Dr Stuart Scrase
Lecturer (Sociology)
I lecture in both sociology and anthropology. My doctoral research utilised ethnographic fieldwork in north London to explore the 2011 English riots, specifically examining the issue of violence against police. Highlighting the role of shame and anger, the project sought to situate individual acts of violence in 2011 within an historical framework of police-black relations, education, socio-economic context, and structured possibilities for self-esteem. My research interests are affect and emotions, cognition, riots, policing, marginality, and race.
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- Scrase S. (2020) Corrigendum to: Re-Thinking Procedural Justice Theory Through Stop and Search: Shame, Anger, and Police Legitimacy, Policing A Journal of Policy and Practice, volume 15, no. 2, pages 1629-1629, DOI:10.1093/police/paaa063.
- Scrase S. (2020) Re-Thinking Procedural Justice Theory Through Stop and Search: Shame, Anger, and Police Legitimacy, Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice, volume 15, no. 2, pages 1476-1490, DOI:10.1093/police/paaa039. [PDF]