduct and biological weapons: an in-process assessment, Biosecur Bioterror, volume 5, no. 2, pages 145-154, DOI:10.1089/bsp.2007.0003. [PDF]
- Rappert B. (2007) On the mid range: An exercise in disposing (or minding the gaps), Science Technology and Human Values, volume 32, no. 6, pages 693-712, DOI:10.1177/0162243907303599.
- Rappert B. (2007) Technology and Security, Palgrave Macmillan. [PDF]
- Rappert B, Balmer B. (2007) Rethinking “Secrecy” and “Disclosure”: What Science and Technology Studies Can Offer Attempts to Governing WMD Threats, Technology and Security, Palgrave.
- Rappert B. (2007) Biotechnology, Security and the Search for the Limits: An Inquiry into Research and Methods, Palgrave Macmillan.
- Rappert B. (2006) National Security, Terrorism & the Control of Life Science Research, Science and Technology Policies for the Anti Terrorism Era, IOS Press.
- Rappert B. (2006) Controlling the Weapons of War: Politics, Persuasion and the Prohibition of Inhumanity, Routledge.
- Nevola F, Jackson P. (2006) Introduction, 127-137. [PDF]
- Rappert, B.. (2005) Prohibitions, Weapons and Controversy: Managing the Problem of Ordering, Social Studies of Science, volume 35, no. 2, pages 211-240, DOI:10.1177/0306312705046629.
- Rappert B. (2005) Tasers in the UK Police’, Non-Lethal Weapons: Developments and Deployments, Routledge.
- Rappert B. (2004) Moralizing violence: Debating the acceptability of electrical weapons, Science as Culture, volume 13, no. 1, pages 3-35, DOI:10.1080/0950543042000193762.
- Webster A, Rappert B, Charles DR. (2003) Controlling intellectual property across the high-tech frontier: University spin-offs, SMEs and the science base, Intellectual Property and Innovation Management in Small Firms, 114-132, DOI:10.4324/9780203466278.
- Rappert B. (2003) Non-lethal weapons as legitimizing forces?: Technology, politics and the management of conflict, DOI:10.4324/9780203010402.
- Rappert B. (2003) Shock tactics, New Scientist, volume 177, no. 2382.
- Rappert B. (2003) Non-Lethal Weapons as Legitimizing Forces?: Technology, Politics and the Management of Conflict, Frank Cass.
- Charles D, Rappert B, Webster A. (2003) 'Controlling Intellectual Property across the High-Tech Frontier, Intellectual Property and Small Firms, Routledge.
- Rappert B. (2002) Towards an Understanding of Nonlethality, Non-Lethal Weapons, Frank Cass.
- Rappert B. (2001) Scenarios on the future of non-lethal weapons, Contemporary Security Policy, volume 22, no. 1, pages 57-82, DOI:10.1080/13523260512331391066.
- Rappert B. (2001) The Bauman reader, SOCIOLOGY-THE JOURNAL OF THE BRITISH SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION, volume 35, no. 4, pages 992-994. [PDF]
- Rappert B. (2001) Zygmunt Bauman: Dialectic of modernity, SOCIOLOGY-THE JOURNAL OF THE BRITISH SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION, volume 35, no. 4, pages 992-994. [PDF]
- Rappert B. (2001) Scenarios on the Future of Non-lethal Weapons, Contemporary Security Policy, volume 22, no. 1, pages 50-74.
- Brown N, Rappert B. (2000) Emerging bioinformatic networks: Contesting the public meaning of private and the private meaning of public, Prometheus: Critical Studies in Innovation, volume 18, no. 4, pages 437-452, DOI:10.1080/08109020020008532.
- Brown N, Rappert B. (2000) Emerging bioinformatic networks: Contesting the public meaning of private and the private meaning of public, Prometheus, volume 18, no. 4.
- Brown N, Rappert B, Webster A. (2000) Contested Futures, Ashgate.
- Rappert B, Webster A. (1998) Links between Universities and Their Spin-Offs: Variation by Type and Sector, Industry and Higher Education, volume 12, no. 6, pages 332-338, DOI:10.1177/095042229801200602.
- Rappert B. (1997) Irreconcilable differences? The business of social research and users, Higher Education Quarterly, volume 51, no. 3, pages 239-250, DOI:10.1111/1468-2273.00042.
- Rappert B. (1997) University Spin-offs in the Commercialization of Research: A Balancing Act, Industry and Higher Education, volume 11, no. 5, pages 270-277, DOI:10.1177/095042229701100502.
- Rappert B. (1997) Users and social science research: Policy, problems and possibilities, Sociological Research Online, volume 2, no. 3, DOI:10.5153/sro.109.
- Rappert B. (1997) Managing scarcity: Priority setting and rationing in the national health service - Klien,R, Day,P, Redmayne,S, SOCIOLOGY-THE JOURNAL OF THE BRITISH SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION, volume 31, no. 4, pages 820-821, DOI:10.1177/0038038597031004021. [PDF]
- Rappert B. (1996) Patenting politics: US initiatives for hegemony in biotechnology, New Political Science, volume 18, no. 2-3, pages 111-132, DOI:10.1080/07393149608429777.
- Rappert B. (1996) Investigating small firms: Nice work? - Holliday,R, SOCIOLOGY-THE JOURNAL OF THE BRITISH SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION, volume 30, no. 4, pages 836-837, DOI:10.1177/0038038596030004029. [PDF]
- Rappert B. (1995) Shifting notions of accountability in public- and private-sector research in the UK: Some central concerns, Science and Public Policy, volume 22, no. 6, pages 383-390, DOI:10.1093/spp/22.6.383.
- Rappert B. (1995) The us extension of plant variety protection: A critical evaluation, Science and Public Policy, volume 22, no. 2, pages 95-105, DOI:10.1093/spp/22.2.95.