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Social and Political Sciences, Philosophy, and Anthropology

Photo of Dr Rebecca Wheeler

Dr Rebecca Wheeler

Senior Research Fellow


01392 723170

Lazenby House 1.03


Rebecca Wheeler is a Senior Research Fellow in the Centre for Rural Policy Research (CRPR). Her current research interests include:

- Farmer attitudes, behaviour and decision-making in relation to the environment, including agri-environment schemes, landscape-scale management and adaptation to climate change.

- Health and wellbeing in the agricultural community

- Public engagement with farming and nature; farmer-community relationships

- Social and cultural geographies of place and landscape, including heritage, temporality and the oral histories of everyday landscapes

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My research covers a range of issues within the broad area of rural social science. My current interests include:

- Farmer attitudes, behaviour and decision-making in relation to the environment, including agri-environment schemes, landscape-scale management and adaptation to climate change.

- Health and wellbeing in the agricultural community

- Public engagement with farming and nature; farmer-community relationships

- Social and cultural geographies of place and landscape, including heritage, temporality and the oral histories of everyday landscapes

Since joining the CRPR, I have been involved in a number of large research projects, including: Defra's Sustainable Intensification Research Platform (SIP) (which investigated the potential for intensifying agricultural land management to produce more food whilst also improving environmental management); an evaluation of the Higher Level Stewardship Scheme for Natural England; and the Hampshire Avon Demonstration Test Catchment project (looking at farmer attitudes and practices around diffuse water pollution.

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I am currently supervising the following PhD researchers:

Hannah Mortimer: Feeding beef cattle: Regenerative practices, perceptions and performances of the 'good farmer' in Devon, England.

Skylar Collins: Understanding risk, safety and mental health challenges in UK small-scale fisheries

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Copyright Notice: Any articles made available for download are for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the copyright holder.

| 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 |






  • Morris C, Jarrett S, Lobley M, Wheeler RM. (2017) Baseline Farm Survey – Final Report. Report for Defra project LM0302 Sustainable Intensification Research Platform Project 2: Opportunities and Risks for Farming and the Environment at Landscape Scales, Defra.



  • Jarrett S, Morris C, Wheeler RM, Winter M, Collins A. (2015) Literature Review on Farming Collaboration. Report for Defra project LM0302 Sustainable Intensification Research Platform Project 2: Opportunities and Risks for Farming and the Environment at Landscape Scales.


  • Wheeler R. (2014) Students and supervisors: debating the nature of doctoral supervision (Panel member), RGS-IBG Annual Conference, London, 27th - 29th Aug 2014.
  • Wheeler R. (2014) Mining memories in a Cumbrian village: landscape and place identity, RGS-IBG Postgraduate Mid-term Conference, Loughborough, 14th - 15th Apr 2014.
  • Wheeler R. (2014) Wind energy and local readings of landscape: conflict or congruent?, RGS-IBG Annual Conference, London, 27th - 29th Aug 2014.
  • Wheeler R. (2014) Mining memories in a rural community: Landscape, temporality and place identity, Journal of Rural Studies, volume 36, pages 22-32, DOI:10.1016/j.jrurstud.2014.06.005. [PDF]


  • Wheeler R. (2013) The hybrid countryside: a wind energy resource?, Rurality: New Perspectives and Themes, Bamberg, Germany, 14th - 15th Nov 2013.


  • Wheeler R. (2012) Winds of change: how are wind farms incorporated into conceptualisations and representations of rural places?, European Society for Rural Sociology (ESRS)Summer School, Ristiina, Finland, 19th - 26th Aug 2012.

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I have a broad background in rural geography and environmental sustainability and completed my PhD, titled 'Experiences of Place and Change in Rural Landscapes: Three English case studies', in May 2015 (Plymouth University). This explored rural residents' experiences of, and attitudes towards, place-based changes - and the implications of these for processes of identity and place attachment - with a particular focus on existing wind farms.

Prior to my postgraduate studies, I worked as Climate SouthWest Project Officer for the Environment Agency, where I was involved in regional efforts to raise awareness of the impacts of climate change and encourage adaptation action. I also hold an MSc in Sustainable Environmental Management (Plymouth University) and a BSocSci in Social Anthropology (University of Manchester).

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More information

Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy

Member of the Royal Geographical Society (RGS-IBG)

Member of the European Society for Rural Sociology (ESRS)

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