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Social and Political Sciences, Philosophy, and Anthropology

Photo of Professor Brian Rappert

Professor Brian Rappert

Professor (Sociology)


01392 723353

Amory 318A


My long term concern lies with the social and ethical dilemmas associated with scientific and technical expertise.  In particular, I have been concerned with how data and information are managed in areas of public controversy.  Much of my work in recent years has examined whether and how research and evidence inform professional practice.

Because much of my research takes place in police, security and diplomatic communities where questions of disclosure and concealment loom large, I have reflected on the methodological issues associated with investigating and writing about secrecy.  This has led to attention to silences and absences: how some issues don’t get considered, how some concerns go unsaid, what grievances never get formed, and what paths in social and political are never pursued.


My office hours for Term 2 in 318a Amory are:

Wednesdays 16:00-17:00 Fridays 11:30-12:30

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  • Sociology of science and technology
  • Discourse analysis
  • Criminology and policing 
  • War and conflict
  • Secrecy
  • Data, evidence and practice
  • Magic 
  • Deception 

Research students

Georgina Lewis
SWDTC ESRC Studentship

Simone Long
SWDTP ESRC Studentship

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Copyright Notice: Any articles made available for download are for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the copyright holder.

| To Appear | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 |

To Appear

  • Rappert B. ‘Revealing and Concealing Secrets in Research: The Potential for the Absent', Qualitative Research, volume 10, no. 5, pages 571-588.
  • Rappert B, Bezuidenhout L. Conclusion, Education and Ethics in the Life Sciences: Strengthening the Prohibition of Biological Weapons, Australia National University Press, 215-222.
  • Rappert B. Revealing and Concealing Secrets in Research: The Potential for the Absent, Qualitative Research, volume 10, no. 5, pages 571-587.




  • Gandhi D, Heyns C, Maslen S, Orao B, Oyakhirome IL, Probert T, Adang O, De Paepe J, Easton M, Dymond A. (2021) Towards a Lethal Force Monitor.
  • Wilson-Kovacs D, Rappert B, Redfern L. (2021) Dirty Work? Policing On-line Indecency in Digital Forensics, The British Journal of Criminology: an international review of crime and society, volume 62, Issue 1, pages 106-123, DOI:10.1093/bjc/azab055.
  • Rappert B. (2021) The Magic of Social Life: Online Topics and Resources, Journal of Performance Magic, volume 6, DOI:10.5920/jpm.840.
  • Rappert B, Adang O, Daillère A, De Paepe J, Dymond A, Easton M, Skinner S. (2021) Police Lethal Force and Accountability: Monitoring Deaths in Western Europe.



  • Rappert B. (2019) Can the law regulate the humanitarian effects of technologies?, Routledge Handbook of War, Law and Technology, 50-62.
  • Rappert B. (2019) Leaky revelations: Commitments in exposing militarism, Current Anthropology, volume 60, no. S19, pages S148-S157, DOI:10.1086/700649.



  • Brown N, Rappert B, Webster A. (2017) Contested futures: A sociology of prospective techno-science, DOI:10.4324/9781315259420.
  • Brown N, Rappert B, Webster A. (2017) Introducing contested futures: From looking into the future to looking at the future, Contested Futures: A Sociology of Prospective Techno-Science, 3-20.
  • Rappert B. (2017) Fostering data openness by enabling science: A proposal for micro-funding, Data Science Journal, volume 16, DOI:10.5334/dsj-2017-044.
  • Rappert B, Colombetti G, Coopmans C. (2017) What is absent from contemplative neuroscience? Rethinking limits within the study of consciousness, experience, and meditation, Journal of Consciousness Studies, volume 24, no. 5-6, pages 199-255.
  • Rappert B, Bezuidenhout L. (2017) Data Sharing in Low-resourced Research Environments, Prometheus.
  • Bezuidenhout L, Leonelli S, Kelly A, Rappert B. (2017) Beyond the Digital Divide: Towards a Situated Approach to Open Data, Science and Public Policy, DOI:10.1093/scipol/scw036.
  • Rappert B, Coopmans, Colombetti G. (2017) Meditations on silence: The (non-)conveying of the experiential in scientific accounts of Buddhist meditation, Silences of Science. Gaps and Pauses in the Communication of Science, Routledge, 193-217.








  • RAPPERT B. (2010) Making Silence Matter: The Place of the Absences in Ethnography, Ethnographic Praxis in Industry Conference Proceedings, volume 2010, no. 1, pages 260-273, DOI:10.1111/j.1559-8918.2010.00023.x.
  • Rappert B. (2010) Revealing and Concealing Secrets in Research: The Potential for the Absent, Qualitative Research, volume 10, no. 1, pages 571-588.
  • Rappert B, Moyes R. (2010) 'Enhancing the Protection of Civilians from Armed Conflict: Precautionary Lessons', Medicine, Conflict & Survival, volume 26, no. 1, pages 24-47.
  • Rappert B. (2010) Making Silences Matter, The Way of Ethnography, American Anthropological Association, 260-273.
  • Rappert B. (2010) Introduction, Education and Ethics in the Life Sciences: Strengthening the Prohibition of Biological Weapons, Australia National University Press, 3-31.
  • Rappert B, Moyes R. (2010) Enhancing the protection of civilians from armed conflict: precautionary lessons, Medicine, Conflict & Survival, volume 26, no. 1, pages 24-47.



  • Rappert B. (2008) Police Use of Force, Dictionary of Policing, Willan.
  • Rappert B, Balmer B, Stone J. (2008) Science, Technology and the Military: Priorities, Preoccupations and Possibilities, The Handbook of Science and Technology Studies, MIT Press.
  • Rappert B. (2008) Defining the Emerging Concern with Biosecurity, Japan Journal for Science, Technology and Society, volume 17, pages 95-116.
  • Rappert B. (2008) The Benefits, Risks, and Threats of Biotechnology February, Science & Public Policy, volume 35, no. 1, pages 37-44.


  • Rappert B, Croft S. (2007) Introduction, DOI:10.1057/9780230591882_1.
  • Rappert B. (2007) Discussing Science, New Security Challenges, 36-55, DOI:10.1057/9780230223158_3.
  • Rappert B. (2007) Learning to Respond, New Security Challenges, 73-98, DOI:10.1057/9780230223158_5.
  • Rappert B. (2007) Closing Remarks, New Security Challenges, 169-175, DOI:10.1057/9780230223158_9.
  • Rappert B. (2007) Biotechnology, Security and the Search for Limits An Inquiry into Research and Methods, New Security Challenges, 1-192.
  • Rappert B. (2007) Neutrality and Bias, New Security Challenges, 123-142, DOI:10.1057/9780230223158_7.
  • Rappert B. (2007) Openness and Constraint, New Security Challenges, 99-122, DOI:10.1057/9780230223158_6.
  • Rappert B. (2007) The Dilemmas of Dual-use Research, New Security Challenges, 15-35, DOI:10.1057/9780230223158_2.
  • Rappert B. (2007) Inquiry, Engagement, and Education, New Security Challenges, 56-70, DOI:10.1057/9780230223158_4.
  • Rappert B. (2007) Introduction: What Should be Done?, New Security Challenges, 1-12, DOI:10.1057/9780230223158_1.
  • Rappert B. (2007) Expertise and Equality, New Security Challenges, 143-165, DOI:10.1057/9780230223158_8.
  • Rappert B. (2007) Policing & the use of force: less lethal weapons, Policing: a Journal of Policy and Practice, volume 1, no. 4, pages 472-484, DOI:10.1093/police/pam066. [PDF]
  • Feakes D, Rappert B, McLeish C. (2007) Introduction, A Web of Prevention: Biological Weapons, Life Sciences and the Future Governance of Research, Earthscan.
  • Rappert B. (2007) Policing & the Use of Force, Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice, volume 1, no. 4, pages 472-484.
  • Rappert B. (2007) Education for the Life Sciences, A Web of Prevention: Biological Weapons, Life Sciences and the Future Governance of Research, Earthscan.
  • Rappert B, McLeish C. (2007) A Web of Prevention: Biological Weapons, Life Sciences and the Governance of Research, Earthscan. [PDF]
  • Rappert B. (2007) Codes of conduct and biological weapons: an in-process assessment, Biosecur Bioterror, volume 5, no. 2, pages 145-154, DOI:10.1089/bsp.2007.0003. [PDF]
  • Rappert B. (2007) On the mid range: An exercise in disposing (or minding the gaps), Science Technology and Human Values, volume 32, no. 6, pages 693-712, DOI:10.1177/0162243907303599.
  • Rappert B. (2007) Technology and Security, Palgrave Macmillan. [PDF]
  • Rappert B, Balmer B. (2007) Rethinking “Secrecy” and “Disclosure”: What Science and Technology Studies Can Offer Attempts to Governing WMD Threats, Technology and Security, Palgrave.
  • Rappert B. (2007) Biotechnology, Security and the Search for the Limits: An Inquiry into Research and Methods, Palgrave Macmillan.


  • Rappert B. (2006) National Security, Terrorism & the Control of Life Science Research, Science and Technology Policies for the Anti Terrorism Era, IOS Press.
  • Rappert B. (2006) Controlling the Weapons of War: Politics, Persuasion and the Prohibition of Inhumanity, Routledge.
  • Nevola F, Jackson P. (2006) Introduction, 127-137. [PDF]





  • Rappert B. (2002) Towards an Understanding of Nonlethality, Non-Lethal Weapons, Frank Cass.


  • Rappert B. (2001) Scenarios on the future of non-lethal weapons, Contemporary Security Policy, volume 22, no. 1, pages 57-82, DOI:10.1080/13523260512331391066.
  • Rappert B. (2001) The Bauman reader, SOCIOLOGY-THE JOURNAL OF THE BRITISH SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION, volume 35, no. 4, pages 992-994. [PDF]
  • Rappert B. (2001) Zygmunt Bauman: Dialectic of modernity, SOCIOLOGY-THE JOURNAL OF THE BRITISH SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION, volume 35, no. 4, pages 992-994. [PDF]
  • Rappert B. (2001) Scenarios on the Future of Non-lethal Weapons, Contemporary Security Policy, volume 22, no. 1, pages 50-74.






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Modules taught

  • SOC1039 - Social Issues: Part I - Introducing Crime and Deviance
  • SOC1040 - Social Issues: Part II - Themes in Criminology

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