Dr Achim Rosemann
Honorary Research Fellow
Achim has published widely in social science journals, biomedical and life science journals as well as online platforms. He has also edited a special issue in Science as Culture, initiated and co-edited a double special issue in Regenerative Medicine, published an edited book volume with Springer, and co-created an educational digital resource (with colleagues from the ERC-funded EuroStemCell platform in Edinburgh). A monograph with McGill-Queens University Press is under contract. He serves as an associate editor for the journal Science as Culture.
1. Special Issues and Books
Rosemann, A. (2019) ‘Alter-standardizing Clinical Trials’, Science as Culture, 28(2), 125-249.
Rosemann, A., Barfoot, J., and C. Blackburn (2017) 'Regenerative Medicine in Society: Interdisciplinary Perspectives (Part 1)', Regenerative Medicine, 12(6), 577-731 [September issue 2017] (Press Release RegMedNet)
Barfoot, J., Rosemann, A., and C. Blackburn (2017) 'Regenerative Medicine in Society: Interdisciplinary Perspectives (Part 2)', Regenerative Medicine, 12(7), 733-892 [October issue 2017] (Press Release Eurekalert)
Pham, P.V., and A. Rosemann (2017) Stem Cells in Clinical Applications (Volume 6): Safety, Ethics and Regulation. Heidelberg and New York: Springer (Series Editor: Phuc Van Pham). ISBN 978-3-319-59164-3.
Rosemann, A., Molyneux-Hodgson, S. and S. Atkinson (under contract). Making Reponsible Futures: Industrial Biotechnology and the Challenge of Innovation. Montreal and London: McGill-Queens University Press.
2. Academic Publications (Social Science and Life Science/Biomedical Journals as well as Book Sections)
Rosemann, A. and S. Molyneux-Hodgson (2020). The UK National Industrial Biotechnology Strategy to 2030: What role for Responsible Research and Innovation, The Biochemist Blog. Part 1, and Part 2.
Rosemann, A. and S. Molyneux-Hodgson (2020). Industrial Biotechnology: To what extent is Responsible Innovation on the Agenda?, Trends in Biotechnology, 38(1), 5.7.
Rosemann, A., Balen, A., Hauskeller, C., Nerlich, B., Sleeboom-Faulkner, M., Hartley, S., Zhang, X.Q. and N. Lee (2019). Heritable genome editing in global context: national and international policy challenges. Hastings Centre Report, 49(3), 30-42.
Rosemann, A. (2019). Alterstandardizing Clinical Trials: The gold standard in the cross-fire. Science as Culture, 38(2), 125-148.
Rosemann, A. (2019) Balancing social justice and risk management in the governance of gene drive technology: lessons from stem cell research. In: Hauskeller, C., Manzeschke, A., and A. Pichl (Eds). The Matrix of Stem Cell Research Revisited. Routledge.
Bortz, G., Rosemann, A., and F. Vasen (2019). Shaping Stem Cell Therapies in Argentina: Regulation, Risk Management and Innovation Policies, Sociologias, 21(50), 116-155.
Rosemann, A., Vasen, F. and G. Bortz (2018). Global Diversification in Medicine Regulation: Insights from Regenerative Stem Cell Medicine, Science as Culture. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/09505431.2018.1556253.
Rosemann, A. and H.Y. Luo (2018) Attitudes on the Donation of Human Embryos for Stem Cell Research among Chinese IVF Patients and Students. Journal of Bioethical Inquiry. Doi.org/10.1007/s11673-018-9862-9.
Jiang, L. and A. Rosemann (2018). Human embryo gene editing in China: the uncertain legal status of the embryo, Biosocieties. Doi.org/10.1057/s41292-018-0116-1.
Rosemann, A., Bortz, G., and F. Vasen (2018). Regulatory developments for non-hematopoietic stem cell therapeutics: perspectives from the EU, the USA, Japan, China, India, Argentina and Brazil. In: X.D. Chen (ed.) A Roadmap to non-Hematopoietic Stem Cell-based Therapeutics: From the Bench to the Clinic. London and New York: Elsevier Academic Press.
Rosemann, A., Jiang, L. and X.Q. Zhang (2018). The Regulatory and Legal Situation of Human Embryo, Gamete and Germ Line Gene Editing Research and Clinical Applications in the People’s Republic of China. Commissioned Background Paper. Nuffield Council of Bioethics.
Sleeboom-Faulkner, M., Chen, H.D. and A. Rosemann (2018). Regulatory Capacity Building and the Governance of Clinical Stem Cell Research in China, Science and Public Policy, 45(3), 417-427.
Rosemann, A., Barfoot, J. and C. Blackburn (2017) Special Focus Issue on Regenerative Medicine in Society: Interdisciplinary Perspectives (Part I) – Foreword. Regenerative Medicine, 12(6), 577-580. (September Issue 2017).
Barfoot, J., A. Rosemann and C. Blackburn (2017) Special Focus Issue on Regenerative Medicine in Society: Interdisciplinary Perspectives (Part II) – Foreword. Regenerative Medicine, 12(7), 733-736. (October Issue 2017).
Rosemann, A., Zhang Z.Q,, Sui, S.L., Ely, A., and Sleeboom-Faulkner, M. (2017) The regulatory situation for stem cell research in China: basic, preclinical and clinical research. In: Pham, P.V. and A. Rosemann (eds.) Stem Cells in Clinical Applications: Safety, Ethics and Regulations. Heidelberg and New York: Springer, 275-290.
Rosemann, A. (2017) Contested Tissues: the donation of oocytes and embryos in the IVF-Stem Cell Interface in China. In: Pham, P.V. and A. Rosemann (eds.) Stem Cells in Clinical Applications: Safety, Ethics and Regulations. Heidelberg and New York: Springer, 291-300.
Bortz, G., Vasen, F. and A. Rosemann (2017) Entre oportunidad y riesgo. Regulación, expectativas y políticas CTI para células madre en Argentina. Ciencia, Docencia y Tecnología, 54, 38-74.
Rosemann, A. (2017) Challenges to international stem cell clinical trials in countries with divergent regulations. In: Pham, P.V. and A. Rosemann (eds.) Stem Cells in Clinical Applications: Safety, Ethics and Regulations. Heidelberg and New York: Springer, 301-319.
Pham, P.V., and A. Rosemann (2017) Safety, Ethics and Regulation - Preface. In: Pham, P.V. and A. Rosemann (eds.) Stem Cells in Clinical Applications: Safety, Ethics and Regulations. Heidelberg and New York: Springer.
Rosemann, A., L. Jiang and X.Q. Zhang (2017) Human Germ Line Gene Editing: Why comparative, cross-national studies on public viewpoints are important. Anthropology, DOI: 10.4172/2332-0915.1000175
Sleeboom-Faulkner, M. Chekar, C. Faulkner, A. Heitmeyer, C., Marouda, M. Rosemann, A, et al. (2016) National Home-Keeping and the Regulation of Translational Stem Cell Applications: An international perspective, Social Science & Medicine, 153, 240-249
Rosemann, A., Bortz, G., Vasen, F., and M. Sleeboom-Faulkner (2016) Global regulatory developments for clinical stem cell research: diversification and challenges to collaborations, Regenerative Medicine, 11(7), 647-657.
Rosemann, A. and N. Chaisinthop (2016) The pluralization of the international: networks of resistance and alter-standardization in regenerative stem cell medicine. Social Studies of Science, 46(1), 112-39.
Rosemann, A. and M. Sleeboom-Faulkner (2016) New regulation for clinical stem cell research in China – expected impact and challenges for implementation, Regenerative Medicine, Doi:10.2217/rme.15.80
Rosemann, A. (2015) ‘Stem cell treatments for neurodegenerative diseases: challenges from a science, business and healthcare perspective, Neurodegenerative Disease Management, 5(2), 85-87.
Rosemann, A. (2015) ‘Multi-country Stem Cell Trials: the Need for an International Support Structure', Stem Cell Research, 14(3), 396-400.
Rosemann, A. (2014) 'Standardization as situation-specific achievement: Regulatory diversity and the production of value in intercontinental collaborations in stem cell medicine', Social Science & Medicine, 122, 72-80.
Rosemann, A. (2014) ‘Why regenerative stem cell medicine progresses slower than expected', Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, 15(12), 2073-2076.
Rosemann, A. (2014) 'Modalities of value, exchange, solidarity: the social life of stem cells in China', in: M. Sleeboom-Faulkner (Ed.) Stem Cell Research in Asia: Looking beyond regulatory exteriors. London/New York: Routledge.
Rosemann, A. (2013) 'Scientific Multipolarization: Its impact on international clinical research collaborations and theoretical implications', Science Technology and Society, 18(3), 339-359.
Rosemann, A. (2013) `Medical Innovation and National Experimental Pluralism: Insights from Clinical Stem Cell Research and Applications in China', BioSocieties, 8(1), 58-74.
Rosemann, A. (2011) `Modalities of Value, Exchange, Solidarity: Exploring the Social Life of Stem Cells in China', New Genetics and Society, 30(2)2, 181-192.
Rosemann, A. (2010) 'The IVF-Stem Cell Interface in China: Ontologies, Value-perceptions and Donation-practices of Embryonic Forms of Life ', in O. Doering (ed.), Life Sciences in Translation - A Sino-European Dialogue on Ethical Governance of the Life Sciences, BIONET, Online Textbook, delivery to the EU Commission, 168-179.
Rosemann, A. (2009) `Life without Value? Listening to the voices of embryo donors for human embryonic stem cell research in China', The Newsletter, International Institute of Asian Studies, No 52, winter 2009, 15-6. (URL: http://sro.sussex.ac.uk/53217/).
3. Digital Resources and Online Publications
Nerlich, B and A. Rosemann (2019). Heritable Genome Editing: National and International Governance Challenges and Policy Options. Making Science Public Blog (July 27, 2019).
Nerlich, B and A. Rosemann (2019). Towards a global dialogue about heritable germline editing: mapping needs and challenges. BioMed Central - On Society Blog (July 23, 2019).
EuroStemCell (2017). A Digital Gateway: Regenerative Medicine in Society. EuroStemCell Website: http://www.eurostemcell.org; Co-production with Jan Barfoot, Adam Price-Evans, Ryan Lewis, Anna Couturier, and Clare Blackburn. (Press Release EurekAlert) (Press Release RegMedNet).
This Digital Gateway comprises 27 short contributions of leading inter-disciplinary scholars written for patients, practitioners, and the wider public.
Rosemann, A., Barfoot, J., Price-Evans, A. and C. Blackburn (2017). Regenerative Medicine in Society – Introduction to the Digital Gateway.
Rosemann, A. (2017) The Regulation of Clinical Stem Cell Research and Applications: three dynamics of global regulatory diversification. RegMedNet. Spotlight to Cell Therapy Regulation (June 30, 2017). (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3).
Rosemann, A. (2013) ‘Stem Cell Clinical Trials’, Centre for Bionetworking, Educational Resource (URL: http://sro.sussex.ac.uk/53219/)
4. Other Publications
Rosemann, A. (2014) 'Multi-polar Technoscience: Clinical Science Collaborations in a Changing World System', PhD Dissertation.
5. Reports
Rosemann, A. (2017) 'Germ Line Gene Editing in Global Context: Challenges and Needs from a UK Perspective', report for the Nuffield Council of Bioethics's Working Party: “Genome Editing in Human Reproduction.”
Rosemann, A. (2015) ’Clinical stem cell research collaborations between China and the USA: opportunities, challenges, possible solutions’, client: Don Reed, Palo Alto, CA, USA (Californians for Cure; Sponsor of Roman Reed Spinal Cord Injury Research Act; CA)
Rosemann, A. (2014) ‘US FDA Regulation of Human Cells, Tissues and Cellular and Tissue-Based Products (HCT/P's), submitted to the ESRC.
Rosemann, A., Zhang XQ., Sui SS., Su YY, and A. Ely (2013) 'Country Report: Stem Cell Research in China'; part of a working paper series of the Bionetworking in Asia Project, submitted to the ESRC.
Rosemann, A. (2011) `Contextualizing Experimental Stem Cell Applications in China'; client: Department of Regulatory Affairs, Western Institutional Review Board (Western IRB), Olympia, USA
Rosemann, A. (2011) ‘Ethical Strategies in Stem Cell Banking: UK and Taiwan in cross-national Perspective', submitted to: Taiwan Stem Cell Bank, Hsinchu, Taiwan
Rosemann, A. (2010) `ISBC Report: Stem Cell Research in Taiwan', submitted to the ESRC.
Rosemann, A. (2009) `BIONET/LSE Research Stipend: Final Report', submitted to the European Commission.
Achim has an interdisciplinary background in medical anthropology, science and technology studies (STS) as well as China and East Asian studies, with fieldwork experience in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and the UK. His research involves mixed method approaches that combine qualitative and quantitative methods. Generally, his research and publications today have focused on the following areas.
(1) The social, cultural and regulatory dimensions of developments in stem cell research and regenerative medicine, genomics research and human genome editing, with a geographic focus on developments in the wider China region, the UK and the USA.
(2) The interface of bioscientists, ‘publics’, corporations, academia and the state in comparative perspective, with a focus on processes of public participation and "co-production" against the backdrop of global inequalities as well as differences in political and innovation cultures
(3) The subjective and experiential dimensions of biomedical innovation, i.e. the ways in which new medical inventions impact on the lives, experiences and perceptions of laypeople and patients, including the re-shaping of individual and collective identities and the creation of new forms of sociality, collective action and communities.
(4) Responsible Innovation (RI) in the context of the biotech industry: emerging practices, understandings and challenges to the adoption and implementation of responsible innovation ideas in the private sector.
I. Ongoing Research
(1) Book Project: Making the Future: Industrial Biotechnology and the Challenge of Responsible Innovation
Under contract: McGill-Queens University Press
Co-authors: Sally Atkinson and Susan Molyneux-Hodgson
(2) Responsible Research and Innovation in the Biotech Industry (2018 – 2019)
Funded by: Innovate UK
PI: Susan Molyneux-Hodgson
Partner: 4 small-to-mid size UK biotech corporations
This project focuses on the feasibility and adoption of responsible research and innovation ideas in the UK biotech industry. It examines emerging practices, meanings and challenges to the implementation of responsible innovation in the private sector. It involves interviews, documentary research and observations at UK biotech corporations.
II. Past Research Projects
From 2015 to 2017 I have co-developed the Life Science, Society and Education research cluster at the Centre for Education of the University of Warwick. In the context of this work, I have obtained funding for two smaller projects:
(1) Human Germ Line Gene Editing in Global Context: Challenges and Needs from a UK Perspective (2016 – 2018)
Funded by: Wellcome Trust
PI: Achim Rosemann
Collaborators: Christine Hauskeller (University of Exeter), Margaret Sleeboom-Faulkner (University of Sussex), Brigitte Nerlich (University of Nottingham), Sarah Hartley (University of Exeter), Nick Lee (University of Warwick) and Xinqing Zhang (Chinese Academy of the Medical Sciences).
Project website: https://warwick.ac.uk/fac/soc/ces/research/current/humangermlinegene
This project has focused on the ethical, social, and regulatory issues that arise from the uptake of human germ line gene editing (HGE) research in a diverse international environment, that is characterized by differences in regulatory frameworks, human values and scientific, corporate and health care cultures. The project examined challenges to human germ line editing in the following three areas:
- The impact of international regulatory variation
- The management of shared global risks
- The realization of responsible research collaborations.
Findings from this research have been shared with the Nuffield Council of Bioethics, the Royal Society, the HEFA, UK patient organizations, and other organizations.
Publications: A book chapter with Routledge and two articles (currently under review). Findings from this research have also influenced publications in: Biosocieties, Regenerative Medicine, and Anthropology (as listed below). The project has also led to the organization of two conference panels, as well as an invited lecture and two conference presentations.
(2) The Regulatory and Legal Situation of Germline Gene Editing in the People’s Republic of China (2017)
Funded by: Nuffield Council of Bioethics
Lead researcher: Achim Rosemann
Partners: Xinqing Zhang (CAMS, Peking), Li Jiang (University of Soochow)
This project has examined the regulatory and legal landscape for human gamete, embryo and germ line genome editing in the People’s Republic of China. Relevant policies and provisions were discussed in relation to a variety of historical, socio-economic, political and cultural factors that shape bio-medical innovation in China, and that influence issues such as implementation, enforcement, levels of compliance, as well as public opinions and debates on human germ line research.
Publications: a 14.000 word background briefing paper (published online by the Nuffield Council of Bioethics); an article in Biosocieties, a commentary in Anthropology, and one article under review.
(3) Stem Cell Politics: Evidence-based medicine and its discontents (2013-2018)
Funded by:Warwick Career Development Fellowship (W2015-17) and the ESRC & ERC (Centre for Bionetworking) (2013-15)
Phase II: Project Lead 2015-2018: Achim Rosemann
Phase I: This project started during employment at the ESRC & ERC funded Centre for Bionetworking at the University of Sussex in 2013, Director: Margaret Sleeboom-Faulkner).
Collaborators: Federico Vasen (University of Bueonos Aires, Argenina), Gabriela Bortz, (Universidat Nacional de Quilmes, Argentina) and Margaret Sleeboom-Faulkner (University of Sussex)
This project investigated processes of regulatory diversification in the field of clinical stem cell research, and the emerging of an international politics of opposition and alter-standardization, in which the use of randomized controlled trials and evidence-based medicine standards were increasingly contested. This project involved documentary research and interviews with scientists and policy makers in China and South America.
Publications: This research has led to a double special issue in Regenerative Medicine, an edited book volume with Springer Nature and a special issue in Science as Culture (in progress). It has also led to an online educational resource (published together with colleagues of the Horizon 2020-funded EuroStemCell project, of the University of Edinburgh) as well as articles in Regenerative Medicine; Science as Culture (accepted); Science and Public Policy; Ciencia, Docencia y Tecnologia; Sociologias (under review), as well as two book chapters with Elsevier Academic Press and Springer Nature.
(4) Multipolar Technoscience: clinical research collaborations in a changing world system (PhD, 2014, University of Sussex)
Funded by: ESRC (International Science and Bioethics Collaborations Project); PI: Marilyn Strathern
Dissertation Project: A. Rosemann
Supervisors: Margaret Sleeboom-Faulkner & Maya Unnithan
This project (PhD research) involved 15 months of fieldwork in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan and has focused on the formation of a trans-continental clinical trial infrastructure for neurodegenerative disorders. It has been concerned with processes of ethical governance and capacity building in a context of global inequalities and differences and the emergence of transnational forms of patient activism.
Publications: Findings from this research have been published in Social Science & Medicine, Social Studies of Science, Biosocieties, Science and Technology Studies, as well as various medical journals (Stem Cell Research; Journal of Cellular Biochemistry; Neurodegenerative Disease Managagement) and a book chapter at Springer.
(5) The IVF-Stem Cell Interface in China
Funded by: Junior research fellowship (BIONET Project) (2009), EU 6th Framework, PI: Nikolas Rose; as well as Vrije Universiteit Travel Fund (2008)
Project Lead: A. Rosemann
Collaborators: Huiyu Luo (Wuhan University of Science and Technology)
This research built forth on my Master’s Research (Supervisors: Oscar Salemink and Marion Den Uyl) at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, and involved ethnographic research and interviews in Chinese IVF clinics and stem cell labs, and a survey among IVF patients and students. It has focused on donation and exchange practices of human embryos for hESC research, and the ways in which the value and meanings of these tissues change, as they move from the IVF clinic to the stem cell lab, to biotech corporations.
Publications: Findings from this research have been published in New Genetics and Society, the Journal of Bioethical Inquiry as well as in three book chapters.
Achim joined the University of Exeter from the University of Warwick (Centre for Education Studies and Department of Sociology) where he co-developed the Life Science, Society and Education research cluster. Before he worked at the University of Sussex's Department of Anthropology as a postdoctoral researcher (Centre for Bionetworking). He is still affiliated to the Department of Anthropology / Centre for Bionetworking of the University of Sussex as a research associate.
Achim holds a PhD from the University of Sussex, and a B.Sc and M.Sc. in Social Anthropology from the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam, as well as a minor in Asian Studies (University of Amsterdam, University of Leiden) and Mandarin Chinese (University of Leiden, University of Wuhan). In 2013 he completed a PGCert Teaching and Learning in Higher Education in the School of Education and Social Work at the University of Sussex. He also obtained a certificate in Advanced Business Chinese from the Confucius Institute for Business Studies at LSE/Tsinghua University. In 2009 Achim was affiliated as junior researcher to BIONET (a Sino-EU consortium on the ethical governance of biological and biomedical research). Between May and July 2011 he was a visiting scholar at the National University of Singapore's Asian Biopoleis Project.